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Англо-русский словарь - fancy


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Перевод с английского языка fancy на русский

 1. noun
 1) фантазия; воображение
 2) мысленный образ
 3) прихоть, причуда, каприз
 4) склонность; пристрастие; конек; вкус к чему-л. to have a fancy for smth. - любить что-л., увлекаться чем-л. to take a fancy for/to smb., smth. - увлечься кем-л., чем-л.; полюбить кого-л., что-л. to take/catch the fancy of smb. - привлечь внимание кого-л.; захватить кого-л., полюбиться кому-л. to tickle smb. s fancy - понравиться кому-л., возбудить чье-л. любопытство
 5) (the fancy) любители, энтузиасты; болельщики Syn: see imagination
 2. adj.
 1) причудливый, прихотливый
 2) фантастический - fancy picture - fancy price
 3) орнаментальный, разукрашенный; фасонный - fancy bread
 4) маскарадный - fancy dress
 5) модный; высшего качества fancy articles - модные товары; безделушки; галантерея - fancy fair
 6) обладающий особыми свойствами, полученными путем селекции (о растении или животном)
 7) многоцветный (о растениях) - fancy man - fancy woman - fancy lady
 3. v.
 1) воображать, представлять себе fancy!, just/only fancy! - можете себе представить!, подумай(те) только!
 2) полагать, предполагать
 3) нравиться; любить you may eat anything that you fancy - вы можете есть все (что угодно)
 4) refl.; coll. воображать, быть о себе высокого мнения You can tell that she fancies herself from the way she dresses. She fancies herself as a singer but she doesnt have a very good voice.
 5) выращивать животных или растения улучшенной породы или вида
FANCY bread сдоба
FANCY dress маскарадный костюм
FANCY fair базар модных вещей
FANCY goods модный товар
FANCY lady
 а) любовница
 б) проститутка
FANCY picture фантастическое описание
FANCY price баснословно дорогая цена
FANCY woman
 а) любовница
 б) проститутка
 а) любовник
 б) sl. сутенер
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См. в других словарях

  1. фантазия, воображение to have a lively fancy —- иметь живое воображение the power of fancy —- сила воображения all those stories only tickled his fancy —- все эти рассказы только дразнили его воображение 2. воображаемый, мысленный образ; иллюзия, мечта fancies of a poet —- поэтические образы I have a fancy that... —- мне кажется, что... did I really hear it or was it only a fancy? —- я действительно слышал это или мне показалось? 3. прихоть, каприз passing fancy —- мимолетная прихоть it was his fancy that we should go there by plane —- это он придумал, чтобы мы летели туда самолетом 4. вкус, склонность, пристрастие to have a fancy for smb. —- любить кого-л., увлекаться кем-л. to take a fancy for (to) smb. —- полюбить кого-л., привязаться к кому-л. to take a fancy for smth. —- захотеть чего-л. to catch (to take) smb.'s fancy —- поразить чье-л. воображение, понравиться, прийтись во вкусу (по душе) (кому-л.) the place caught my fancy at once —- место сразу понравилось мне 5. понимание, (художественный) вкус to possess fancy for form —- обладать чувством формы 6. (the fancy) собир. энтузиасты, любители; болельщики the great book-sale had congregated all the fancy —- большой книжный аукцион собрал всех любителей 7. причудливый, затейливый, прихотливый, фантастический fancy picture —- фантастическая картина fancy design —- причудливый узор a fancy hairdo —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) выводить растения новых сортов или животных новых пород 2) декоративный (о породе) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  I сущ. 1) общ. фантазия, воображение flight of fancy - полет фантазии 2) общ. плод фантазии, плод воображения а)(выдумка) Her belief that she can sing is a mere fancy. - Ее вера в то, что она может петь,- чистая фантазия. б) (галлюцинация) в) (изобретение) 3) общ. увлечение, склонность (к чему-либо) have a fancy for smb. (smth.)- увлекаться кем-либо (чем-либо) 4) общ. каприз, прихоть, причуда It was his fancy to fly to Paris occasionally for dinner. - У него был каприз: летать в Париж обедать. 5) марк. предмет роскоши See: fancy goods 6) марк. модный товар See: fad pattern II прил. 1) общ. причудливый, затейливый, фантастический 2) общ., марк. модный See: 3) юр. фиктивный, поддельный See: fancy account FANCY 1) фантазия, воображение 2) причудливый 3) орнаментальный 4) модный; высшего качества FANCY 1. сущ. 1) предметы роскоши 2) модные товары • - fancy account 2. прил. 1) фантастический 2) модный 3) высшего качества 3. гл. 1) предполагать, полагать 2) представлять себе ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  узорчатый - fancy cloth - fancy leather ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  n., adj., & v. --n. (pl. -ies) 1 an individual taste or inclination (take a fancy to). 2 a caprice or whim. 3 a thing favoured, e.g. a horse to win a race. 4 an arbitrary supposition. 5 a the faculty of using imagination or of inventing imagery. b a mental image. 6 delusion; unfounded belief. 7 (prec. by the) those who have a certain hobby; fanciers, esp. patrons of boxing. --adj. (usu. attrib.) (fancier, fanciest) 1 ornamental; not plain. 2 capricious, whimsical, extravagant (at a fancy price). 3 based on imagination, not fact. 4 US (of foods etc.) above average quality. 5 (of flowers etc.) particoloured. 6 (of an animal) bred for particular points of beauty etc. --v.tr. (-ies, -ied) 1 (foll. by that + clause) be inclined to suppose; rather think. 2 Brit. colloq. feel a desire for (do you fancy a drink?). 3 Brit. colloq. find sexually attractive. 4 colloq. have an unduly high opinion of (oneself, one's ability, etc.). 5 (in imper.) an exclamation of surprise (fancy their doing that!). 6 picture to oneself; conceive, imagine. Phrases and idioms catch (or take) the fancy of please; appeal to. fancy dress fanciful costume, esp. for masquerading as a different person or as an animal etc. at a party. fancy-free without (esp. emotional) commitments. fancy goods ornamental novelties etc. fancy man sl. derog. 1 a woman's lover. 2 a pimp. fancy woman sl. derog. a mistress. fancy-work ornamental sewing etc. Derivatives fanciable adj. (in sense 3 of v.). fancily adv. fanciness n. Etymology: contr. of FANTASY ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. transitive verb  (fancied; ~ing)  Date: 14th century  1. to have a ~ for ; like  2. to form a conception of ; imagine ~ our embarrassment  3.  a. to believe mistakenly or without evidence  b. to believe without being certain she fancied she had met him before  4. to visualize or interpret as fancied myself a child again  Synonyms: see think  II. noun  (plural fancies)  Etymology: Middle English fantasie, fantsy imagination, image, illusion, preference, from Anglo-French fantasie illusion, from Latin phantasia, from Greek, appearance, imagination, from phantazein to present to the mind (middle voice, to imagine), from phainein to show; akin to Old English geboned polished, Greek phos light  Date: 15th century  1.  a. a liking formed by caprice rather than reason ; inclination took a ~ to the mutt  b. amorous fondness ; love  2.  a. notion, whim  b. an image or representation of something formed in the mind  3. archaic fantastic quality or state  4.  a. imagination especially of a capricious or delusive sort  b. the power of conception and representation used in artistic expression (as by a poet)  5. taste, judgment  6.  a. devotees of some particular art, practice, or amusement  b. the object of interest of such a ~; especially boxing I  III. adjective  (fancier; -est)  Date: 1646  1. dependent or based on ~ ; whimsical  2.  a.  (1) not plain ; ornamental a ~ hairdo  (2) swanky 2, posh a ~ restaurant  b.  (1) of particular excellence or highest grade ~ tuna  (2) impressive posted some ~ numbers  c. of an animal or plant bred especially for bizarre or ornamental qualities that lack practical utility  3. based on conceptions of the ~ ~ sketches  4.  a. dealing in ~ goods  b. extravagant paying ~ prices  5. executed with technical skill and style ~ footwork ~ diving  6. parti-color ~ carnations  • fancily adverb  • fanciness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]WANTING, LIKING, OR THINKING (fancies, fancying, fancied) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you fancy something, you want to have it or to do it. (mainly BRIT INFORMAL) What do you fancy doing, anyway?... I just fancied a drink. VERB: V -ing, V n 2. A fancy is a liking or desire for someone or something, especially one that does not last long. She did not suspect that his interest was just a passing fancy. = whim N-COUNT: usu with supp 3. If you fancy someone, you feel attracted to them, especially in a sexual way. (INFORMAL) I think he thinks I fancy him or something. VERB: V n 4. If you fancy yourself as a particular kind of person or fancy yourself doing a particular thing, you like the idea of being that kind of person or doing that thing. So you fancy yourself as the boss someday?... I didn’t fancy myself wearing a kilt. VERB: V pron-refl as n, V pron-refl -ing 5. If you say that someone fancies themselves as a particular kind of person, you mean that they think, often wrongly, that they have the good qualities which that kind of person has. She fancies herself a bohemian... ...a flighty young woman who really fancies herself. VERB: V pron-refl n, V pron-refl 6. If you say that you fancy a particular competitor or team in a competition, you think they will win. (BRIT) You have to fancy Bath because they are the most consistent team in England... I fancy England to win through. VERB: V n, V n to-inf 7. You say ‘fancy’ or ‘fancy that’ when you want to express surprise or disapproval. It was very tasteless. Fancy talking like that so soon after his death... ‘Fancy that!’ smiled Conti. EXCLAM c darkgreen]feelings 8. If you take a fancy to someone or something, you start liking them, usually for no understandable reason. Sylvia took quite a fancy to him... PHRASE: V inflects, PHR n/-ing 9. If something takes your fancy or tickles your fancy, you like it a lot when you see it or think of it. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v fancied, fancying 1 »LIKE/WANT« especially BrE to like or want something, or want to do something  (Fancy a quick drink, Emma?) 2 »SEXUAL ATTRACTION« BrE informal to feel sexually attracted to someone  (All the girls fancied him like mad.) 3 fancy yourself BrE informal to behave in a way that shows you think you are very attractive or clever  (That bloke on the dance-floor really fancies himself.) 4 »THINK SOMETHING WILL BE SUCCESSFUL« BrE to think someone or something is likely to be successful in something  (fancy sb's chances)  (I don't fancy our chances of getting a ticket this late.) 5 fancy!/fancy that! BrE spoken used to express your surprise or shock about something  ("The Petersons are getting divorced." "Fancy that!") 6 »THINK/BELIEVE« literary to think or believe something without being certain  (fancy (that))  (She fancied she heard a noise downstairs.) ~2 n 1 »DESIRE FOR« especially BrE a) a feeling, especially one that is not particularly strong or urgent, that you would like something or someone  (take a fancy to (=decide that you like someone or want to have something))  (Mr Hill took a real fancy to Clara. | a passing fancy (=one that does not last long))  (Wanting to go to Mexico was just a passing fancy.) b) take your fancy if something takes your fancy, you like it or want to have it  (Did anything take your fancy?) 2 tickle sb's fancy informal to seem attractive or amusing to someone  (The idea of playing a joke on the Sergeant really tickled his fancy.) 3 »IDEA« old-fashioned an idea or opinion that is not based on fact  (Oh, that was a fancy of his.) 4 »IMAGINATION« literary imagination or something that you imagine  (flight of fancy (=when you let your imagination work in an uncontrolled way))  (Pat went off on one of her flights of fancy.) ~3 adj 1 fancy hotels, restaurants, cars etc are expensive and fashionable  (Harry took me to a fancy restaurant for our anniversary. | fancy prices (=very high and often unreasonable prices)) 2 having a lot of decoration or bright...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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