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Англо-русский словарь - pile


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into coll.
 а) входить гурьбой, вваливаться; As soon as the gates were opened, crowds of football supporters piled into the ground.
 б) наваливаться (на еду, работу и т.д.); ввязываться (в драку и. т.д.); If everyone piles into the job, well soon get it finished. Why do you have to pile into every street fight?
 а) нагромождать(ся); скапливаться; The child piled up the bricks until they fell over. The clouds are piling up, so it might rain after all.
 б) накапливать; to pile up money; to pile up arms; If you always give the children everything they want, you will be piling up trouble for yourself later.
 в) разбить, разбиться (об автомашине и т.д.); A bus and three cars piled up on the main road this morning.
 г) aeron. разбить самолет при взлете или посадке;
 д) наскочить на мель (о корабле)
 1. noun
 1) куча, груда, штабель; столбик (монет); кипа (бумаг); пачка, связка, пакет; pile of stones - груда камней; pile of wood - поленница
 2) погребальный костер (тж. funeral pile)
 3) огромное здание; громада зданий; the noble pile of a cathedral - величественная громада собора
 4) coll. множество, большое количество; a pile of trouble - масса неприятностей
 5) coll. состояние, куча денег; to make ones pile - нажить состояние;
 6) electr. батарея
 7) phys. ядерный реактор (тж. atomic pile) Syn: agglomeration, heap, mass
 2. v.
 1) складывать, сваливать в кучу; to pile arms mil. - составлять винтовки в козлы
 2) накоплять (часто pile up)
 3) нагружать; наваливать, заваливать; громоздить (on, upon); Our very generous host piled our plates with food. The office has been piled with work ever since the new director arrived.
 4) amer.; coll. бежать (за кем-л.), догонять (кого-л.) (after) - pile in - pile into - pile off/out - pile up to pile up/on the agony - сгущать краски, накручивать всякие ужасы; ? The mother does love to pile on the agony and have everyone feel sorry for her. to pile it on - преувеличивать; Dont believe everything he says, hes probably piling it on as usual. II
 1. noun свая, столб, кол
 2. v. вбивать, вколачивать сваи III noun
 1) шерсть, волос, пух
 2) ворс IV noun; med.
 1) геморроидальная шишка
 2) pl. геморрой V noun obs. обратная сторона монеты; cross or pile - орел или решка
PILE in coll.
 а) входить гурьбой, вваливаться; As soon as the gates were opened, crowds of football supporters piled in.
 б) наваливаться (на еду, работу и т.д.); ввязываться (в драку и т.д.); If everyone piles in, well soon have the job finished. He could never pass a street fight without piling in.
 в) (on) овладевать, охватывать; Unpleasant memories have been piling in on me since that meeting with my old enemy.
PILE off/out coll. выходить (откуда-л.) толпой, гурьбой, вываливаться; The train stopped, and crowds of passengers piled off. After the game, crowds of football supporters piled out.
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См. в других словарях

  1. свая; столб; кол bridge pile —- свая моста built on piles —- построенный (стоящий) на сваях to drive in a pile —- забивать сваю to drive piles (home) —- вбивать (вколачивать) сваи 2. травинка, былинка 3. наконечник стрелы 4. геральд. клинообразная фигура, обращенная острием вниз 5. ист. пилум, тяжелое копье (у римской пехоты) 6. делать, сооружать свайное основание 7. вбивать, вколачивать сваи the ditch was piled and planked —- в канаву забили сваи, а на них настлали доски 8. куча, груда; штабель; кипа; пачка, связка; стопка pile of books —- пачка (связка) книг pile of stones —- груда камней pile of logs —- штабель бревен pile of wood —- поленница piles of corpses on the battlefield —- груды тел на поле сражения pile of gold pieces —- столбик золотых монет pile of saucers —- стопка блюдец pile of arms —- оружие, составленное в пирамиду leaf pile —- куча листьев dump pile —- свалка a mountainous pile of mail —- гора писем 9. с-х. кагат, бурт 10. погребальный или жертвенный костер 11. огромное здание; громада здания magnificent pile —- великолепное здание the noble pile of a cathedral —- величественная громада собора 12. разг. состояние, куча денег to make one's pile —- нажить (сделать) состояние 13. разг. деньги, денежки 14. разг. куча, масса a pile of trouble —- куча неприятностей I have a pile of work to do —- мне надо...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. сущ. 1) куча, груда 2) штабель 3) кипа, пачка - stock pile 2. гл. 1) складывать, сваливать в кучу 2) накоплять 3) увеличивать (up) 4) нагружать 5) наваливать, заваливать - pile up arms - pile up expenses ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) баган 2) батарея 3) ворс 4) ворсовый 5) вперекидку 6) груда 7) кипа 8) костровый 9) котел 10) куча 11) набор 12) нагромождение 13) начес 14) пакет древесины 15) реактор 16) свайный 17) сваливать 18) свая 19) стопа 20) уваливать 21) увалить 22) штабелевать 23) штабелировать 24) штабель drive pile to refusal — забивать сваю до отказа pile bears load — свая несет нагрузку pile rests on rock — свая опирается на породу pile transmits loads — свая передает нагрузку reinforced concrete pile — железобетонная свая - batter pile - blunt pile - boring pile - cast-in-place pile - concrete pile - crown of pile - delivery pile - encased pile - feeder pile - fender pile - foundation pile - gauge pile - hinged pile - hollow pile - install pile - jetted pile - load-bearing pile - lumber pile - muck bar pile - nuclear pile - overdrive pile - pile band - pile bridge - pile butt - pile cap - pile casing - pile cloth - pile cluster - pile cylinder - pile driver - pile pier - pile sheets - pile shoe - pile stockade - pile superphosphate - pile up - pile weave - pile winding - plumb pile - point pile - precast pile - sheet pile - sink pile - solid pile - splice pile - timber pile - uncased pile ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  батарея – radio pile ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  свая штабель; куча piles of concrete add-on pile alpha pile anchor pile Armco pile auger pile bag pile Balken pile batter pile bearing pile belled-out pile bored pile bored pile with expanded base bored and cast-in-place pile box pile British Steel Piling Co's cased pile BSP vibro pile buoyancy pile caisson pile cased pile cast-in-place displacement pile cast-in-situ pile cemcore auger-injected pile closed-end pipe pile Cobi pile compaction pile composite pile compressed pile compression pile concore auger-injected pile concrete pile concrete-filled steel pipe pile contiguous bored pile creosoted pile deflected pile delta pile displaced pile displacement pile Dowsett pile drilled pile driven pile driven cast-in-place pile driven shell pile driven underpinning pile encased sheet pile end-bearing pile enlarged pile female pile fender pile fixed-end pile floating pile Fondedile pile Franki pile Franki cased-pedestal pile Franki-Miga pile Franki uncased-pedestal pile free-end pile friction pile Frodingham box pile Frodingham double box pile Frodingham plated box pile Frodingham steel pile Fuentes pile Fundex pile Gambia pile gauge pile GKN driven pile guide pile H pile heaved pile Hercules pile Hochstrasser-Weise pile hollow pile hollow concrete tube pile hollow shell pile holmpress pile I pile inclined pile in-situ pile interlocking pile jack pile jetted pile jointed pile king pile large-diameter pile Larsen box pile lime pile MacArthur pile male pile micro pile Miga pile mini pile monotube pile mooring pile nondisplacement pile open-end pipe pile Pali Radice pile palm pile pedestal pile pipe pile pipe step taper pile point-bearing pile polypropylene reinforced pile precast pile precast sectional pile prefabricated pile preformed pile preliminary pile pressure pile Prestcore pile prestressed pile pretest pile raker pile Raymond pile Raymond cylinder pile Raymond regulated injection pile Raymond standard taper pile Raymond step-taper pile rectangular hollow core r.c. pile Rendhex steel pile risen pile rock pile root pile rotary...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) штабель; стопа; кипа; куча; груда; полигр. тж. стапель штабелировать, складывать в штабель, стопу, кипу, кучу, груду 2) горн. отвал устраивать отвал; отсыпать в отвал 3) отвал грунта; кавальер 4) пачка; связка; пакет связывать в пачки; пакетировать 5) свая; столб вбивать сваи; устраивать свайное основание 6) ядерный реактор 7) эл. батарея 8) эл. (выпрямительный) столб 9) текст. ворс to draw apile — выдёргивать сваю; to drive a pile — забивать сваю; to drive a pile to refusal — забивать сваю до (расчётного) отказа; to extract a pile — выдёргивать сваю; to jack a pile — погружать сваю домкратом; to jet a pile — погружать сваю с подмывом; to overdrive a pile — забивать сваю до разрушения; to sink a pile — погружать сваю; to splice a pile — наращивать сваю - anchor pile - arch-type sheet pile - atomic pile - batch pile - batter pile - bearing pile - balled-out pile - bored pile - box pile - box piles - built-in-place pile - bulb pile - caisson pile - capped pile - cased pile - cast-in-place pile - closed-end pile - closing pile - club-footed pile - coal pile - compaction pile - composite pile - concrete pile - critical pile - day pile - deep pile - deep-arch sheet pile - delivery pile - dirt pile - driven pile - driven cast-in-place pile - dry pile - emergency pile - end-bearing pile - feeder pile - fender pile - filling pile - floating pile - Franki pile - friction pile - graphite pile - grooved pile - grouted pile - guide pile - H-pile - hollow pile - interlocking pile - jetted pile - key pile - king pile - leading pile - lubricating pile - monotube pile - nuclear pile -...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a heap of things laid or gathered upon one another (a pile of leaves). 2 a a large imposing building (a stately pile). b a large group of tall buildings. 3 colloq. a a large quantity. b a large amount of money; a fortune (made his pile). 4 a a series of plates of dissimilar metals laid one on another alternately to produce an electric current. b = atomic pile. 5 a funeral pyre. --v. 1 tr. a (often foll. by up, on) heap up (piled the plates on the table). b (foll. by with) load (piled the bed with coats). 2 intr. (usu. foll. by in, into, on, out of, etc.) crowd hurriedly or tightly (all piled into the car; piled out of the restaurant). Phrases and idioms pile arms hist. place (usu. four) rifles with their butts on the ground and the muzzles together. pile it on colloq. exaggerate. pile on the agony colloq. exaggerate for effect or to gain sympathy etc. pile up 1 accumulate; heap up. 2 colloq. run (a ship) aground or cause (a vehicle etc.) to crash. pile-up n. colloq. a multiple crash of road vehicles. Etymology: ME f. OF f. L pila pillar, pier, mole 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a heavy beam driven vertically into the bed of a river, soft ground, etc., to support the foundations of a superstructure. 2 a pointed stake or post. 3 Heraldry a wedge-shaped device. --v.tr. 1 provide with piles. 2 drive (piles) into the ground etc. Phrases and idioms pile-driver a machine for driving piles into the ground. pile-dwelling a dwelling built on piles, esp. in a lake. Etymology: OE pil f. L pilum javelin 3. n. 1 the soft projecting surface on velvet, plush, etc., or esp. on a carpet; nap. 2 soft hair or down, or the wool of a sheep. Etymology: ME prob. f. AF pyle, peile, OF poil f. L pilus hair ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, dart, quill, pole driven into the ground, from Old English pil, from Latin pilum javelin  Date: 12th century  1. a long slender column usually of timber, steel, or reinforced concrete driven into the ground to carry a vertical load  2. a wedge-shaped heraldic charge usually placed vertically with the broad end up  3.  a. a target-shooting arrowhead without cutting edges  b. Latin pilum an ancient Roman foot soldier's heavy javelin  II. transitive verb  (~d; piling)  Date: 15th century to drive ~s into  III. verb  (~d; piling)  Etymology: Middle English, from 4~  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to lay or place in a ~ ; stack  2.  a. to heap in abundance ; load ~d potatoes on his plate  b. to collect little by little into a mass — usually used with up  intransitive verb  1. to form a ~ or accumulation — usually used with up  2. to move or press forward in or as if in a mass ; crowd ~d into a car  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English pier of a bridge, stack, heap, from Middle French pille pier of a bridge, from Latin pila pillar  Date: 15th century  1.  a.  (1) a quantity of things heaped together  (2) a heap of wood for burning a corpse or a sacrifice  b. any great number or quantity ; lot  2. a large building or group of buildings  3. a great amount of money ; fortune  4. reactor 3b  V. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French peil, pil hair, coat with thick nap, from Latin pilus hair  Date: 15th century  1. a coat or surface of usually short close fine furry hairs  2. a velvety surface produced by an extra set of filling yarns that form raised loops which are cut and sheared  • ~less adjective  VI. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~z, plural, from Medieval Latin pili, perhaps from Latin pila ball  Date: 15th century  1. a single hemorrhoid  2. plural hemorrhoids ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (piles, piling, piled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A pile of things is a mass of them that is high in the middle and has sloping sides. ...a pile of sand... The leaves had been swept into huge piles. = heap, mound N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. A pile of things is a quantity of things that have been put neatly somewhere so that each thing is on top of the one below. ...a pile of boxes... The clothes were folded in a neat pile. N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. If you pile things somewhere, you put them there so that they form a pile. He was piling clothes into the suitcase... A few newspapers and magazines were piled on a table. VERB: V n adv/prep, V n adv/prep 4. If something is piled with things, it is covered or filled with piles of things. Tables were piled high with local produce. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with n 5. If you talk about a pile of something or piles of something, you mean a large amount of it. (INFORMAL) ...a whole pile of disasters. QUANT: QUANT of pl-n/n-uncount 6. If a group of people pile into or out of a vehicle, they all get into it or out of it in a disorganized way. They all piled into Jerrold’s car... A fleet of police cars suddenly arrived. Dozens of officers piled out. VERB: V into/out of n, V in/out 7. You can refer to a large impressive building as a pile, especially when it is the home of a rich important person. ...some stately pile in the country. N-COUNT 8. Piles are wooden, concrete, or metal posts which are pushed into the ground and on which buildings or bridges are built. Piles are often used in very wet areas so that the buildings do not flood. ...settlements of wooden houses, set on piles along the shore. N-COUNT: usu pl 9. Piles are painful swellings that can appear in the veins inside a person’s anus. N-PLURAL 10. The pile of a carpet or of a fabric such as velvet is its soft surface. It consists of a lot of little threads standing on end. ...the carpet’s thick pile. N-SING 11....
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »LARGE AMOUNT/MASS« a) a tidy collection of several things of the same kind placed on top of each other; stack1 (1)  (We put the newspapers in piles on the floor. | The record I want is at the bottom of the pile.) + of  (a pile of blankets)  (- compare heap1 (1)) b) a large mass of things collected together  (big pile of brushwood) 2 a pile of also piles of informal a lot of something  (I've got piles of work to do this evening.) 3 at the bottom of the pile in a very weak position in society or in an organization  (At the bottom of the pile are young people in their first jobs.) 4 »CLOTH/CARPETS« the soft surface of short threads on a carpet or some types of cloth, especially velvet  (a deep pile carpet)  (- compare nap1 (2)) 5 »POST« a heavy post made of wood, stone, or metal, pushed into the ground as a support for a building, bridge etc 6 make a/your pile informal to make a lot of money  (He made his pile in the antiques business.) 7 »BUILDING« especially BrE a large tall old building or group of buildings  (They live in a rambling Victorian pile.) 8 »MEDICAL« piles BrE not technical haemorrhoids ~2 v 1 also pile up to make a pile by collecting things together; stack2 (1)  (Ma stacked the cups and piled the plates. | We piled the books up on the table.) ~ sth high (=make a tall pile)  (Clothes were piled high on the chair) 2 to fill something or cover a surface with a lot of something  (Anna piled spaghetti onto her plate.) be ~d (high) with  (The cart was piled high with fruit and vegetables.)  ( @pile in pile in/into sth phr v to go quickly into a place or vehicle in a disorganized way  (We all piled into the back of his car.) @pile on pile on phr v informal 1 pile on the praise/criticism etc also pile it on to talk about something in a way that makes it seem much better or much worse than it really is; exaggerate  (Mitch was really piling on the compliments! | It can't be that bad - Nellie tends to pile it on.) 2 pile on the agony BrE to enjoy making something seem worse than it really...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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