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Англо-русский словарь - possession


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Перевод с английского языка possession на русский

 1) владение, обладание; in possession of smth. - владеющий чем-л.; in the possession of smb., in smb. s possession - в чьем-л. владении; to take possession of - вступать во владение; овладеть
 2) pl. собственность; имущество; пожитки
 3) oft. pl. владения, зависимая территория
 4) одержимость
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См. в других словарях

  1. владение, обладание naked possession —- юр. фактическое владение при отсутствии правооснования writ of possession —- юр. распоряжение суда о вводе (кого-л.) во владение имуществом in smb's possession, in the possession of smb. —- в чьем-л. владении to be in possession of smth. —- владеть чем-л. to take (to get) possession of smth. —- стать владельцем чего-л., приобрести что-л.; овладеть чем-л., захватить что-л. to come (to enter) into possession of a fortune —- получить состояние в наследство to remain in possession of the field —- воен. сохранять инициативу на поле боя old ideas still keep possession of them —- они все еще находятся во власти старых понятий (представлений) to be in possession of the House —- парл. выступать (в прениях), брать слово the information in my possession —- сведения, имеющиеся в моем распоряжении in full possession of his faculties —- полностью (на сто процентов) использующий свои способности 2. часто pl. имущество, собственность; пожитки his personal possessions —- его личная собственность a man of great possessions —- состоятельный человек 3. владения, зависимая территория territorial possessions —- территориальные владения foreign (overseas) possessions —- иностранные владения 4. одержимость; идефикс 5. книж. одержимость бесами, сатаной, дьяволом 6. редк. хладнокровие, самообладание in this crisis his possession was admirable —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  владение, обладание – joint possession – personal possession POSSESSION сущ. 1) владение, обладание 2) имущество, собственность • - adverse possession - be in possession of smth. - be in the possession of... - chose in possession - constructive possession - constructive possession - criminal possession - debtors-in possession - exclusive possession - hostile possession - notorious possession - open possession - personal possessions - possession of - possession of land - unity of possession POSSESSION OF вступление во владение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) владение 2) имущество 3) обладание собственность - in possession of ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  ж.-д. "окно" (перерыв в движении на время ремонта, напр. пути) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 the act or state of possessing or being possessed. 2 the thing possessed. 3 the act or state of actual holding or occupancy. 4 Law power or control similar to lawful ownership but which may exist separately from it (prosecuted for possession of narcotic drugs). 5 (in pl.) property, wealth, subject territory, etc. 6 Football etc. temporary control of the ball by a particular player. Phrases and idioms in possession 1 (of a person) possessing. 2 (of a thing) possessed. in possession of 1 having in one's possession. 2 maintaining control over (in possession of one's wits). in the possession of held or owned by. possession order an order made by a court directing that possession of a property be given to the owner. take possession (often foll. by of) become the owner or possessor (of a thing). Derivatives possessionless adj. Etymology: ME f. OF possession or L possessio -onis (as POSSESS) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the act of having or taking into control  b. control or occupancy of property without regard to ownership  c. ownership  d. control of the ball or puck; also an instance of having such control (as in football) scored on their first two ~s  2. something owned, occupied, or controlled ; property  3.  a. domination by something (as an evil spirit, a passion, or an idea)  b. a psychological state in which an individual's normal personality is replaced by another  c. self-~  • ~al adjective  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (possessions) 1. If you are in possession of something, you have it, because you have obtained it or because it belongs to you. (FORMAL) Those documents are now in the possession of the Guardian... We should go up and take possession of the land... He was also charged with illegal possession of firearms... N-UNCOUNT: oft in N of n 2. Your possessions are the things that you own or have with you at a particular time. People had lost their homes and all their possessions... She had tidied away her possessions. = belongings N-COUNT: usu pl, poss N 3. A country’s possessions are countries or territories that it controls. (FORMAL) All of them were French possessions at one time or another. = colonies N-COUNT: usu pl, supp N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »STH YOU OWN« C usually plural something that someone owns and keeps or uses themselves  (The police went through all the dead girl's possessions. | I packed my remaining possessions into the trunk.) 2 »STATE OF HAVING STH« formal the state of having or owning something, especially a valuable object, piece of information etc  (be in sb's possession)  (The house has been in the family's possession since the s. | be in possession of sth/have sth in your possession (=have something))  (She was found in possession of stolen goods. | I have in my possession a number of secret documents. | come into sb's possession (=if something comes into your possession, you get it))  (How did the painting come into your possession? | have possession of (=to own or have something, after you have bought it or taken it from someone else))  (The finance company now has possession of the house.) 3 take possession of sth if you take possession of a house, car, or valuable object, you get it after it has become yours  (We didn't take possession of the car until a few days after the auction.) 4 »DRUGS/GUN« law the crime of having illegal drugs or a gun with you or in your home  (He faces trial on charges of possession of a loaded firearm.) 5 »COUNTRY« a country controlled or governed by another country  (Britain's former overseas possessions) 6 »BALL« the state of having control of the ball in some sports  (get/lose possession)  (Waddell gets possession, and he scores!) 7 »AMERICAN FOOTBALL« a period of time in American football when one team is playing offense2 and has control of the ball 8 »EVIL SPIRITS« a situation in which someone's mind is being controlled by an evil spirit  (tales of possession and poltergeists and exorcisms) 9 in (full) possession of your faculties/senses able to think in a clear and intelligent way and not crazy, or affected by old age  (She's over 80 now, but she's still in full possession of all her faculties.) 10 possession is nine-tenths of the law used to mean that someone who has something is...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1340, from L. possessionem (nom. possessio), from pp. stem of possidere "to possess." Legal property sense is earliest; demonic sense first recorded 1590. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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