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Англо-русский словарь - executive


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Перевод с английского языка executive на русский

 1. adj. исполнительный; amer. тж. административный; to go into executive session amer. - удаляться на закрытое заседание, совещание - executive council - executive committee - executive board - executive secretary - executive agreement - executive order - executive officer - executive session
 2. noun
 1) (the executive) исполнительная власть, исполнительный орган
 2) (Executive) amer. глава исполнительной власти Chief Executive - президент США
 3) amer. должностное лицо, руководитель, администратор (фирмы, компании) business executives - представители деловых кругов
 4) amer.; mil. начальник штаба (части); помощник командира Syn: see performer
EXECUTIVE agreement amer. договор, заключаемый президентом с иностранным государством и не требующий утверждения сената
EXECUTIVE board правление
EXECUTIVE committee исполнительный комитет
EXECUTIVE council amer. исполнительный совет
EXECUTIVE officer naut. строевой офицер; amer. старший помощник командира
EXECUTIVE order amer. приказ президента
EXECUTIVE secretary ответственный секретарь; управляющий делами (в органах ООН)
EXECUTIVE session amer. закрытое заседание
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См. в других словарях

  1. (the executive, the E) исполнительная власть 2. (the executive) исполнительный орган 3. (the E.) исполком (партии) 4. (E.) ам. глава исполнительной власти; Chief E. президент (США) 5. руководитель, администратор; руководящий работник; (ответственный) сотрудник major executives —- руководящие сотрудники business executive —- руководящий работник, администратор (компании, корпорации и т. п.)ам. воен. начальник штаба части; помощник командира 6. исполнительный executive power —- исполнительная власть 7. ам. правительственный; президентский, относящийся к президенту executive agent —- личный представитель президента за границей executive discretion —- компетенция президента, круг вопросов, решаемых президентом executive department —- министерство, ведомство; отдел администрации отдельных штатов executive business —- административные вопросы (повестка дня); вопросы, внесенные (в сенат) президентом executive privilege —- прерогатива президента, особ. конфиденциальность его переписки и бесед the executive head of the nation —- глава исполнительной власти, глава правительства; глава государства, президент 8. администраторский; организаторский executive duties —- административные обязанности executive talent —- организаторский талант executive ability —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. полит. руководитель администрации Руководящее лицо в государстве или государственном аппарате (например, президент США President Тж. Chief Executive) 2. экон. исполнительный директор, руководитель В частной компании, корпорации См. тж. chief executive officer ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. сущ. 1) администратор, руководитель 2) исполнитель 3) исполнительная власть (только с определенным артиклем) 4) орган (исполнительной власти) 5) сотрудник 6) специалист • - Executive Office of the President - Executive Summary - account executive - bank executive - chief executive officer - chief executive - chief financial executive - city executive - company executive - economic executive - economic manager - executive agency - executive agent - executive clemency - executive council - executive expenses - executive office - executive officer - executive order - executive position - executive secretary - executive session - executive staff 2. прил. 1) исполнительный 2) административный; администраторский - executive authority - executive board - executive committee - executive compensation - executive control point - executive decision - executive development - executive director - executive game - executive management - executive office - executive power - executive powers - executive training Syn: controlling EXECUTIVE 1) исполнительный; административный 2) диспетчер; управляющая программа EXECUTIVE 1. сущ. 1) упр. администратор, руководитель, руководящий работник (осуществляет управление организацией в соответствии с решениями, принятыми на более высоком уровне (напр., советом директоров)) She is now a senior executive. — Теперь она руководитель высшего ранга. 2) пол., амер. глава исполнительной власти (используется с капитализацией) Chief Executive — президент США 3) пол. исполнительная власть (с...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) операционная система 2) администратор; исполнитель; руководитель ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению
  супервизор; организующая программа; управляющая программа - floating executive ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) вчт. диспетчер; управляющая программа 2) операционная система 3) управляющий; руководящий работник; администратор - real-time executive - resident executive - time-sharing executive ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & adj. --n. 1 a person or body with managerial or administrative responsibility in a business organization etc.; a senior businessman. 2 a branch of a government or organization concerned with executing laws, agreements, etc., or with other administration or management. --adj. 1 concerned with executing laws, agreements, etc., or with other administration or management. 2 relating to or having the function of executing. Phrases and idioms executive session US a usu. private meeting of a legislative body for executive business. Derivatives executively adv. Etymology: med.L executivus (as EXECUTE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: 1649  1.  a. of or relating to the execution of the laws and the conduct of public and national affairs  b. belonging to the branch of government that is charged with such powers as diplomatic representation, superintendence of the execution of the laws, and appointment of officials and that usually has some power over legislation (as through veto) — compare judicial, legislative  2.  a. designed for or relating to execution or carrying into effect ~ board  b. having administrative or managerial responsibility ~ director  3. of or relating to an ~ the ~ offices  II. noun  Date: 1774  1. the ~ branch of a government; also the person or persons who constitute the ~ magistracy of a state  2. a directing or controlling office of an organization  3. one that exercises administrative or managerial control ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (executives) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. An executive is someone who is employed by a business at a senior level. Executives decide what the business should do, and ensure that it is done. ...an advertising executive. ...Her husband is a senior bank executive. N-COUNT 2. The executive sections and tasks of an organization are concerned with the making of decisions and with ensuring that decisions are carried out. A successful job search needs to be as well organised as any other executive task... I don’t envisage I will take an executive role, but rather become a consultant on merchandise and marketing. ADJ: ADJ n 3. Executive goods are expensive goods designed or intended for executives and other people at a similar social or economic level. ...an executive briefcase. ...executive cars. ADJ: ADJ n 4. The executive committee or board of an organization is a committee within that organization which has the authority to make decisions and ensures that these decisions are carried out. He sits on the executive committee that manages Lloyds... ...the executive of the National Union of Students. N-SING: the N, N n 5. The executive is the part of the government of a country that is concerned with carrying out decisions or orders, as opposed to the part that makes laws or the part that deals with criminals. The government, the executive and the judiciary are supposed to be separate... The matter should be resolved by the executive branch of government. N-SING: the N, N n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 someone who has an important job as a manager in a company or business  (a publishing executive) 2 the executive the part of a government that is responsible for making sure that new laws and other decisions are done in the way they have been planned  (- compare judiciary, legislature) 3 the group of people in a political organization, society etc that makes the rules and makes sure that they work in the way they were planned  (the executive of the union) ~2 adj only before noun 1 connected with making decisions and organizing, especially within a company or a government  (Clancy has been given full executive powers on this matter. | executive body/committee (=a group of people who make decisions etc)) 2 for the use of people who have important jobs in the management of a company or business  (the executive dining-room) 3 expensive and of high quality, so that only someone with a good job can afford it  (an executive car) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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