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Англо-русский словарь - myself


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Перевод с английского языка myself на русский

pron.; refl.
 1) себя, меня самого; -ся; себе; I have hurt myself - я ушибся
 2) emph. сам; I saw it myself - я это сам видел I am not myself - мне не по себе; я сам не свой
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  1. себя, себе, собой, -сь, -ся (о 1-м л. ед. ч.) I washed myself —- я умылся I hurt myself —- я ушибся I tired myself out —- я замучился I came to myself in a strange room —- я очнулся в незнакомой комнате 2. себя, себе, собой (о 1-м л. ед. ч.) I never spare myself —- я себя не жалею, я не жалею своих сил I tired myself out working hard —- я измучил себя тяжелой работой I am not speaking for myself —- я говорю не за себя (не от своего лица) 3. сам, один (all) by myself —- один, одна I was there all by myself —- я был там совсем один I very often walk by myself —- я очень часто брожу один 4. сам, сама (о 1-м л. ед. ч.) I myself said so, I said so myself —- я сам сказал это I drive the car myself —- я сам вожу машину I myself do not believe it —- сам я этому не верю; что касается меня, я (тоже) не верю этому 5. я as for myself —- что касается меня one of our party and myself started on an expedition —- один из нашей группы (партии) и я отправились в экспедицию to myself, mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery —- для меня главное во всяком пейзаже - это горы 6. сам, самостоятельно (all) by myself —- один, сам, самостоятельно, без посторонней помощи I can do it by myself —- я один могу это сделать 7. разг. я (сам) that poor boy was myself —- этим бедным мальчиком (о котором шла речь) был я (сам) myself will decide it —- простореч. я сам решу это Id: I am not quite myself today —- мне сегодня что-то не по себе...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  pron. 1 emphat. form of I(2) or ME(1) (I saw it myself; I like to do it myself). 2 refl. form of ME(1) (I was angry with myself; able to dress myself; as bad as myself). 3 in my normal state of body and mind (I'm not myself today). 4 poet. = I(2). Phrases and idioms by myself see by oneself. I myself I for my part (I myself am doubtful). Etymology: ME(1) + SELF: my- partly after herself with her regarded as poss. pron. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   pronoun  Date: before 12th century  1. that identical one that is I — used reflexively I'm going to get ~ a new suit, for emphasis I ~ will go, or in absolute constructions ~ a tourist, I nevertheless avoided other tourists  2. my normal, healthy, or sane condition didn't feel ~ yesterday Usage:  Myself is often used where I or me might be expected: as subject to wonder what ~ will say — Emily Dickinson others and ~ continued to press for the legislation, after as, than, or like an aversion to paying such people as ~ to tutor was enough to make a better man than ~ quail old-timers like ~, and as object now here you see ~ with the diver for my wife and ~ it was a happy time. Such uses almost always occur when the speaker or writer is referring to himself or herself as an object of discourse rather than as a participant in discourse. The other reflexive personal pronouns are similarly but less frequently used in the same circumstances. Critics have frowned on these uses since about the turn of the century, probably unaware that they serve a definite purpose. Users themselves are as unaware as the critics—they simply follow their instincts. These uses are standard. ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: 'Myself' is the first person singular reflexive pronoun. 1. A speaker or writer uses myself to refer to himself or herself. Myself is used as the object of a verb or preposition when the subject refers to the same person. I asked myself what I would have done in such a situation... I looked at myself in the mirror... PRON: v PRON, prep PRON 2. You use myself to emphasize a first person singular subject. In more formal English, myself is sometimes used instead of ‘me’ as the object of a verb or preposition, for emphasis. I myself enjoy cinema, poetry, eating out and long walks... I’m fond of cake myself... PRON c darkgreen]emphasis 3. If you say something such as ‘I did it myself’, you are emphasizing that you did it, rather than anyone else. ‘Where did you get that embroidery?’—‘I made it myself.’ PRON c darkgreen]emphasis ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ pron 1 reflexive form of 'I'  (I hurt myself | I passed the exam so I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself. | Those dishwashers are great. I think I'll get one for myself.) 2 used to emphasize the pronoun I  (Why do I always have to do everything myself? | I'm sorry, I'm a stranger here myself. | I myself might have done things differently.) 3 not be/feel etc myself to not feel or behave in the way you usually do because you are nervous or upset  (I do apologise - I haven't been feeling myself lately.) 4 (all) by myself a) alone  (If you don't mind, I'd like to be by myself for a while.) b) without help  (It's hard to believe but I painted the house all by myself.) 5 (all) to myself if you have something to yourself, you do not have to share it with anyone  (I always dreamt of having a room all to myself.)  (- see also yourself) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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