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Англо-русский словарь - here


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Перевод с английского языка here на русский

 1) здесь, тут here and there - там и сям; разбросанно here, there and everywhere - повсюду
 2) сюда come here - идите сюда
 3) вот here is your book - вот ваша книга here you/we are! coll. - вот, пожалуйста!; вот то, что вам нужно here we are (again)! - вот и мы!
 4) в этот момент here the speaker paused - в этот момент оратор остановился
 5) my friend here was a witness of the accident - вот мой друг видел все собственными глазами heres to you, heres how! - (за) ваше здоровье! heres a go - за наше здоровье same here - я тоже; я согласен; то же могу сказать о себе here goes! - что ж! начнем!; пошли!, поехали! here today and gone tomorrow - = перелетная птица
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См. в других словарях

  1. греч. миф. Гера here 1. это место; настоящее место from here —- отсюда from here the story gets more interesting —- с этого места повествование становится более интересным till here —- до сих пор near here —- недалеко отсюда up to here, down here —- (вот) до этих пор, до этого места, досюда between here and London —- отсюда до Лондона, между нами (нашим домом, городом и т.д.) и Лондоном about here —- (вот) здесь; сюда; этой дорогой Id: up to here —- полностью, до отказа, "под завязку"; сыт по горло Id: here and now —- настоящее время, современность 2. здесь; тут he lives here —- он живет здесь here! —- здесь! (при перекличке) I don't belong here —- я не отсюда, я не здешний spring is here —- пришла весна 3. в этот момент here he stopped reading and looked up —- в этот момент (тут) он перестал читать и поднял глаза 4. сюда come here —- идите сюда bring it here —- принесите это сюда 5. вот here is your bag —- вот ваша сумка here he comes —- вот и он here you are! —- вот, пожалуйста!, вот то, что вам нужно here is the news —- передаем новости (последние известия) (it's) John here —- говорит Джон (в телефонном разговоре) 6. усил. вот my son here will tell you —- вот мой сын все расскажет вам Id: here and there —- там и сям; то там, то сям; через неопределенные промежутки времени; иногда; туда и сюда Id: here, there, and everywhere —- повсюду Id: here below...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) в этом месте 2) вот 3) здесь 4) при этом 5) сюда 6) тут - from here - here and there - here is ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adv., n., & int. --adv. 1 in or at or to this place or position (put it here; has lived here for many years; comes here every day). 2 indicating a person's presence or a thing offered (here is your coat; my son here will show you). 3 at this point in the argument, situation, etc. (here I have a question). --n. this place (get out of here; lives near here; fill it up to here). --int. 1 calling attention: short for come here, look here, etc. (here, where are you going with that?). 2 indicating one's presence in a roll-call: short for I am here. Phrases and idioms here and now at this very moment; immediately. here and there in various places. here goes! colloq. an expression indicating the start of a bold act. here's to I drink to the health of. here we are colloq. said on arrival at one's destination. here we go again colloq. the same, usu. undesirable, events are recurring. here you are said on handing something to somebody. neither here nor there of no importance or relevance. Etymology: OE her f. Gmc: cf. HE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adverb  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English her; akin to Old High German hier ~, Old English he he  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. in or at this place turn ~ — often used interjectionally especially in answering a roll call  b. now ~ it's morning already  c. in an arbitrary location a book ~, a paper t~  2. at or in this point, particular, or case ~ we agree  3. in the present life or state  4. hither come ~  5. — used interjectionally in rebuke or encouragement  II. adjective  Date: 15th century  1. — used for emphasis especially after a demonstrative pronoun or after a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective this book ~  2. nonstandard — used for emphasis after a demonstrative adjective but before the noun modified this ~ book  III. noun  Date: 1605 this place ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use here when you are referring to the place where you are. I’m here all by myself and I know I’m going to get lost... Well, I can’t stand here chatting all day. ...the growing number of skiers that come here... ? there ADV: be ADV, ADV after v, prep ADV 2. You use here when you are pointing towards a place that is near you, in order to draw someone else’s attention to it. ...if you will just sign here... Come and sit here, Lauren... ADV: ADV after v, prep ADV, be ADV 3. You use here in order to indicate that the person or thing that you are talking about is near you or is being held by you. My friend here writes for radio... ADV: n ADV, ADV after v 4. If you say that you are here to do something, that is your role or function. I’m not here to listen to your complaints. ADV: be ADV to-inf 5. You use here in order to draw attention to something or someone who has just arrived in the place where you are, or to draw attention to the place you have just arrived at. ‘Mr Cummings is here,’ she said, holding the door open... ADV: ADV with be, ADV before v 6. You use here to refer to a particular point or stage of a situation or subject that you have come to or that you are dealing with. The book goes into recent work in greater detail than I have attempted here... ADV: it v-link ADV that, ADV with v, ADV with cl 7. You use here to refer to a period of time, a situation, or an event that is present or happening now. Here is your opportunity to acquire a luxurious one bedroom home. ADV: ADV before v, ADV with be 8. You use here at the beginning of a sentence in order to draw attention to something or to introduce something. Now here’s what I want you to do... ADV: ADV be n/wh 9. You use here when you are offering or giving something to someone. Here’s some letters I want you to sign... Here’s your cash. ADV: ADV be n 10. You say ‘here we are’ or ‘here you are’ when...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv 1 in this place  (Is George here? | Kabul is four hundred miles west of here. | I knew there would be no one here in this room. | Shall we eat here? | here and now (=used to emphasize what you are saying))  (I'll tell you here and now that I am not going to resign. | on here/out here/down here/over here etc)  (It's very cold out here. | We're over here!)  (- compare there2 (1)) 2 happening now  (I'll be glad when the summer vacation is here.) 3 at this point in a discussion  (There are many reasons for this decline, which we cannot discuss here.) 4 here's/here is/here are/here comes etc used when introducing something or someone, or showing them to someone  (Here comes Michael now. | Here's the shop I was telling you about.) 5 here/here is/here's/here we are etc used when you have just found something that you have been looking for  (Ah, here we are, here's my address book.) 6 here's/here/here you are etc used when you are giving something to someone  (Here's some money for you. | Here are your keys back.) 7 neither here nor there not important  (The hospital needs this machine. The fact that it costs a lot of money is neither here nor there.) 8 here and there scattered around in several different places  (Windows were shattered and there was minor damage to buildings here and there.) 9 here, there, and everywhere informal in many different places  (We've been looking for you here, there, and everywhere.) 10 here goes! used when you are going to try to do something difficult  (I've never ridden a motorbike before, so here goes!) 11 here we go (again) informal used when something unpleasant is beginning to happen again  (Janet stormed off in a temper. "Here we go again," Matt thought.) 12 Here's to used when you are going to drink something to wish someone good luck, show your respect for them etc  (Here's to the happy couple. | Here's to your new job.) 13 here to stay if something is here to stay, it has become a part of life and will continue to be so 14 a) used when you are giving or offering something to someone...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. her "in this place, where one puts himself," from P.Gmc. pronomial stem *khi- (from PIE *ki- "this") + adverbial suffix -r. The same base is the source of he. Hereafter is O.E. herжfter; heretofore preserves obsolete O.E. toforan. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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