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Англо-русский словарь - foundation


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Перевод с английского языка foundation на русский

cream крем под пудру
 1) фундамент; основание, основа to lay the foundation(s) of smth. - заложить фундамент чего-л.; положить начало чему-л.
 2) pl. основы; устои
 3) основание (города и т.п.)
 4) основание, обоснованность the rumour has no foundation - это ни на чем не основанный слух
 5) организация, учреждение
 6) фонд, пожертвованный на культурные начинания
 7) учреждение, существующее на пожертвованный фонд
 8) attr. - foundation pit - foundation garment - foundation cream Syn: see basis
FOUNDATION garment корсет, грация
FOUNDATION pit constr. котлован под фундамент
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См. в других словарях

  1. основание (города и т. п.); закладка (фундамента и т. п.) the foundation of London took place at an unknown date —- год основания Лондона неизвестен 2. (часто pl.) фундамент, основание the explosion shook the building to its foundations —- взрыв потряс здание до самого основания to lay the foundations of smth. —- заложить фундамент чего-л.; положить начало чему-л. foundation bolt —- анкерный, фундаментальный болт foundation pit —- стр. котлован (фундамента) 3. основание, обоснование, обоснованность the rumour is without foundation —- это ни на чем не основанный слух 4. pl. основы, принципы the foundations of the theory —- основы теории 5. основа, базис, база; исходный пункт the foundations of smb.'s career —- основа чьей-л. карьеры to strike at the foundation of smth. —- подрывать самую основу чего-л. 6. организация, учреждение, создание the foundation of library —- организация библиотеки 7. фонд, пожертвованный на (какое-л.) культурное начинание to be on the foundation —- существовать за счет пожертвованного фонда 8. (часто F.) учреждение или организация, существующие на пожертвованный фонд 9. грунт 10. текст. жесткая подкладка; бортовка 11. грация (корсет вместе с бюстгалтером) 12. пчел. вощина 13. крем под пудру ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. 1) фундамент, основание, основа 2) обоснованность, основание 3) организация, учреждение 4) фонд пожертвований на культурные начинания 5) основание (города) • - African Development Foundation - charitable foundation - private foundation FOUNDATION сущ. 1) общ. фундамент, основание, основа, база to lay the foundation(s) of smth. — заложить фундамент основу чего-л., положить начало чему-л. firm solid foundation — прочная основа фундамент There is little foundation for his objections. — Для его возражений мало оснований. The rumour is without foundation. — Это ни на чем не основанный слух. Syn: basis 2) юр. организация, учреждение, создание, основание the foundation of a new scientific society. — основание нового научного общества Syn: institution 3) упр., фин. фонд а) (пожертвования, составляющие основу деятельности организации) Syn: endowment б) (организация, созданная на пожертвования с благотворительной целью) Syn: fund 4) мн., общ. основы, принципы (напр. теории) FOUNDATION 1) фонд 2) основание 3) учреждение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) база 2) базис 3) обоснованность 4) основание 5) основы 6) фундамент 7) фундаментный 8) цокольный concrete foundation block — блок фундамента foundation of a dam — основание плотины - axiom of foundation - axiomatic foundation - base of foundation - basic foundation - bridge foundation - concrete foundation - core of foundation - deep foundation - depth of foundation - earthquake-proof foundation - flat foundation - foundation curb - foundation frame - foundation modulus - foundation pile - foundation pit - foundation post - foundation wall - foundation walls - lay foundation - laying of foundation - piles foundation - pit foundation - rigid foundation - shallow foundation - slab foundation - stable foundation - strip foundation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  база – digital-media foundation ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  основание; фундамент foundation for interior plaster coat bedrock foundation benched foundation blob foundation box foundation buoyancy raft foundation buoyant foundation caisson foundation cantilever foundation cellular raft foundation chimney foundation circular foundation combined pad foundation compensated foundation concrete foundation cone foundation continuous pad and beam foundation crib foundation deep foundation dome foundation drilled pier foundation earth foundation egg box foundation egg crate foundation elastic foundation floating foundation girder foundation grillage foundation heavy foundation independent foundation injected foundation isolated foundation machinery foundation mass concrete pad foundation mat foundation narrow strip foundation pad foundation pier foundation pile foundation pile-and-cribwork foundation piled foundation plain pad foundation plain slab raft foundation raft foundation ring foundation rock-fill foundation shallow foundation slab and beam raft foundation spread foundation sprung foundation strip foundation traditional strip foundation trench-fill foundation ventilated pad foundation well foundation ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) грунтовое основание; постель 2) фундамент; основание 3) устройство фундамента 4) швейн. подкладка 5) текст. прокладка 6) корсет, грация 7) основание, закладка 8) учреждение; организация 9) фонд foundation on friction piles — висячее свайное основание; to strip the foundation — производить вскрышные работы - bedrock foundation - belled-out foundation - benched foundation - buoyant foundation - caisson foundation - circular foundation - deep foundation - deep-grid pile foundation - deep-piled foundation - drilled pier foundation - earth foundation - elastic foundation - grillage foundation - hat-type foundation - high-grid pile foundation - institutional foundation - lapping foundation - mat foundation - pad foundation - pervious foundation - pile foundation - raft foundation - rigid foundation - ring foundation - rubble-mound foundation - rubble foundation - semicontrol foundation - slab foundation - soil foundation - spread foundation - stepped foundation - sunk foundation - two-way continuous foundation - well foundation - Winkler foundation ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a the solid ground or base, natural or artificial, on which a building rests. b (usu. in pl.) the lowest load-bearing part of a building, usu. below ground level. 2 a body or ground on which other parts are overlaid. 3 a basis or underlying principle; groundwork (the report has no foundation). 4 a the act or an instance of establishing or constituting (esp. an endowed institution) on a permanent basis. b such an institution, e.g. a monastery, college, or hospital. 5 (in full foundation garment) a woman's supporting undergarment, e.g. a corset. Phrases and idioms foundation cream a cream used as a base for applying cosmetics. foundation-stone 1 a stone laid with ceremony to celebrate the founding of a building. 2 the main ground or basis of something. Derivatives foundational adj. Etymology: ME f. OF fondation f. L fundatio -onis (as FOUND(2)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   noun  Date: 14th century  1. the act of founding  2. a basis (as a tenet, principle, or axiom) upon which something stands or is supported the ~s of geometry the rumor is without ~ in fact  3.  a. funds given for the permanent support of an institution ; endowment  b. an organization or institution established by endowment with provision for future maintenance  4. an underlying base or support; especially the whole masonry substructure of a building  5.  a. a body or ground upon which something is built up or overlaid  b. a woman's supporting undergarment ; corset  c. a cosmetic usually used as a base for makeup  • ~al adjective  • ~ally adverb  • ~less adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (foundations) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. The foundation of something such as a belief or way of life is the things on which it is based. The issue strikes at the very foundation of our community... This laid the foundations for later modern economic growth. N-COUNT: usu the N of/for n • If an event shakes the foundations of a society or a system of beliefs, it causes great uncertainty and makes people question their most deeply held beliefs. The destruction of war and the death of millions of young people shook the foundations of Western idealism... PHRASE: V inflects 2. The foundations of a building or other structure are the layer of bricks or concrete below the ground that it is built on. N-PLURAL 3. A foundation is an organization which provides money for a special purpose such as research or charity. ...the National Foundation for Educational Research. N-COUNT 4. If a story, idea, or argument has no foundation, there are no facts to prove that it is true. The allegations were without foundation... Each complaint is analysed very closely, and if it has no foundation it is rejected. N-UNCOUNT: with brd-neg 5. Foundation is a skin-coloured cream that you put on your face before putting on the rest of your make-up. N-MASS 6. see also found FOUNDATION COURSE (foundation courses) A foundation course is a course that you do at some colleges and universities in order to prepare yourself for a longer or more advanced course. (BRIT; in AM, use basic course) N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »BUILDING« AmE also foundations especially BrE the solid layer of cement, bricks, stones etc that is under a building to support it  (lay the foundations (=build them))  (It should take us about three weeks to lay the foundations.) 2 »BASIC IDEA« a basic idea, principle, situation etc that something develops from + of  (All theories should be built on a foundation of factual knowledge.) a solid/firm foundation  (He hoped that this job would serve as a firm foundation for his chosen career.) 3 »ORGANIZATION« an organization that gives money to a charity (2), for research etc  (the Carnegie Foundation) 4 »ESTABLISHMENT« the establishment of an organization, business, school etc  (Since its foundation in 1835, this school has served the community.) 5 lay/provide the foundation (s) for to provide the conditions that will make it possible for something to be successful  (Good planning after the war laid the foundations for the nation's economic miracle.) 6 be without foundation/have no foundation if a statement, idea etc is without foundation, there is no proof that it is true  (Your accusations are completely without foundation.) 7 »SKIN« a cream the same colour as your skin that you put on before the rest of your make­up 8 shake/rock sth to its foundations to completely change the way something is done or the way people think by having a completely new idea  (Darwin's theory rocked the scientific establishment to its foundations.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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