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Англо-русский словарь - fashion


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Перевод с английского языка fashion на русский

 1. noun
 1) образ, манера after/in a fashion -
 а) некоторым образом, до известной степени;
 б) кое-как after the fashion of smth. - по образцу чего-л. in ones own fashion - по-своему
 2) фасон, покрой; форма
 3) стиль, мода to be the fashion, to be in fashion - быть в моде to be in the fashion - следовать моде to bring into fashion - вводить в моду dressed in the height of fashion - одетый по последней моде - man of fashion - out of fashion Syn: see method
 2. v.
 1) придавать вид, форму (into, to); tech. формовать, фасонировать, моделировать to fashion a vase from clay - лепить сосуд из глины
 2) rare приспосабливать (to) We can fashion the dress to your figure. This music is not fashioned to my taste. Syn: see mould
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См. в других словарях

  1. образ; манера, вид he behaved in a strange fashion —- он странно вел себя I don't like the fashion of his speech —- мне не нравится его манера говорить in one's own fashion —- по-своему he will certainly do it in his own fashion —- он обязательно сделает это по-своему the grain was threshed after the old fashion —- зерно молотили по-старому after (in) a fashion —- некоторым образом, до некоторой степени, немного, не очень хорошо he was tall, athletic and after a fashion handsome —- это был высокий, атлетически сложенный и по-своему красивый человек he plays tennis after a fashion —- он немного играет в теннис after the fashion of —- в чьей-л. манере a novel after the fashion of Maugham —- роман в манере (в духе) Моэма 2. фасон; покрой; форма the two cups are made after the same fashion —- обе чашки одинаковой формы the fashion of a dress —- фасон платья the little box was made after the fashion of the Japanese lacquered boxes —- коробочка была сделана по образцу японских лакированных шкатулок 3. мода to keep up with the latest fashions —- следовать последней моде to be in the fashion —- следовать моде dressed in the height of fashion —- одетый по последней моде he was dressed in the Eastern fashion —- он был одет на восточный манер to be the fashion, to be in fashion —- быть в моде this writer was in fashion at the beginning of the century —- этот писатель был в моде в начале века to bring into fashion —- вводить в моду to be out of fashion —- быть не в моде to go...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) вид 2) манера 3) мода 4) моделировать 5) образ 6) смоделировать 7) стиль 8) сформовать 9) фасон 10) форма 11) формовать in a broad fashion — широко in a new fashion — по-новому launch in piggy-back fashion — запуск с промежуточной орбиты - at random fashion - in helical fashion - in linear fashion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (аудио)мода – audio fashion ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  n. & v. --n. 1 the current popular custom or style, esp. in dress or social conduct. 2 a manner or style of doing something (in a peculiar fashion). 3 (in comb.) in a specified manner (walk crab-fashion). 4 fashionable society (a woman of fashion). --v.tr. (often foll. by into) make into a particular or the required form. Phrases and idioms after (or in) a fashion as well as is practicable, though not satisfactorily. in (or out of) fashion fashionable (or not fashionable) at the time in question. Derivatives fashioner n. Etymology: ME f. AF fasun, OF fa{ccedil}on, f. L factio -onis f. facere fact- do, make ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English facioun, fasoun shape, manner, from Anglo-French facun, fauschoun, from Latin faction-, factio act of making, faction, from facere to make — more at do  Date: 14th century  1.  a. the make or form of something  b. archaic kind, sort  2.  a. a distinctive or peculiar and often habitual manner or way he will, after his sour ~, tell you — Shakespeare  b. mode of action or operation assembled in an orderly ~  3.  a. a prevailing custom, usage, or style  b.  (1) the prevailing style (as in dress) during a particular time  (2) a garment in such a style always wears the latest ~s  c. social standing or prominence especially as signalized by dress or conduct men and women of ~ Synonyms:  ~, style, mode, vogue, fad, rage, craze mean the usage accepted by those who want to be up-to-date. ~ is the most general term and applies to any way of dressing, behaving, writing, or performing that is favored at any one time or place the current ~. style often implies a distinctive ~ adopted by people of taste a media baron used to traveling in style. mode suggests the ~ of the moment among those anxious to appear elegant and sophisticated slim bodies are the mode at this resort. vogue stresses the wide acceptance of a ~ short skirts are back in vogue. fad suggests caprice in taking up or in dropping a ~ last year's fad is over. rage and craze stress intense enthusiasm in adopting a fad Cajun food was the rage nearly everywhere for a time crossword puzzles once seemed just a passing craze but have lasted.  Synonym: see in addition method.  II. transitive verb  (~ed; ~ing)  Date: 15th century  1.  a. to give shape or form to ; mold  b. alter, transform  c. to mold into a particular character by influencing or training  d. to make or construct usually with the use of imagination and ingenuity ~ a lamp from an old churn  2. fit, adapt  3. obsolete contrive  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (fashions, fashioning, fashioned) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Fashion is the area of activity that involves styles of clothing and appearance. There are 20 full-colour pages of fashion for men... The fashion world does not mind what the real world thinks. N-UNCOUNT 2. A fashion is a style of clothing or a way of behaving that is popular at a particular time. Queen Mary started the fashion for blue and white china in England... He stayed at the top through all changes and fashions in pop music. N-COUNT: oft the N 3. If you do something in a particular fashion or after a particular fashion, you do it in that way. There is another drug called DHE that works in a similar fashion... It is happening in this fashion because of the obstinacy of one woman. = manner N-SING: with supp see also parrot-fashion 4. If you fashion an object or a work of art, you make it. (FORMAL) Stone Age settlers fashioned necklaces from sheep’s teeth. VERB: V n 5. see also old-fashioned 6. If you say that something was done after a fashion, you mean that it was done, but not very well. She was educated–after a fashion–at home... He knew the way, after a fashion. PHRASE 7. If something is in fashion, it is popular and approved of at a particular time. If it is out of fashion, it is not popular or approved of. That sort of house is back in fashion... Marriage seems to be going out of fashion. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the popular style of clothes, hair, behaviour etc at a particular time, that is likely to change  (a/the fashion for)  (a fashion for alternative therapies | be the fashion)  (Eastern religions such as Buddhism used to be the fashion in the 60s. | be in fashion)  (Hats are in fashion again this year. | be out of fashion/go out of fashion (=not be popular))  (Maxi skirts went out of fashion years ago. | come into fashion)  (His ideas are coming back into fashion these days. | be all the fashion (=be very popular))  (Psychoanalysis now seems to be all the fashion. | fashion conscious (=always wanting to wear the newest fashions))  (Teenage girls are very fashion conscious.) 2 a style of clothes, hair etc that is popular at a particular time  (men's fashions | This is a very popular fashion at the moment. | High heels are this year's fashion. | the latest fashion)  (They'll have all the latest fashions. | a fashion for doing sth/the fashion of doing sth)  (Camilla started the fashion of wearing odd socks.) 3 the business or study of making and selling clothes, shoes etc in new and changing styles  (fashion magazines | the fashion industry)  (When I leave college I want to work in the fashion industry.) 4 in a ... fashion in a particular way  (Leave the building in an orderly fashion.) 5 after a fashion if you do something after a fashion, you can do it, but not very well  ("Can you speak Russian?" "After a fashion.") 6 after the fashion of in a style that is typical of a particular person  (Her early work is very much after the fashion of Picasso and Braque.) 7 like it's going out of fashion informal if you eat, drink, or use something like it's going out of fashion, you eat, drink, or use a lot of it  (Danny's been spending money like it's going out of fashion.) 8 fashion victim BrE informal someone who always wears or does what is fashionable, even if it does not look good on them  (- see also parrot fashion parrot1 (2)) ~2 v 1 to shape or make something, using your hands or only a few tools  (fashion sth...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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