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Англо-русский словарь - it


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Перевод с английского языка it на русский

beats anything это превосходит все; это невероятно; ну, это уж слишком!
IT I Industrial Technology noun промышленная технология II Information Technology noun информационная технология
IT is a perfect scandal! какой позор!
IT beats all это превосходит все; это невероятно; ну, это уж слишком!
IT beats the world это превосходит все; это невероятно; ну, это уж слишком!
IT beats creation это превосходит все; это невероятно; ну, это уж слишком!
IT beats hell это превосходит все; это невероятно; ну, это уж слишком!
IT beats my grandmother это превосходит все; это невероятно; ну, это уж слишком!
IT beats the band это превосходит все; это невероятно; ну, это уж слишком!
IT is no class coll. это никуда не годится
IT is said говорят; it says in the book в книге говорится
IT seems по-видимому, кажется
IT seems not по-видимому, нет
IT should seem казалось бы
IT will serve
 а) это то, что нужно;
 б) этого будет достаточно
IT would seem казалось бы
 1. pron.; pers.; obj. invar.
 1) он, она, оно (о предметах и животных) here is your paper, read it - вот ваша газета, читайте ее
 2) demonstr. это who is it? - кто это? кто там? its me, obs. it is I - это я
 3) impers. it is raining - идет дождь it is said - говорят it is known - известно
 4) в качестве подлежащего заменяет какое-л. подразумеваемое понятие it (= the season) is winter - теперь зима it (= the distance) is 6 miles to Oxford - до Оксфорда 6 миль it (= the scenery) is very pleasant here - здесь очень хорошо it is in vain - напрасно it is easy to talk like that - легко так говорить
 5) в качестве дополнения образует вместе с глаголами как переходными, так и непереходными разговорные идиомы; напр. to face it out - не дать себя запугать to foot it -
 а) идти пешком;
 б) танцевать to lord it - разыгрывать лорда, важничать to cab it - ездить, ехать в экипаже, в такси
 2. noun; coll.
 1) идеал; последнее слово (чего-л.); верх совершенства; изюминка in her new dress she was it - в своем новом платье она была верх совершенства she has it - в ней что-то есть, она привлекает внимание
 2) в детских играх тот, кто водит
IT beats the devil это превосходит все; это невероятно; ну, это уж слишком!
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. физическое обаяние, "изюминка" she has it —- она очень мила, в ней что-то есть he really looked it in his new clothes —- в своем новом костюме он был неотразим 2. квинтэссенция (чего-л.) it's the it of its —- это "люкс" (первый сорт, экстра) 3. важное лицо he thought he was it —- он считал себя важной персоной among biologists, he's it —- среди биологов он фигура 4. тот, кто водит в детских играх we were playing blindman's buff and he was "it" —- мы играли в жмурки, и он водил Id: gin and it —- джин с итальянским вермутом 5. он, она, оно и (н)его, (н)ему, (н)им, (н)ее, (н)ей, (н)ею (о предметах, животных, иногда о младенцах) take this letter and read it —- возьми это письмо и прочти его where is the cat? - It's in the next room —- где кошка? - Она в соседней комнате she looked at the baby, it was sleeping —- она посмотрела на малыша - он спал 6. презр. он, она, (н)ему, (н)ей и т. п. (о людях) this is my young man. - Where did yiu find it? —- это мой молодой человек. - Где ты его откопала? 7. когда пол не имеет значения I don't know who it is —- не знаю, кто это 8. обозначает: группу лиц или предметов: the Committee has devoted great care to the task before it —- комитет уделил большое внимание стоящей перед ним задаче 9. абстрактное понятие: beauty is everywhere and it is a source of joy —- повсюду красота, и она - источник радости 10. в грам. знач. указ. мест.: это who is it? - It...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) (information technologies) информационные технологии, технологии обработки информации 2) (international telecommunications) международная система передачи данных 3) (information theory) теория информации 4) (internal translator) внутренний транслятор (ЭВМ) IT 1) фин. = "income tax 2) комп., эк. = information technology 3) эк. тр., юр., брит. = industrial tribunal IT 1) общ. фин. сокр. от income tax 2) комп., эк. сокр. от information technology 3) эк. тр., юр., брит. сокр. от "industrial tribunal 4) торг., фин. сокр. от inventory turnover ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  I сокр. от information technology информационная техника II сокр. от interdigital transistor транзистор со встречно-гребенчатой структурой ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  abbr. information technology. IT 1. pron. (poss. its; pl. they) 1 the thing (or occas. the animal or child) previously named or in question (took a stone and threw it). 2 the person in question (Who is it? It is I; is it a boy or a girl?). 3 as the subject of an impersonal verb (it is raining; it is winter; it is Tuesday; it is two miles to Bath). 4 as a substitute for a deferred subject or object (it is intolerable, this delay; it is silly to talk like that; I take it that you agree). 5 as a substitute for a vague object (brazen it out; run for it!). 6 as the antecedent to a relative word (it was an owl I heard). 7 exactly what is needed (absolutely it). 8 the extreme limit of achievement. 9 colloq. sexual intercourse; sex appeal. 10 (in children's games) a player who has to perform a required feat, esp. to catch the others. Phrases and idioms that's it colloq. that is: 1 what is required. 2 the difficulty. 3 the end, enough. this is it colloq. 1 the expected event is at hand. 2 this is the difficulty. Etymology: OE hit neut. of HE 2. n. colloq. Italian vermouth (gin and it). Etymology: abbr. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. pronoun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English h~ — more at he  Date: before 12th century  1. that one — used as subject or direct object or indirect object of a verb or object of a prepos~ion usually in reference to a lifeless thing took a quick look at the house and noticed ~ was very old, a plant there is a rosebush near the fence and ~ is now blooming, a person or animal whose sex is unknown or disregarded don't know who ~ is, a group of individuals or things, or an abstract ent~y beauty is everywhere and ~ is a source of joy — compare he, ~s, she, they  2. — used as subject of an impersonal verb that expresses a cond~ion or action w~hout reference to an agent ~ is raining  3.  a. — used as anticipatory subject or object of a verb ~ is necessary to repeat the whole thing — often used to shift emphasis to a part of a statement other than the subject ~ was in this c~y that the treaty was signed  b. — used w~h many verbs as a direct object w~h l~tle or no meaning footed ~ back to camp  4. — used to refer to an explic~ or implic~ state of affairs or circumstances how is ~ going  5. a crucial or climactic point this is ~  II. noun  Date: 1842 the player in a game who performs the principal action of the game (as trying to find others in hide-and-seek) IT  abbreviation ~alian; ~aly IT  abbreviation information technology ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'It' is a third person singular pronoun. 'It' is used as the subject or object of a verb, or as the object of a preposition. 1. You use it to refer to an object, animal, or other thing that has already been mentioned. It’s a wonderful city, really. I’ll show it to you if you want... My wife has become crippled by arthritis. She is embarrassed to ask the doctor about it... PRON 2. You use it to refer to a child or baby whose sex you do not know or whose sex is not relevant to what you are saying. She could, if she wanted, compel him, through a court of law, to support the child after it was born... PRON 3. You use it to refer in a general way to a situation that you have just described. He was through with sports, not because he had to be but because he wanted it that way... PRON 4. You use it before certain nouns, adjectives, and verbs to introduce your feelings or point of view about a situation. It was nice to see Steve again... It seems that you are letting things get you down. PRON 5. You use it in passive clauses which report a situation or event. It has been said that stress causes cancer... PRON 6. You use it with some verbs that need a subject or object, although there is no noun that it refers to. Of course, as it turned out, three-fourths of the people in the group were psychiatrists... PRON 7. You use it as the subject of ‘be’, to say what the time, day, or date is. It’s three o’clock in the morning... It was a Monday, so she was at home... PRON 8. You use it as the subject of a link verb to describe the weather, the light, or the temperature. It was very wet and windy the day I drove over the hill to Milland... It’s getting dark. Let’s go inside... PRON 9. You use it when you are telling someone who you are, or asking them who they are, especially at the beginning of a phone call. You also use it in statements and questions about the identity of other people. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ pron (used as subject or object) 1 used to talk about the thing, situation, idea etc that has already been mentioned or that the person you are talking to already knows about  ("What should I do with the key?" "Oh just leave it on the table." | There were people crying, buildings on fire. It was terrible! | She complained about the food so much that I was sorry I mentioned it in the end.) 2 the situation that someone is in now  (I can't stand it any longer. I'm resigning. | How's it going Bob? I haven't seen you for ages. | And the worst of it is the car isn't even paid for yet.) 3 used as the subject or object of a verb when the real subject or object is later in the sentence  (It makes me sick the way she thinks everyone's in love with her. | What's it like being a sailor? | Apparently it's cheaper to fly than go by train. | It's a pity you couldn't come.) 4 used with the verb `be' to make statements about the weather, the time, distances etc  (It's over 200 miles from London to Manchester. | It was 4 o'clock and the mail still hadn't come. | It had obviously been snowing but none of it stuck to the ground. | Can you believe she's forgotten it's my birthday today?) 5 used to emphasize that one piece of information in a sentence is more important than the rest  (It was Jane who paid for the meal yesterday. (=it was Jane and not another person) | It was the meal that Jane paid for yesterday. (=it was a meal and not something else) | It was yesterday that Jane paid for the meal. (=it was yesterday and not at another time)) 6 used as the subject of `seem', `appear', `look' and `happen'  (It seems that no one really knows where he's gone. | Since it happened to be such a nice day they thought they'd go to the beach.) 7 used to talk about a child or an animal when you do not know what sex they are  (What will you call it if it's a boy?) 8 a) it's me/John/a car etc used to give the name of a person or thing when it is not already known  ("Who was that at the door?" "It was a man selling house insurance." | "I can't quite make out...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Individual therapy physiol. abbr. Inhalation Therapy physiol. abbr. Intensive Therapy supp. abbr. Itt mil. abbr. Interoperability Testing mil. abbr. Innovative Tests mil. abbr. Information Technology mil. abbr. Information transport country abbr. Italy time zone abbr. Iran Time [ GMT + 0300] 2-let. lang. abbr. Italian softw. abbr. In The softw. abbr. Ice Tea SMS abbr. Is The gen. comp. abbr. Indent Tab gen. comp. abbr. Is There gen. comp. abbr. Information Technology network. abbr. Information Technology sec. abbr. Information Trickery file ext. abbr. Settings (intalk) file ext. abbr. Music (Impulse Tracker) media abbr. Information Technology NYSE symbols Gartner Group, Inc. pos. abbr. Information Technology firm name abbr. Imagination Technology ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - O.E. hit, neut. nom. & acc. of third pers. sing. pronoun, from P.Gmc. demonstrative base *khi-, which is also the root of he. As gender faded in M.E., it took on the meaning "thing or animal spoken about before." The h- was lost due to being in an unemphasized position, as in modern speech the h- in "give it to him," "ask her," "is only heard in the careful speech of the partially educated" [Weekley]. It "the sex act" is from 1611; meaning "sex appeal (especially in a woman)" first attested 1904 in works of Rudyard Kipling, popularized 1920s as title of a book by Elinor Glyn, and by application of It Girl to silent-film star Clara Bow (1905-1965). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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