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Англо-русский словарь - funny


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house noun amer.; coll.
 1) психиатрическая больница
 2) лечебница для наркоманов
FUNNY farm noun amer.; coll. (загородная) больница для наркоманов
 1. adj.
 1) забавный, смешной; смехотворный; потешный
 2) coll. странный funny business - подозрительное, не совсем чистое дело to feel funny - неважно себя чувствовать Syn: see humorous
 2. noun; pl.; amer.; coll. страничка юмора в газете II noun двухвесельная лодка, ялик
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  1. двухвесельная лодка; ялик 2. раздел комиксов (в газете) 3. газета, в основном состоящая из комиксов 4. смешной, забавный; потешный funny story —- анекдот, смешная историяы it's not funny at all —- это совсем не смешно; ничего смешного в этом нет 5. странный, непонятный funny temper —- странный характер funny thing —- нечто непонятное to feel funny —- чувствовать непривычное возбуждение; чувствовать недомогание she felt a bit funny —- ей немного нездоровилось 6. эвф. тронувшийся, чудной she went slightly funny after his loss —- после его гибели она немного тронулась 7. разг. подозрительный, нечистый funny business —- нечистое дело; обман, мошенничество; подлость there's smth. funny about it —- здесь что-то не так, здесь дело нечисто don't try anything funny while my back is turned —- не вздумай выкинуть какую-нибудь штуку за моей спиной don't get funny with me! —- не позволяй себе вольностей!; не лезь ко мне! Id: funny enough —- как ни странно, как ни удивительно Id: funny as a crutch! —- ам. ничего смешного!; хороши шутки! Id: funny ha-ha —- смешной в смысле забавный Id: funny peculiar —- смешной в смысле странный Id: what a funny book! - Do you mean funny ha-ha or funny peculiar? —- какая смешная книга! - Смешная в смысле юмористическая или в смысле нелепая? ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. (funnier, funniest) 1 amusing, comical. 2 strange, perplexing, hard to account for. 3 colloq. slightly unwell, eccentric, etc. --n. (pl. -ies) (usu. in pl.) colloq. 1 a comic strip in a newspaper. 2 a joke. Phrases and idioms funny-bone the part of the elbow over which the ulnar nerve passes. funny business 1 sl. misbehaviour or deception. 2 comic behaviour, comedy. funny-face joc. colloq. an affectionate form of address. funny farm sl. a mental hospital. funny-ha-ha colloq. = sense 1 of adj. funny man a clown or comedian, esp. a professional. funny money colloq. inflated currency. funny paper a newspaper etc. containing humorous matter. funny-peculiar colloq. = senses 2, 3 of adj. Derivatives funnily adv. funniness n. Etymology: FUN + -Y(1) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (funnier; -est)  Date: 1756  1.  a. affording light mirth and laughter ; amusing  b. seeking or intended to amuse ; facetious  2. differing from the ordinary in a suspicious, perplexing, quaint, or eccentric way ; peculiar — often used as a sentence modifier ~, things didn't turn out the way we planned  3. involving trickery or deception told his prisoner not to try anything ~  • funnily adverb  • funniness noun  • ~ adverb  II. noun  (plural funnies)  Date: 1852  1. one that is ~; especially joke  2. plural comic strips or the comic section of a periodical — usually used with the ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (funnier, funniest, funnies) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Someone or something that is funny is amusing and likely to make you smile or laugh. Wade was smart and not bad-looking, and he could be funny when he wanted to... I’ll tell you a funny story. = amusing, comical ADJ 2. If you describe something as funny, you think it is strange, surprising, or puzzling. Children get some very funny ideas sometimes!... There’s something funny about him... It’s funny how love can come and go. = odd, curious ADJ: oft it v-link ADJ how/that 3. If you feel funny, you feel slightly ill. (INFORMAL) My head had begun to ache and my stomach felt funny. ADJ: usu feel ADJ 4. The funnies are humorous drawings or a series of humorous drawings in a newspaper or magazine. (AM INFORMAL) N-PLURAL: the N ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 »AMUSING« making you laugh  (He was telling funny anecdotes about Hollywood. | hysterically/hilariously funny)  (Everyone except me seemed to find her mistakes hilariously funny.) 2 »STRANGE« unusual and difficult to explain  (I had a funny feeling that something was going to happen. | It was a funny sort of day, hot but with huge rain clouds.) 3 »DISHONEST« seeming to be illegal or dishonest, although you are not exactly sure why  (There's something funny going on here. | funny business (=activities that are illegal or dishonest))  (When I checked the accounts I realized that there was some funny business going on.) 4 go funny informal if something goes funny it stops working properly  (I just turned it on and the picture went all funny.) 5 »ILL« feeling slightly ill  (I always feel funny after a long ride in the car.) 6 »CRAZY« BrE slightly crazy  (After his wife died he went a bit funny.) 7 see the funny side of sth to be able to laugh in a difficult or bad situation  (Fortunately, the patient saw the funny side of the mix up and decided not to take us to court.) 8 it's funny used to say that you do not really understand why something happens, but it does and you think it is strange, interesting, worrying etc  (It's funny, but I've known her for years and I don't even know her name. | it's funny (that))  (It's funny Jack didn't come. I hope he's ok. | it's funny how)  (It's funny how you remember the words of songs, even ones you don't really like.) 9 that's funny used when you are surprised by something that has happened and you can not explain it  (That's funny! I'm sure I put my wallet down there, and now it's gone.) 10 the funny thing is used to say what the strangest or most amusing part of a story or situation is  (But the funny thing is, after they'd argued for ages about where to go, the car wouldn't start. | The funny thing is, I sort of knew this would happen.) 11 it's not funny used to tell someone not to laugh at or make jokes about something you think is very serious  (It's not funny! I'm...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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