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Англо-русский словарь - now


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Перевод с английского языка now на русский

 1. adv.
 1) теперь, сейчас
 2) тотчас же, сию же минуту
 3) - just now
 4) тогда, в то время (в повествовании); it was now clear that... - тогда стало ясно, что... now and again, now and then - время от времени now... now... - то... то...; now hot, now cold то жарко, то холодно now (then)! -
 а) ну!;
 б) скорей!; давайте! now then - так вот, итак
 2. cj. когда, раз; I need not stay, now you are here - мне нечего оставаться, раз вы здесь; now you mention it I do remember - теперь, когда вы упомянули об этом, я припоминаю
 3. noun настоящее время; данный момент; - before now - by now - ere now - till now - up to now - from now on - from now onwards - as from now
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См. в других словарях

  1. настоящее (время), данный момент before now —- раньше, прежде I have heard it before now —- а я уже это слышал by now —- уже, к настоящему времени from now, from now on —- впредь, в дальнейшем as from now —- офиц. с сего числа, с настоящего времени till now, up to now —- до сих пор (every) now and then —- время от времени, иногда read the future in the now —- читайте будущее в настоящем he has been ill up till now —- он до сих пор болен he will have arrived by now —- в данный момент он, вероятно, уже там; сейчас он, наверное, уже приехал 2. нынешний, (ныне) существующий the now king —- ныне царствующий король 3. разг. ультрасовременный; сверхмодный a now tendency —- тенденция самого последнего времени the N. Generation —- современное поколение (о молодежи конца 60-х годов) 4. теперь, сейчас, ныне, в настоящее время just now —- сейчас, в настоящий момент I'm busy just now —- сейчас я занят 5. только что even now —- даже теперь; уст. только что now or never, now if ever —- теперь или никогда the country is now at war —- ныне страна находится в состоянии войны 6. тотчас же, сию же минуту we must start now —- мы должны выступить немедленно do it now! —- не откладывайне! 7. в повествовании тогда, в тот момент, в то время now he tried another plan —- тогда он попытался осуществить другой план the war was now practically concluded —- к...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  см. National Organization for Women ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  фин., амер. сокр. от negotiable order of withdrawal ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) как раз 2) настоящее время 3) ныне 4) сейчас 5) теперь 6) уже - from now on - just now - now safe - right now - till now - until now ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adv., conj., & n. --adv. 1 at the present or mentioned time. 2 immediately (I must go now). 3 by this or that time (it was now clear). 4 under the present circumstances (I cannot now agree). 5 on this further occasion (what do you want now?). 6 in the immediate past (just now). 7 (esp. in a narrative or discourse) then, next (the police now arrived; now to consider the next point). 8 (without reference to time, giving various tones to a sentence) surely, I insist, I wonder, etc. (now what do you mean by that?; oh come now!). --conj. (often foll. by that + clause) as a consequence of the fact (now that I am older; now you mention it). --n. this time; the present (should be there by now; has happened before now). Phrases and idioms as of now from or at this time. for now until a later time (goodbye for now). now and again (or then) from time to time; intermittently. now or never an expression of urgency. Etymology: OE nu ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English nu; akin to Old High German nu ~, Latin nunc, Greek nyn  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. at the present time or moment  b. in the time immediately before the present thought of them just ~  c. in the time immediately to follow ; forthwith come in ~  2. — used with the sense of present time weakened or lost to express command, request, or admonition ~ hear this ~ you be sure to write  3. — used with the sense of present time weakened or lost to introduce an important point or indicate a transition (as of ideas) ~, this may seem reasonable at first  4. sometimes ~ one and ~ another  5. under the present circumstances  6. at the time referred to ~ the trouble began  7. by this time has been teaching ~ for twenty years  II. conjunction  Date: before 12th century in view of the fact that ; since — often followed by that ~ that we are here  III. noun  Date: 12th century the present time or moment been ill up to ~  IV. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. of or relating to the present time ; existing the ~ president  2.  a. excitingly new ~ clothes  b. constantly aware of what is new ~ people the ~ generation NOW  abbreviation National Organization for Women ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use now to refer to the present time, often in contrast to a time in the past or the future. She’s a widow now... But we are now a much more fragmented society... Beef now costs well over 30 roubles a pound... She should know that by now. ADV: ADV with cl, oft prep ADV • Now is also a pronoun. Now is the time when we must all live as economically as possible. PRON 2. If you do something now, you do it immediately. I’m sorry, but I must go now... I fear that if I don’t write now I shall never have another opportunity to do so. ADV: ADV after v • Now is also a pronoun. Now is your chance to talk to him. PRON 3. You use now or now that to indicate that an event has occurred and as a result something else may or will happen. Now you’re settled, why don’t you take up some serious study?... Now that she was retired she lived with her sister. CONJ 4. You use now to indicate that a particular situation is the result of something that has recently happened. She told me not to repeat it, but now I don’t suppose it matters... Diplomats now expect the mission to be much less ambitious. ADV: ADV with cl, ADV before v 5. In stories and accounts of past events, now is used to refer to the particular time that is being written or spoken about. She felt a little better now... It was too late now for Blake to lock his room door... By now it was completely dark outside. ADV: ADV with cl, oft prep ADV 6. You use now in statements which specify the length of time up to the present that something has lasted. They’ve been married now for 30 years... They have been missing for a long time now... It’s some days now since I heard anything. ADV: ADV with v, n ADV 7. You say ‘Now’ or ‘Now then’ to indicate to the person or people you are with that you want their attention, or that you are about to change the subject. (SPOKEN) ‘Now then,’ Max said, ‘to get back to the...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv 1 at the present time  (If we leave now we'll be there before dark. | They now live in the city centre. | right now (=exactly now))  (Right now I couldn't give a damn about your broken window. | just now especially BrE (=at the present time))  (There are a lot of bargains in the shops just now. | up to now/until now)  (It's been a good game up to now but it would be nice to see a few more goals. | by/before now (=before the present time))  (Sonia should be home by now. Do you think she's had an accident? | from now on/as of now (=starting from now))  (From now on Bill wishes to be addressed as Mr Wilson by all the staff. | for now (=used when something is happening at the present time but may change in the future))  (That's enough talk for now. Take a break and we'll try again after lunch.) 2 immediately  (I've already told you to clean up. I said now and I mean now. | The bell has rung - stop writing now.) 3 used when you know or understand something because of something you have just seen, just been told etc  (Having met the rest of the family, she now saw where he got his temper from.) 4 3 weeks/2 years etc now starting 3 weeks, 2 years etc ago and continuing into the future  (They've been going out together for a long time now. | It's been over five years now since I started working here. | it is now 3 weeks/2 years etc)  (It's now a month since we bought the car and it's broken down three times already.) 5 any day/minute etc now very soon  (The guests will arrive any minute now.) 6 (every) now and then/now and again sometimes  (I try to buy myself something every now and then.) 7 used in stories when you mean at the time that the event or story is happening  (She blew out the candle. Now she could hear the sound of the wind howling in the trees outside.) 8 now...now... literary used to say that at one moment someone does one thing and immediately after they do something else  (The eagle glided through the sky, now rising, now swooping.) 9 a) used when pausing or getting someone's attention before continuing...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  railroad abbr. Northern Ohio and Western Railway Limited adult abbr. National Organization of Whores network. abbr. Network Of Workstations file ext. abbr. Usually README file pos. abbr. New Optimists Wanted AMEX symbols M A I Systems Corporation ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. nu, from PIE *nu. Often merely emphatic; non-temporal usage (cf. Now, then) was in O.E. The adj. meaning "up to date" first recorded 1967. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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