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Англо-русский словарь - grass


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Перевод с английского языка grass на русский

 1. noun
 1) трава; дерн
 2) лужайка, газон; луг to lay down in grass - запускать под луга
 3) пастбище - be at grass - put to grass - send to grass
 4) mining поверхность земли; устье шахты
 5) coll. спаржа to let no grass grow under ones feet - действовать быстро и энергично to hear the grass grow слышать, как трава растет, быть необыкновенно чутким - go to grass
 2. v.
 1) засевать травой; покрывать дерном
 2) зарастать травой
 3) пастись
 4) выгонять в поле (скот)
 5) растянуться на траве
 6) сбить с ног; подстрелить (птицу)
 7) вытащить на берег (рыбу)
GRASS widow noun соломенная вдова
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См. в других словарях

  1. трава blade of grass —- стебелек травы, травинка to cut the grass —- косить траву 2. дерн 3. бот. злак grass family —- семейство злаковых, злаки (Gramineae) 4. простореч. спаржа 5. редк. травинки some grasses were caught in her hair —- в ее волосах запуталось несколько травинок 6. лужайка; газон; луг grass shears —- газонные ножницы the flower beds and grasses were carefully manicured —- цветочные клумбы и газоны были в идеальном порядке keep off the grass! —- по газонам не ходить! twenty acres of grass —- двадцать акров покосных угодьев to lay down in grass —- с-х. залужать 7. пастбище, выгон out at grass —- на пастбище to put land under grass —- пустить землю под пастбище to take a horse off grass —- перевести лошадь с подножного на сухой корм 8. горн. земная поверхность grass crop —- выход (пласта), обнажение at grass —- на поверхности земли, не в шахте to bring to grass —- выдать на-гора to come to grass —- выйти на поверхность земли, выйти из шахты 9. простореч. земля 10. сл. марихуана 11. сл. гашиш Id: between grass and hay —- ам. в юношеском возрасте Id: come off the grass! —- брось задаваться!; брось преувеличивать!; не ври!; не вмешивайтесь не в свои дела Id: to cut the grass from under smb.s feet —- выбить у кого-л почву из-под ног; сорвать чьи-л планы Id: to cut one's own grass —- самому зарабатывать средства на жизнь Id: to eat one's corn in the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) трава; злак; дёрн; pl злаковые травы 2) пастбище; пастись 3) зарастать травой 4) засевать травой – alang grass – Aleppo grass – alfa grass – alkali grass – aloe grass – American beach grass – American panic grass – annual meadow grass – Arctic holy grass – Arctic spear grass – arrow grass – awned wheat grass – awnless brome grass – Bahia grass – barbed panic grass – bareet grass – barn grass – barnacle grass – barnyard grass – barren brome grass – beach grass – beaked panic grass – bear grass – beard grass – bent grass – Bermuda grass – billion-dollar grass – birdwood grass – black grass – black oat grass – blowout grass – blue couch grass – blue-eyed grass – blue joint grass – blue moor grass – blue panic grass – blue scorpion grass – blue wheat grass – blunt panic grass – bog panic grass – bottlebrush grass – bristle grass – broad-leaved panic grass – brome grass – brook grass – brown bent grass – buffalo grass – bunch grasses – bur grass – burdock grass – bush grass – bushy grasses – Campbell Island bent grass – Canary grass – Carib grass – carnation grass – carpet grass – cat grass – catch fly grass – cat's-tail grass – cespitous grasses – cheat grass – chee reed grass – China grass – cleavers grass – cloud grass – coast wheat grass – cock grass – cock's-foot grass – cockspur grass – colonial bent grass – common blue-eyed grass – common reed grass – compact-tussock grasses – congayam grass – corn grass – corn brome grass – cotton grass – couch grass – crab grass – creeping bent grass – creeping soft grass – creeping stem grass – crested wheat grass – curly grass – curly mesquite grass – cut grass – dallis grass – deer grass – dennett grass – densely tufted grasses – dense panic grass – desert wheat grass – devil's grass – dew grass – ditch grass – dog's-tooth grass –...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  луговой, трава - grass bleaching - grass rod ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  шумовая дорожка (на экране индикатора) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a vegetation belonging to a group of small plants with green blades that are eaten by cattle, horses, sheep, etc. b any species of this. c any plant of the family Gramineae, which includes cereals, reeds, and bamboos. 2 pasture land. 3 grass-covered ground, a lawn (keep off the grass). 4 grazing (out to grass; be at grass). 5 sl. marijuana. 6 Brit. sl. an informer, esp. a police informer. 7 the earth's surface above a mine; the pit-head. 8 sl. asparagus. --v. 1 tr. cover with turf. 2 tr. US provide with pasture. 3 Brit. sl. a tr. betray, esp. to the police. b intr. inform the police. 4 tr. knock down; fell (an opponent). 5 tr. a bring (a fish) to the bank. b bring down (a bird) by a shot. Phrases and idioms at grass out of work, on holiday, etc. grass bird Austral. any of various warblers, esp. of the genus Megalurus, living among reeds. grass-box a receptacle for cut grass on a lawnmower. grass-cloth a linen-like cloth woven from ramie etc. grass court a grass-covered lawn-tennis court. grass of Parnassus a herbaceous plant, Parnassia palustris. grass parakeet Austral. a parakeet, esp. of the genus Neophema, frequenting grassland. grass roots 1 a fundamental level or source. 2 ordinary people, esp. as voters; the rank and file of an organization, esp. a political party. grass skirt a skirt made of long grass and leaves fastened to a waistband. grass snake 1 Brit. the common ringed snake, Natrix natrix. 2 US the common greensnake, Opheodrys vernalis. grass tree = BLACKBOY. grass widow (or widower) a person whose husband (or wife) is away for a prolonged period. grass-wrack eel-grass. not let the grass grow under one's feet be quick to act or to seize an opportunity. Derivatives grassless adj. grasslike adj. Etymology: OE gr{aelig}s f. Gmc, rel. to GREEN, GROW ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English gras, from Old English gr?s; akin to Old High German gras ~, Old English growan to grow  Date: before 12th century  1. herbage suitable or used for grazing animals  2. any of a large family (Gramineae syn. Poaceae) of monocotyledonous mostly herbaceous plants with jointed stems, slender sheathing leaves, and flowers borne in spikelets of bracts  3. land (as a lawn or a turf racetrack) covered with growing ~ keep off the ~ the horse had never won on ~  4. plural leaves or plants of ~  5. a state or place of retirement put out to ~  6. short for ~hopper, rhyming slang for copper slang British a police informer  7. electronic noise on a radarscope that takes the form of vertical lines resembling lawn ~  8. marijuana  • ~less adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: circa 1500  transitive verb  1. to feed (livestock) on ~ sometimes without grain or other concentrates  2. to cover with ~; especially to seed to ~  intransitive verb  1. to produce ~  2. slang British inform 2 — often used with on GRASS  biographical name Gunter Wilhelm 1927- German writer ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (grasses, grassing, grassed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Grass is a very common plant consisting of large numbers of thin, spiky, green leaves that cover the surface of the ground. Small things stirred in the grass around the tent... The lawn contained a mixture of grasses. N-MASS 2. If you talk about the grass, you are referring to an area of ground that is covered with grass, for example in your garden. I’m going to cut the grass. N-SING: usu the N 3. Grass is the same as marijuana. (INFORMAL) N-UNCOUNT 4. If you say that one person grasses on another, the first person tells the police or other authorities about something criminal or wrong which the second person has done. (BRIT INFORMAL) His wife wants him to grass on the members of his own gang... He was repeatedly attacked by other inmates, who accused him of grassing. = inform VERB: V on n, V c darkgreen]disapproval • Grass up means the same as grass. How many of them are going to grass up their own kids to the police? PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 5. A grass is someone who tells the police or other authorities about criminal activities that they know about. (BRIT INFORMAL) = informer N-COUNT c darkgreen]disapproval 6. If you say the grass is greener somewhere else, you mean that other people’s situations always seem better or more attractive than your own, but may not really be so. He was very happy with us but wanted to see if the grass was greener elsewhere. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »IN FIELDS« a) a very common plant with thin green leaves that grows in fields and is often eaten by animals  (a blade of grass | Please keep off the grass.) b) a particular kind of grass  (sea grasses) 2 »DRUG« slang marijuana 3 »CRIMINAL« BrE informal someone, usually a criminal, who gives information about other criminals to the police; informer; stoolpigeon AmE  (- see also supergrass) 4 not let the grass grow under your feet to not waste time or delay starting something 5 put sb out to grass informal to make someone leave their job because they are too old to do it effectively  (an old judge being put out to grass)  (- see also grass roots, snake in the grass snake1 (3)) ~2 v BrE informal if a criminal grasses on other criminals, he tells the police about their activities + on  (That bastard must have grassed on us!) grass sb up BrE  (I wonder who grassed us up?) grass sth over phr v to cover land with grass ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Great Revolutionary American Standard System ocean sc. abbr. Geographic Resources Analysis Support System religion abbr. God Rocks And Satan Sucks gen. bus. abbr. Geographical Ressources Analysis Support System ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. grжs, gжrs "herb, plant, grass," from P.Gmc. grasan, from base *gro-/*gre- "that which grows." Sense of "marijuana" is first recorded 1938, Amer.Eng.; grasshopper is O.E. gжrshoppa; grass widow (1528) was originally "discarded mistress" (cf. Ger. strohwittwe, lit. "straw-widow"), probably in allusion to beds of straw. Sense of "married woman whose husband is absent" is from 1859. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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