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Англо-русский словарь - drink


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Перевод с английского языка drink на русский

off = drink down
 1. noun
 1) питье; напиток - soft drinks
 2) глоток; стакан (вина, воды) to have a drink - выпить; попить, напиться
 3) спиртной напиток (тж. ardent drink, strong drink)
 4) склонность к спиртному, пьянство to be on the drink - пить запоем - in drink - take to drink
 5) - the drink - fall into drink - the big drink long drink of water amer.; coll. человек очень высокого роста
 2. v.; past drank; past part. drunk
 1) пить, выпить to drink off - выпить много жидкости Peter drank off a whole litre of beer all at once.
 2) пить, пьянствовать to drink the health of smb. - пить за чье-л. здоровье to drink brotherhood - выпить на брудершафт to drink hard, to drink heavily, to drink like a fish - сильно пьянствовать to drink deep -
 а) сделать большой глоток;
 б) сильно пьянствовать
 3) впитывать (влагу; о растениях)
 4) вдыхать (воздух) - drink away - drink down - drink in - drink off - drink to - drink up I could drink the sea dry - меня мучит жажда, я очень хочу пить to drink oneself to death - спиться
DRINK away пропивать Tom drank the whole of his fathers fortune away. Some people try to drink their sorrows away. It is easy to drink away a whole night.
DRINK deeply пить запоем
DRINK down выпить залпом Drink your medicine down, its good for you.
 а) = drink down ;
 б) выпить до дна Drink up, then Ill refill your glass.
DRINK to пить за здоровье, за процветание Let us drink to the happy pair. I drink to the future; may it bring us all happiness.
DRINK in жадно впитывать; упиваться (красотой и т.п.) The students sat round their teacher, drinking in his words of wisdom.
DRINK smb. s health пить за здоровье кого-л.
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См. в других словарях

  1. питье food and drink —- пища (еда) и питье to have a drink —- напиться 2. напиток soft drinks —- безалкогольные напитки strong drink —- спиртной напиток it made a bearable drink —- это был вполне сносный напиток 3. спиртной напиток long drink —- стакан пива, сидра; стакан виски с содовой short drink —- аперитив to have a drink at the bar —- пропустить стаканчик в баре to stand smb. a drink —- поставить кому-л. стаканчик, угостить кого-л. to take to drink —- пристраститься к спиртному; запить 4. состояние опьянения in drink —- пьяный; в пьяном виде to be in (the worse for, under the influence of) drink —- быть в пьяном виде, захмелеть 5. запой; пьянство, алкоголизм the drink question —- вопрос об алкоголизме to be on the drink —- пить запоем, пить горькую; пьянствовать, не просыхать to die of drink —- умереть от пьянства to drive smb. to drink —- довести кого-л. до алкоголизма 6. глоток drink of water —- глоток воды 7. сл. водный простор; океан; "лужа" the big drink —- ам. Атлантический океан; река Миссисипи the D. —- Ла-Манш to cross the drink —- пересечь океан (море) to fall into the drink —- упасть в воду; свалиться за борт 8. пить to drink a glass dry —- выпить до дна, осушить стакан to drink air —- жадно глотать воздух to drink deep —- сделать большой глоток fit to drink —- пить можно what will you have to drink? —- что вы будете пить? I could drink the...
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Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past drank; past part. drunk) 1 a tr. swallow (a liquid). b tr. swallow the liquid contents of (a vessel). c intr. swallow liquid, take draughts (drank from the stream). 2 intr. take alcohol, esp. to excess (I have heard that he drinks). 3 tr. (of a plant, porous material, etc.) absorb (moisture). 4 refl. bring (oneself etc.) to a specified condition by drinking (drank himself into a stupor). 5 tr. (usu. foll. by away) spend (wages etc.) on drink (drank away the money). 6 tr. wish (a person's good health, luck, etc.) by drinking (drank his health). --n. 1 a a liquid for drinking (milk is a sustaining drink). b a draught or specified amount of this (had a drink of milk). 2 a alcoholic liquor (got the drink in for Christmas). b a portion, glass, etc. of this (have a drink). c excessive indulgence in alcohol (drink is his vice). 3 (as the drink) colloq. the sea. Phrases and idioms drink deep take a large draught or draughts. drink-driver a person who drives a vehicle with an excess of alcohol in the blood. drink-driving the act or an instance of this. drink in listen to closely or eagerly (drank in his every word). drinking-song a song sung while drinking, usu. concerning drink. drinking-up time Brit. a short period legally allowed for finishing drinks bought before closing time in a public house. drinking-water water pure enough for drinking. drink off drink the whole (contents) of at once. drink to toast; wish success to. drink a person under the table remain sober longer than one's drinking companion. drink up drink the whole of; empty. in drink drunk. strong drink alcohol, esp. spirits. Derivatives drinkable adj. drinker n. Etymology: OE drincan (v.), drinc(a) (n.) f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (drank; drunk or drank; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English drincan; akin to Old High German trinkan to ~  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1.  a. swallow, imbibe ~ water  b. to take in or suck up ; absorb ~ing air into his lungs  c. to take in or receive avidly — usually used with in drank in every word of the lecture  2. to join in a toast to I'll ~ your good health  3. to bring to a specified state by ~ing alcoholic beverages drank himself into oblivion  intransitive verb  1.  a. to take liquid into the mouth for swallowing  b. to receive into one's consciousness  2. to partake of alcoholic beverages has quit ~ing  3. to make or join in a toast I'll ~ to that!  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a liquid suitable for swallowing  b. alcoholic beverages  2. a draft or portion of liquid  3. excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages he took to ~ when his business failed  4. a sizable body of water — used with the landed in the ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (drinks, drinking, drank, drunk) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When you drink a liquid, you take it into your mouth and swallow it. He drank his cup of tea... He drank thirstily from the pool under the rock. VERB: V n, V 2. To drink means to drink alcohol. He was smoking and drinking too much... VERB: V • drinking She had left him because of his drinking... N-UNCOUNT 3. A drink is an amount of a liquid which you drink. I’ll get you a drink of water. N-COUNT: oft N of n 4. A drink is an alcoholic drink. She felt like a drink after a hard day. N-COUNT 5. Drink is alcohol, such as beer, wine, or whisky. Too much drink is bad for your health. N-UNCOUNT 6. see also drinking 7. People say ‘I’ll drink to that’ to show that they agree with and approve of something that someone has just said. (INFORMAL) CONVENTION c darkgreen]feelings ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 an amount of liquid that you drink  (Can I have a drink of water, please? | soft drink (=a non-alcoholic drink))  (They sell ice-cream and soft drinks.) 2 alcohol, or a glass or bottle of alcohol  (Have another drink. | There was lots of food and drink left over from the party. | a stiff drink (=very strong alcohol))  (After that news I need a stiff drink! | go out for a drink)  (BrE (=go to a pub) | take to drink (=start drinking a lot of alcohol regularly) | stand sb a drink (=buy someone a drink, especially because they do not have enough money) | a drink problem (=difficulty in limiting the amount of alcohol you drink so that it affects your life)) 3 drinks BrE a social occasion when you have alcoholic drinks and sometimes food  (Don't forget we're invited to the Jones' for drinks on Sunday.) 4 the drink informal the sea, a lake, or other large area of water  (- see also drive sb to drink drive1 (4)) ~2 v past tense drank, past participle drunk 1 to take liquid into your mouth and swallow it  (I don't need a glass, I'll drink from the bottle. | If you have a fever, drink plenty of water. | What would you like to drink?) 2 to drink alcohol, especially regularly or too much  (He's been drinking heavily since his wife died. | don't/doesn't drink (=never drink alcohol))  (Whisky? No thanks, I don't drink. | drink and drive (=driving after you have drunk too much alcohol))  (a new campaign to stop drinking and driving at Christmas | drink like a fish (=regularly drink a lot of alcohol) | drink yourself unconscious/silly etc (=drink so much alcohol that you become unconscious etc))  (If he goes on this way he'll drink himself to death.) drink someone under the table (=drink more alcohol than someone else but not be as ill as them) 3 what are you drinking? spoken used to offer to buy someone a drink, especially in a pub drink sth in phr v to look at or listen to something carefully and enjoy it  (We spent the day drinking in the sights and sounds of Paris.) drink to sth phr v 1 to wish someone success,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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