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Англо-русский словарь - glory


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Перевод с английского языка glory на русский

 1. noun
 1) слава
 2) триумф
 3) великолепие, красота
 4) нимб, ореол, сияние - go to glory - send to glory - Old Glory
 2. v. гордиться (обыкн. glory in); торжествовать; упиваться to glory in ones health and strength - быть олицетворением здоровья и силы
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См. в других словарях

  1. слава to cover oneself with glory —- покрывать себя славой to win glory —- прославиться his heroic act won him glory —- его героизм принес ему славу Rome at the height of its glory —- Рим в апогее своей славы to be in all one's glory —- быть на вершине славы; разг. развернуться вовсю she was in her glory as president of the club —- на посту председателя клуба она была в своей стихии (она развернулась вовсю) 2. триумф to return with glory —- возвратиться с триумфом 3. великолепие; красота the glory of the morning —- красота утра there she was in all her glory dressed in gold —- вот она во всем своем великолепии, облаченная в золотые одежды (в золотом одеянии) 4. предмет гордости the glories of ancient Rome —- величие древнего Рима this poem is one of the glories of English poetry —- это стихотворение - одна из жемчужин английской поэзии her hair was her greatest glory —- больше всего она гордилась своими волосами 5. рай, небеса; (неземное) блаженство 6. изображение рая 7. нимб, ореол, сияние 8. уст. тщеславие 9. метеор. глория Id: glorybe!, glory! —- черт (грубое восклицание, выражающее удивление или восторг) Id: Old G. —- государственный флаг США Id: to go to glory —- умереть, отправиться на тот свет; ам. обанкротиться Id: to send to glory —- отправить на тот свет, убить, прикончить 10. (in) гордиться to glory in one's country's victory —- гордиться...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  глория ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) нимб, ореол 2) метео глория ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 high renown or fame; honour. 2 adoring praise and thanksgiving (Glory to the Lord). 3 resplendent majesty or magnificence; great beauty (the glory of Versailles; the glory of the rose). 4 a thing that brings renown or praise; a distinction. 5 the bliss and splendour of heaven. 6 colloq. a state of exaltation, prosperity, happiness, etc. (is in his glory playing with his trains). 7 an aureole, a halo. 8 an anthelion. --v.intr. (often foll. by in, or to + infin.) pride oneself; exult (glory in their skill). Phrases and idioms glory be! 1 a devout ejaculation. 2 colloq. an exclamation of surprise or delight. glory-box Austral. & NZ a box for women's clothes etc., stored in preparation for marriage. glory-hole 1 colloq. an untidy room, drawer, or receptacle. 2 US an open quarry. glory-of-the-snow = CHIONODOXA. go to glory sl. die; be destroyed. Etymology: ME f. AF & OF glorie f. L gloria ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  (plural glories)  Etymology: Middle English glorie, from Anglo-French & Latin; Anglo-French, from Latin gloria  Date: 14th century  1.  a. praise, honor, or distinction extended by common consent ; renown  b. worshipful praise, honor, and thanksgiving giving ~ to God  2.  a. something that secures praise or renown the ~ of a brilliant career  b. a distinguished quality or asset  3.  a.  (1) great beauty and splendor ; magnificence the ~ that was Greece and the grandeur that was Rome — E. A. Poe  (2) something marked by beauty or resplendence a perfect ~ of a day  b. the splendor and beatific happiness of heaven; broadly eternity  4.  a. a state of great gratification or exaltation when she's acting she's in her ~  b. a height of prosperity or achievement  5. a ring or spot of light: as  a. aureole  b. a halo appearing around the shadow of an object  II. intransitive verb  (gloried; ~ing)  Date: 14th century to rejoice proudly — used with in  III. interjection  or ~ be  Date: 1816 — used to express surprise or delight ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (glories, glorying, gloried) 1. Glory is the fame and admiration that you gain by doing something impressive. Walsham had his moment of glory when he won a 20km race. ...we were still basking in the glory of our Championship win. N-UNCOUNT 2. A person’s glories are the occasions when they have done something people greatly admire which makes them famous. The album sees them re-living past glories but not really breaking any new ground. N-PLURAL: with supp 3. The glory of something is its great beauty or impressive nature. The glory of the idea blossomed in his mind. N-UNCOUNT: with poss, usu the N of n 4. The glories of a culture or place are the things that people admire most about it. ...a tour of Florence, to enjoy the artistic glories of the Italian Renaissance... N-COUNT: usu pl, with supp, usu the N of n 5. If you glory in a situation or activity, you enjoy it very much. The workers were glorying in their new-found freedom... = revel VERB: V in n 6. If you go out in a blaze of glory, you do something very dramatic at the end of your career or your life which makes you famous. I am never going back to prison. I am going to make national news headlines and go out in a blaze of glory. PHRASE: oft in PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the importance, honour, and praise that people give someone or something they admire a lot  (As a child he dreamt of future glory as an Olympic champion. | covered in/with glory)  (The team finished the season covered with glory.) 2 something that is especially beautiful, or makes you feel proud  (the glories of Roman architecture | crowning glory (=the final completion of something successful))  (The Oscar was the crowning glory of her career.) 3 a beautiful and impressive appearance  (After years of neglect the palace has been restored to its former glory. | in all its/their etc glory)  (Wild flowers in all their glory carpeted the meadow.) 4 bask/bathe in sb's reflected glory to share some of the importance and praise that belongs to someone close to you 5 Glory (be) to God/Jesus etc spoken used to say that God deserves praise, honour, and thanks 6 glory days a time in the past when someone was admired  (his glory days on the high school football team) 7 to the (greater) glory of formal in order to increase the honour that is given to someone or something  (Bach composed to the greater glory of God.) 8 go to glory old use to die ~2 v glory in sth phr v T not in pasive) to enjoy something very much such as praise or people's attention ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  religion abbr. Gods Love Openly Reaching Youth religion abbr. Giving, Loving, Obeying, And Reaching Youth ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: IN ONE'S GLORY. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. glorie, from L. gloria "great praise or honor," of uncertain origin. Gk. doxa "expectation" (Homer), later "opinion, fame," and ultimately "glory," was used in Biblical writing to translate a Heb. word with a sense of "brightness, splendor, magnificence, majesty," and was subsequently translated as L. gloria, which has colored that word's meaning in most European tongues. Glory days was in use by 1980s; glorious is c.1275, from O.Fr. glorieus, from L. gloriosus "full of glory," from gloria. Glorified in the sense of "transformed into something better" is recorded from 1821. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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