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Англо-русский словарь - pepper


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Перевод с английского языка pepper на русский

 1. noun
 1) перец
 2) острота; едкость
 3) вспыльчивость
 4) живость; энергия, темперамент
 2. v.
 1) перчить
 2) усыпать, усеивать; Marys face was peppered with freckles.
 3) осыпать, забрасывать (камнями, вопросами и т.п.); The speaker was peppered with questions by a crowd of eager students.
 4) бранить, распекать; задать перцу; He will pepper his son.
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См. в других словарях

  1. бот. перец (Piper, Capsicum gen.) black pepper —- перец черный (Piper nigrum) sweet pepper —- перец сладкий (Capsicum frutescens или grossum) hot (red) pepper —- перец стручковый (Capsicum annuum) 2. перец (специя) to put too much pepper into smth. —- переперчить что-л. 3. перечница silver salts and peppers —- серебряные солонки и перечницы 4. острота, едкость there is pepper in the book —- книга острая 5. вспыльчивость I grew pepper —- я рассердился 6. живость, энергия, темперамент he showed pepper at the match —- в состязании он проявил темперамент 7. перчить, посыпать перцем 8. осыпать; усеивать a face peppered with freckles —- лицо, усыпанное веснушками page peppered with blots —- страница, заляпанная кляксами 9. забрасывать (чем-л.) to pepper smb. with stones —- забросать кого-л. камнями 10. засыпать, забрасывать the speaker was peppered with questions —- оратора забросали вопросами his speech was peppered with jokes —- он пересыпал свою речь шутками he peppered us with Latin —- он замучил нас латынью 11. стрелять мелкой дробью 12. (at) стрелять to pepper the enemy with machine-gun fire —- строчить из пулемета по врагу he peppered away at the pheasants —- он палил по фазанам 13. (with) изрешетить (пулями, дробью) the rabbit was peppered with shot all down one side —- бок кролика был весь изрешечен дробью 14. бранить, распекать, "задать перцу" he will pepper me —- он мне задаст, он мне всыплет ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  перец (Piper, Capsicum) – Ashanti pepper – betel pepper – black pepper – bush red pepper – Cayenne pepper – Javanese long pepper – Kava pepper – poor man's pepper – red pepper – sweet bell red pepper – wall pepper – water pepper – West African black pepper – wild pepper ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a hot aromatic condiment from the dried berries of certain plants used whole or ground. b any climbing vine of the genus Piper, esp. P. nigrum, yielding these berries. 2 anything hot or pungent. 3 a any plant of the genus Capsicum, esp. C. annuum. b the fruit of this used esp. as a vegetable or salad ingredient. 4 = CAYENNE. --v.tr. 1 sprinkle or treat with or as if with pepper. 2 a pelt with missiles. b hurl abuse etc. at. 3 punish severely. Phrases and idioms black pepper the unripe ground or whole berries of Piper nigrum as a condiment. green pepper the unripe fruit of Capsicum annuum. pepper-mill a device for grinding pepper by hand. pepper-pot 1 a small container with a perforated lid for sprinkling pepper. 2 a W. Indian dish of meat etc. stewed with cayenne pepper. 3 colloq. a Jamaican. red (or yellow) pepper the ripe fruit of Capsicum annuum. sweet pepper a pepper with a relatively mild taste. white pepper the ripe or husked ground or whole berries of Piper nigrum as a condiment. Etymology: OE piper, pipor f. L piper f. Gk peperi f. Skr. pippali- berry, peppercorn ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English peper, from Old English pipor, from Latin piper, from Greek peperi  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. either of two pungent products from the fruit of an Indian plant (Piper nigrum) that are used chiefly as condiments:  (1) black ~  (2) white ~  b. any of several products similar to ~ that are obtained from plants of the same genus cubeb ~  c. any of various pungent condiments of plants unrelated to the ~ Szechuan ~  2. any of a genus (Piper of the family Piperaceae, the ~ family) of tropical mostly jointed climbing shrubs with aromatic leaves; especially a woody vine (P. nigrum) with spicate flowers that is widely cultivated in the tropics for its red berries from which black ~ and white ~ are prepared  3.  a. capsicum 1a; especially a New World capsicum (Capsicum annuum) whose fruits are hot ~s or sweet ~s  b. the hollow fruit of a ~ that is usually red or yellow when ripe  • ~ adjective  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: circa 1500  1. to hit with or as if with rapid repeated blows  2.  a. to sprinkle or season with ~  b. to shower with or as if with shot or other missiles  3. to sprinkle or cover as if with ~ ~ed the report with statistics a face ~ed with freckles  • ~er noun  III. noun  Etymology: probably from 2pep + 2-er  Date: 1943 a baseball practice or warm-up game in which usually several fielders toss the ball a short distance to a single batter who hits it back ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (peppers, peppering, peppered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Pepper is a hot-tasting spice which is used to flavour food. Season with salt and pepper. ...freshly ground black pepper. N-UNCOUNT 2. A pepper, or in American English a bell pepper, is a hollow green, red, or yellow vegetable with seeds inside it. N-COUNT 3. If something is peppered with small objects, a lot of those objects hit it. He was wounded in both legs and severely peppered with shrapnel... VERB: usu passive, be V-ed with n 4. If something is peppered with things, it has a lot of those things in it or on it. While her English was correct, it was peppered with French phrases... Yachts peppered the tranquil waters of Botafogo Bay. VERB: be V-ed with n, V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a grey or pale yellow powder used to add a slightly hot taste to food  (Pass the salt and pepper, please.)  (- see also black pepper, white pepper) 2 a red powder like this, especially cayenne pepper or paprika 3 a hollow red, green or yellow vegetable that is used in hot or cold dishes  (- see also bell pepper, sweet pepper) ~2 v 1 to scatter things all over or all through something  (be peppered with)  (a report peppered with statistics) 2 to hit something repeatedly with many bullets  (pepper sth with)  (He peppered the side of the barn with buckshot.) 3 to add pepper to food ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. pipor, probably a borrowing of L. piper, from Gk. piperi, probably from Middle Indic pippari, from Skt. pippali "long pepper." Application to fruits of the capsicum family (unrelated) is 16c. Peppermint is first attested 1696. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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