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Англо-русский словарь - flame


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Перевод с английского языка flame на русский

 а) вспыхнуть, запылать The fire flamed out when the wind blew again.
 б) вспылить Marys temper flamed out.
 а) вспыхнуть, запылать The fire flamed out when the wind blew again.
 б) вспылить Marys temper flamed out.
 1. noun
 1) пламя the flames - огонь to burst into flame(s) - вспыхнуть пламенем to commit to the flames - сжигать in flames - пылающий, в огне the flames of sunset - зарево заката
 2) яркий свет
 3) пыл, страсть to fan the flame - разжигать страсти
 4) joc. предмет любви an old flame of his - его старая любовь Syn: see fire
 2. v.
 1) гореть, пламенеть, пылать
 2) вспыхнуть, покраснеть her face flamed with excitement - ее лицо разгорелось от волнения - flame out - flame up
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См. в других словарях

  1. пламя in flames —- в огне, горящий, пылающий to burst (to break) into flame(s), to go up in flames —- вспыхнуть, загореться to commit to the flames —- предавать огню, сжигать to shoot out flames —- извергать пламя 2. яркий свет, сияние silver flame of moonlight —- серебристый свет луны the flames of sunset —- зарево (пламя) заката 3. пыл, страсть flame of anger —- вспышка гнева to fan the flame —- разжигать страсти the flame of his intellect —- блеск его ума 4. предмет страсти an old flame of his —- его старая любовь (пассия) 5. пылать, гореть пламенем 6. сиять, светиться, пламенеть the western sky flamed —- небо на западе пламенело the garden flamed with tulips —- сад казался огненно-красным от тюльпанов 7. вспыхивать, пылать (о страсти и т. п.) to flame with indignation —- пылать негодованием her anger suddenly flamed —- она вдруг вспылила 8. вспыхнуть, загореться, покраснеть her face flamed with excitement —- ее лицо пылало (она покраснела) от волнения 9. спец. проводить через пламя, фламбировать 10. кул. поливать горящим кипятком (пуншем и т. п.) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  пламя; фламбировать, проводить через пламя, стерилизовать пламенем ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) воспламенить 2) воспламенять 3) огневой 4) огонь 5) пламень 6) пламя 7) разапламенный 8) факел 9) фламбировать excess oxygen flame — пламя с избытком кислорода flame cleaning burner — горелка для газопламенной очистки - body of flame - carburizing flame - cellular flame - cool flame - core of flame - cyclonic flame - fan-shaped flame - flame arrester - flame blocker - flame cleaning - flame coloration - flame condition - flame cone - flame deflector - flame drilling - flame drops - flame failure - flame front - flame gouging - flame machining - flame pattern - flame peeling - flame sprayer - flame spraying - flame temperature - flame thinning - flame tube - flame weeding - hot flame - idle flame - ignition flame - laminar flame - long flame - luminous flame - naked flame - open flame - oxidizing flame - pilot flame - reducing flame - singeing flame - smoky flame - soft flame - torch flame - turbulent flame ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  пламя; факел exposed to open flame pilot flame ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пламя 2) факел - acute flame - adiabatic flame - arc flame - balanced flame - blue flame - brush flame - bushy flame - carbon black flame - carbonizing flame - clear flame - coal-dust flame - cold flame - cutting flame - dark flame - dense flame - diffusion flame - diminishing flame - excess enthalpy flame - fast mixing flame - fluctuating flame - free flame - fuel droplet flame - gas support flame - gas welding flame - inverted flame - laminar flame - laminar-jet flame - low-pressure flame - luminous flame - off-port flame - one-dimensional flame - on-port flame - oxy-acetylene flame - pilot flame - premixed flame - pulsating flame - reducing flame - ribbon flame - slow mixing flame - smoking flame - sparky flame - spherically symmetric flame - steady-state flame - torch flame - tunnel flame - turbulent flame - two-dimensional flame - two-reactant flame - unbalanced flame - volatile flame - wild flame ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a ignited gas (the fire burnt with a steady flame). b one portion of this (the flame flickered and died). c (usu. in pl.) visible combustion (burst into flames). 2 a a bright light; brilliant colouring. b a brilliant orange-red colour. 3 a strong passion, esp. love (fan the flame). b colloq. a boyfriend or girlfriend. --v. 1 intr. & tr. (often foll. by away, forth, out, up) emit or cause to emit flames. 2 intr. (often foll. by out, up) a (of passion) break out. b (of a person) become angry. 3 intr. shine or glow like flame (leaves flamed in the autumn sun). 4 intr. poet. move like flame. 5 tr. send (a signal) by means of flame. 6 tr. subject to the action of flame. Phrases and idioms flame gun a device for throwing flames to destroy weeds etc. flame out (of a jet engine) lose power through the extinction of the flame in the combustion chamber. flame-proof (esp. of a fabric) treated so as to be non-flammable. flame-thrower (or -projector) a weapon for throwing a spray of flame. flame-tree any of various trees with brilliant red flowers esp. flame-of-the-forest, Delonix regia. go up in flames be consumed by fire. Derivatives flameless adj. flamelike adj. flamy adj. Etymology: ME f. OF flame, flam(m)er f. L flamma ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English flaume, flaumbe, from Anglo-French ~ (from Latin flamma) & flambe, flamble, from Latin flammula, diminutive of flamma ~; akin to Latin flagrare to burn — more at black  Date: 14th century  1. the glowing gaseous part of a fire  2.  a. a state of blazing combustion the car burst into ~  b. a condition or appearance suggesting a ~ or burning: as  (1) burning zeal or passion  (2) a strong reddish-orange color  3. brilliance, brightness  4. sweetheart  5. the memory, reputation, or beliefs of a deceased person; broadly memory keeper of the ~  6. an angry, hostile, or abusive electronic message  II. verb  (~d; flaming)  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to burn with a ~ ; blaze  2.  a. to burst or break out violently or passionately flaming with indignation  b. to send an angry, hostile, or abusive electronic message  3. to shine brightly ; glow color flaming up in her cheeks  transitive verb  1. to send or convey by means of ~ ~ a message by signal fires  2. to treat or affect with ~: as  a. to sear, sterilize, or destroy by fire  b. flambe  3. to send an angry, hostile, or abusive electronic message to or about  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (flames, flaming, flamed) 1. A flame is a hot bright stream of burning gas that comes from something that is burning. The heat from the flames was so intense that roads melted. ...a huge ball of flame. N-VAR 2. A flame is an e-mail message which severely criticizes or attacks someone. (COMPUTING INFORMAL) The best way to respond to a flame is to ignore it. N-COUNT • Flame is also a verb. Ever been flamed? VERB: V n 3. see also flaming, old flame 4. If something bursts into flames or bursts into flame, it suddenly starts burning strongly. She managed to scramble out of the vehicle as it burst into flames. PHRASE: V inflects 5. If someone or something fans the flames of a situation or feeling, usually a bad one, they make it more intense or extreme in some way. He accused the Tories of ‘fanning the flames of extremism’. PHRASE: V inflects 6. If something goes up in flames, it starts to burn strongly and is destroyed. Fires broke out everywhere, the entire city went up in flames. PHRASE: V inflects 7. Something that is in flames is on fire. PHRASE: v-link PHR ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 hot bright burning gas that you see when something is on fire  (the flame of a candle | Flames poured out of the windows of the building.) 2 in flames burning strongly  (The house was in flames by the time we arrived.) 3 go up in flames/burst into flames to begin burning suddenly and strongly  (I was driving along and the engine just burst into flames.) 4 a flame of passion/desire/vengeance etc literary a strong feeling  (- see also old flame old (13), naked flame naked (3), fan the flames fan2 (2), add fuel to the fire/flames fuel1 (3)) ~2 v 1 literary to become suddenly bright with light or colour, especially red or orange  (Her cheeks flamed for an instant.) 2 also flame up to suddenly burn more strongly or brightly ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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