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Англо-русский словарь - execute


Связанные словари

Перевод с английского языка execute на русский

 1) выполнять, осуществлять; доводить до конца (in) The artist executed his imaginative ideas in stone.
 2) исполнять (музыкальное произведение)
 3) исполнять (распоряжение)
 4) казнить
 5) выполнять (обязанности, функции)
 6) leg. приводить в исполнение (решение суда и т.п.)
 7) leg. оформлять (документ) Syn: see kill
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См. в других словарях

  1. исполнять, выполнять (волю и т. п.); проводить в жизнь, осуществлять to execute a plan —- осуществить, (провести в жизнь, реализовать) план to execute an order —- выполнить заказ; исполнить приказ to execute a purpose —- осуществить замысел, добиться поставленной цели 2. выполнять (работу и т. п.) to execute a piece of work —- выполнить работу (задание) to execute an assault —- провести атаку to execute delay —- ам. воен. сдержать противника to execute fire —- воен. вести огонь to execute a halt —- воен. останавливаться на привал 3. исполнять (роль и т. п.) to execute an adagio —- исполнять адажио the part of Hamlet was badly executed —- роль Гамлета была исполнена плохо 4. создать (картину, статую и т. п.) Mercury executed in marble —- статуя Меркурия, выполненная в мраморе executed in oil —- (выполненный) масляными красками (маслом, в масле) (о картине) 5. казнить the murderer was executed —- убийца был казнен 6. юр. приводить в исполнение (судебное решение, приговор и т. п.) 7. юр. оформлять (договор, доверенность, завещание и т. п.) 8. юр. исполнять завещание, быть душеприказчиком ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  – to execute a contract – to execute a deed of assignment – to execute an order – to execute one's duty EXECUTE гл. 1) выполнять, исполнять (приказ, волю и т.п.), совершать 2) казнить • - execute a contract - execute a document - execute a power of attorney - execute power of attorney Syn: accomplish, effect, perform, achieve, fulfil, commit, implement, do, carry out EXECUTE гл. 1) а) общ. осуществлять, выполнять, исполнять (напр., работу, приказ, обязанности); реализовать to execute an order — исполнить приказ The skater executed a triple loop. — Фигурист выполнил тройной луп. Syn: implement, carry out, perform, fulfil б) общ. создать (картину, статую и т. п.) executed in oil — (выполненный) масляными красками маслом, в масле (о картине) The artist executed his ideas in stone. — Художник реализовал свои идеи в камне. в) комп. исполнять, выполнять (программу, команду) 2) а) юр. оформлять (документ); соблюсти все формальности (для осуществления чего-либо) An undertaking to execute a mortgage if called on to do so. — Задача оформить ссуду, если таковую потребуют. б) юр. приводить в исполнение (приговор суда и т. д.) в) юр. исполнять последнюю волю умершего, быть душеприказчиком 3) юр. казнить to execute smb. for smth. — казнить кого-л. за что-л. summarily executed — казненный без суда и следствия He was executed by the head the day following. — На следующий день ему отрубили голову. Syn: kill ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  выполнять, исполнять to execute a missed approach — авиац. повторно заходить на посадку to execute records — вести записи to execute maneuver — выполнять манёвр to execute form — заполнять форму to execute a go-around — авиац. уйти на второй круг ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  выполнять (программу) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  вчт. выполнять (программу) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v.tr. 1 a carry out a sentence of death on (a condemned person). b kill as a political act. 2 carry into effect, perform (a plan, duty, command, operation, etc.). 3 a carry out a design for (a product of art or skill). b perform (a musical composition, dance, etc.). 4 make (a legal instrument) valid by signing, sealing, etc. 5 put into effect (a judicial sentence, the terms of a will, etc.). Derivatives executable adj. Etymology: ME f. OF executer f. med.L executare f. L exsequi exsecut- (as EX-(1), sequi follow) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (-cuted; -cuting)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from execucion execution  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to carry out fully ; put completely into effect ~ a command  2. to do what is provided or required by ~ a decree  3. to put to death especially in compliance with a legal sentence  4. to make or produce (as a work of art) especially by carrying out a design  5. to perform what is required to give validity to ~ a deed  6. play ~ a piece of music  intransitive verb  1. to perform properly or skillfully the fundamentals of a sport or of a particular play never had a team ~ better — Bobby Knight  2. to perform indicated tasks according to encoded instructions — used of a computer program or routine  Synonyms: see kill, perform  • executable adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (executes, executing, executed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. To execute someone means to kill them as a punishment for a serious crime. He was executed by lethal injection earlier today... One group claimed to have executed the American hostage... This boy’s father had been executed for conspiring against the throne. VERB: be V-ed, V n, be V-ed for n/-ing • execution (executions) Execution by lethal injection is scheduled for July 30th. N-VAR 2. If you execute a plan, you carry it out. (FORMAL) We are going to execute our campaign plan to the letter. VERB: V n • execution US forces are fully prepared for the execution of any action once the order is given by the president. N-UNCOUNT 3. If you execute a difficult action or movement, you successfully perform it. The landing was skilfully executed. VERB: V n 4. When someone executes a work of art, they make or produce it, using an idea as a basis. Morris executed a suite of twelve drawings in 1978... A well-executed shot of a tall ship is a joy to behold. VERB: V n, V-ed • execution The ideas in the show’s presentation were good, but failed in execution. N-UNCOUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 to kill someone, especially legally as a punishment for a serious crime  (be executed for sth)  (He was executed for treason.)  (- see kill1) 2 formal to do something that you have carefully planned or that you have agreed to do  (The directors make the decisions, but the managers have to execute them.) 3 formal to perform a difficult action or movement  (The skaters' routine was perfectly executed.) 4 law to make sure that the instructions in someone's will2 (2) are followed 5 formal to make a work of art such as a painting execution ~ n 1 the act of killing someone, especially as a legal punishment for a serious crime  (a public execution) 2 formal a process in which you do something that has been carefully planned or agreed + of  (the formulation and execution of urban policy) 3 formal the performance of a difficult action or movement 4 formal the act of making a work of art such as a painting ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1385, from O.Fr. executer, back-formation of executeur "executor," from L. executor "doer, performer," agent noun from pp. stem of exequi "follow out," from ex- "out" + sequi "follow." Execution, with sense of "put to death" is c.1390 don execution of deth "carry out a sentence of death," though it is sometimes still used literally. John McKay, coach of the woeful Tampa Bay Buccaneers (U.S. football team), when asked by a reporter what he thought of his team's execution, replied, "I think it would be a good idea." Executive is from M.Fr. executif; sense of "branch of government that carries out the laws" is 1649, that of "businessman" is 1902 in Amer.Eng. Executor and executioner were formerly used indifferently, since both are carrying out legal orders. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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