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Англо-русский словарь - gloss


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Перевод с английского языка gloss на русский

 1. noun
 1) внешний блеск
 2) обманчивая наружность
 2. v.
 1) наводить глянец, лоск
 2) лосниться II
 1. noun
 1) глосса; заметка на полях; толкование
 2) подстрочник или глоссарий
 3) превратное истолкование
 2. v.
 1) составлять глоссарий; снабжать комментарием
 2) истолковывать благоприятно, замалчивая недостатки (часто gloss over) The school can hardly gloss over its failure to control these troublesome boys, now that the report is in all the papers
 3) превратно истолковывать (upon)
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См. в других словарях

  1. блеск; лоск; глянец the gloss of silk —- блеск шелка note-paper with a good gloss —- глянцевая писчая бумага to take the gloss off —- лишить блеска, матировать; текст. декатировать; лишать обаяния (привлекательности) to take the gloss off the event —- снять флер значительности с этого события 2. обманчивая наружность, видимость the gloss of novelty —- видимость новизны a surface gloss of good manner —- внешний лоск, видимость воспитанности (хороших манер) 3. редк. благоприятное истолкование, прикраса 4. наводить глянец, лоск; придавать блеск to gloss silk —- придавать блеск шелку 5. лосниться this cloth glosses easily —- эта материя быстро начинает лосниться 6. представлять в лучшем свете, приукрашивать, замазывать (также gloss over) to gloss over smb.'s faults —- замазывать чьи-л. недостатки 7. глосса; заметка на полях; межстрочное примечание 8. толкование в глоссарии или словаре 9. толкование, интерпретация 10. истолкование (часто превратное) malocious glossed of smb.'s writing —- умышленное искажение чьих-л. статей и т. п. 11. глоссарий these obscure words can only be found in glosses —- эти непонятные слова можно найти только в глоссариях 12. подстрочный перевод, пояснение 13. делать заметки (на полях или между строк) 14. снабжать комментариями 15. составлять глоссарий 16....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) глянец 2) залащивать 3) залощить 4) лоск 5) наглянцевать 6) составлять комментарий или глоссарий - gloss paint - paper gloss ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  глянец eggshell gloss ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) глянец; лоск глянцевать; лощить 2) пояснение, комментарий 3) глоссарий 4) швейн. ласы ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a surface shine or lustre. b an instance of this; a smooth finish. 2 a deceptively attractive appearance. b an instance of this. 3 (in full gloss paint) paint formulated to give a hard glossy finish (cf. MATT). --v.tr. make glossy. Phrases and idioms gloss over 1 seek to conceal beneath a false appearance. 2 conceal or evade by mentioning briefly or misleadingly. Derivatives glosser n. Etymology: 16th c.: orig. unkn. 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a an explanatory word or phrase inserted between the lines or in the margin of a text. b a comment, explanation, interpretation, or paraphrase. 2 a misrepresentation of another's words. 3 a a glossary. b an interlinear translation or annotation. --v. 1 tr. a add a gloss or glosses to (a text, word, etc.). b read a different sense into; explain away. 2 intr. (often foll. by on) make (esp. unfavourable) comments. 3 intr. write or introduce glosses. Derivatives glosser n. Etymology: alt. of GLOZE after med.L glossa ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: akin to Middle High German glosen to glow, shine; akin to Old English geolu yellow  Date: 1538  1. a surface luster or brightness ; shine  2.  a. a deceptively attractive appearance selfishness that had a ~ of humanitarianism about it  b. bright often superficial attractiveness show-biz ~  3. a transparent cosmetic preparation for adding shine and usually color to the lips  II. transitive verb  Date: 1656  1.  a. to mask the true nature of ; give a deceptively attractive appearance to — used with over the misery was general, where not ~ed over by liberal application of alcohol — Marston Bates  b. to deal with (a subject or problem) too lightly or not at all — used with over ~es over scholarly controversies rather than confronting them head-on — John Israel  2. to give a ~ to  III. noun  Etymology: alteration of gloze, from Middle English glose, from Anglo-French, from Medieval Latin glosa, ~a, from Greek glossa, glotta tongue, language, obscure word; akin to Greek glochis projecting point  Date: 1548  1.  a. a brief explanation (as in the margin or between the lines of a text) of a difficult or obscure word or expression  b. a false and often willfully misleading interpretation (as of a text)  2.  a. ~ary  b. an interlinear translation  c. a continuous commentary accompanying a text  3. commentary, interpretation  IV. transitive verb  Date: 1603  1.  a. to provide a ~ for ; explain, define  b. interpret  2. to dispose of by false or perverse interpretation trying to ~ away the irrationalities of the universe — Irwin Edman ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (glosses, glossing, glossed) 1. A gloss is a bright shine on the surface of something. Rain produced a black gloss on the asphalt. = sheen N-SING 2. Gloss is an appearance of attractiveness or good quality which sometimes hides less attractive features or poor quality. Television commercials might seem more professional but beware of mistaking the gloss for the content. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you put a gloss on a bad situation, you try to make it seem more attractive or acceptable by giving people a false explanation or interpretation of it. He used his diary to put a fine gloss on the horrors the regime perpetrated... N-SING: a N, usu N on n 4. Gloss is the same as gloss paint. N-MASS 5. Gloss is a type of shiny make-up. She brushed gloss on to her eyelids. ...lip glosses. N-MASS 6. If you gloss a difficult word or idea, you provide an explanation of it. Older editors glossed ‘drynke’ as ‘love-potion’. VERB: V n as n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 shiny brightness on a surface  (shoes shined to a high gloss | The gloss had gone from her dark hair.) 2 a pleasant appearance of something, which is better than the truth  (The General's image soon lost its gloss.) 3 an explanation of a piece of writing, especially in a note at the end of a page or book 4 gloss finish/print a surface or photograph that has been made shiny  (- compare matt) ~2 v to provide an explanation of a piece of writing, especially in a note at the end of a page or book gloss over sth phr v to deliberately avoid talking about unpleasant facts or say as little as possible about them  (She glossed over the details of her divorce and changed the subject.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  ocean sc. abbr. Global Sea Level Observing System sport abbr. Great Lakes Outlaw Sprint Series ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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