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Англо-русский словарь - do


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Перевод с английского языка do на русский

for effect делать что-л., чтобы произвести впечатление, пустить пыль в глаза
DO ditto noun то же самое
DO a guy исчезнуть
DO brown coll. обмануть, надуть, обжулить
DO evil наносить ущерб; творить зло
DO first-rate преуспевать
DO locum временно исполнять обязанности (врача, священника и т.п.);
DO wrong заблуждаться; грешить
DO ones best
 а) сделать все от себя зависящее
 б) проявить максимум энергии
DO obeisance to выразить почтение (кому-л.)
DO smb. an injury причинять вред кому-л.
DO ones level best
 а) сделать все от себя зависящее
 б) проявить максимум энергии
DO the polite coll. стараться вести себя благовоспитанно
DO smb. credit делать честь кому-л.
DO a crap оправляться (в уборной)
DO to death казнить, убивать
DO good помогать кому-л.; исправлять кого-л.
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См. в других словарях

  1. разг. обман, мошенничество, надувательство; "розыгрыш" nothing but a do —- форменное надувательство the scheme was a do from the start —- план с самого начала был сплошной липой 2. разг. развлечение, веселье; вечер we've got a do tonight —- у нас сегодня вечер to take part in a big do —- провести вечер в большой веселой компании 3. разг. сделка 4. разг. участие, доля fair do's (dos) —- всем поровну! that's not fair do's —- это несправедливо, доли неравные 5. австрал. разг. удача, успех 6. разг. обслуживание one gets a poor do at this hotel —- в этой гостинице плохо обслуживают Id: do's (dos) and don'ts —- правила, нормы; предписания и запреты Id: the dos and don'ts of polite manners —- правила поведения (хорошего тона), этикет Id: he's in one of his do's —- на него нашло Id: a diet with numerous dos and don'ts —- диета с многочисленными предписаниями и запретами 7. делать, производить действие what are you doing? —- что вы делаете? I shall do nothing of the sort —- ничего подобного я делать не стану he has done much for me —- он много сделал для меня; он мне оказал большую услугу what can I do for you?, can I do anything for you? —- чем я могу быть вам полезен?, что я могу сделать для вас? do as you are told —- делайте, что вам велят (как вам говорят) what shall I do next? —- что мне делать дальше? he did a funny thing —- он странно себя повел there's nothing to be...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  гл. 1) делать 2) заниматься чем-л. 3) работать 4) выполнять (работу, долг, задачу и т.п.) 5) изучать (предмет, дисциплину) 6) продать, поставить (по определенной цене) - be done with - be done - do away with - do business - do for a rival - do for smb. - have done with - have done ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  I сокр. от diesel oil дизельное топливо II сокр. от drawing office конструкторский отдел, конструкторское бюро; чертёжное бюро ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. & n. --v. (3rd sing. present does; past did; past part. done) 1 tr. perform, carry out, achieve, complete (work etc.) (did his homework; there's a lot to do; he can do anything). 2 tr. a produce, make (she was doing a painting; I did a translation; decided to do a casserole). b provide (do you do lunches?). 3 tr. bestow, grant; have a specified effect on (a walk would do you good; do me a favour). 4 intr. act, behave, proceed (do as I do; she would do well to accept the offer). 5 tr. work at, study; be occupied with (what does your father do?; he did chemistry at university; we're doing Chaucer next term). 6 a intr. be suitable or acceptable; suffice (this dress won't do for a wedding; a sandwich will do until we get home; that will never do). b tr. satisfy; be suitable for (that hotel will do me nicely). 7 tr. deal with; put in order (the garden needs doing; the barber will do you next; I must do my hair before we go). 8 intr. a fare; get on (the patients were doing excellently; he did badly in the test). b perform, work (could do better). 9 tr. a solve; work out (we did the puzzle). b (prec. by can or be able to) be competent at (can you do cartwheels?; I never could do maths). 10 tr. a traverse (a certain distance) (we did fifty miles today). b travel at a specified speed (he overtook us doing about eighty). 11 tr. colloq. a act or behave like (did a Houdini). b play the part of (she was asked to do hostess). 12 intr. a colloq. finish (have you done annoying me?; I've done in the bathroom). b (as done adj.) be over (the day is done). 13 tr. produce or give a performance of (the school does many plays and concerts; we've never done 'Pygmalion'). 14 tr. cook, esp. to the right degree (do it in the oven; the potatoes aren't done yet). 15 intr. be in progress (what's doing?). 16 tr. colloq. visit; see the sights of (we did all the art galleries). 17 tr. colloq. a (often as done adj.) exhaust; tire out (the climb has completely done me). b beat up, defeat, kill. c ruin (now you've done it). 18 tr. (foll. by into)...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (did; ~ne; ~ing; ~es)  Etymology: Middle English ~n, from Old English don; akin to Old High German tuon to ~, Latin -dere to put, facere to make, ~, Greek tithenai to place, set  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to bring to pass ; carry out ~ another's wishes  2. put — used chiefly in ~ to death  3.  a. perform, execute ~ some work did his duty  b. commit crimes ~ne deliberately  4.  a. bring about, effect trying to ~ good ~ violence  b. to give freely ; pay ~ honor to her memory  5. to bring to an end ; finish — used in the past participle the job is finally ~ne  6. to put forth ; exert did her best to win the race  7.  a. to wear out especially by physical exertion ; exhaust at the end of the race they were pretty well ~ne  b. to attack physically ; beat; also kill  8. to bring into existence ; produce ~ a biography on the general  9. — used as a substitute verb especially to avoid repetition if you must make such a racket, ~ it somewhere else  10.  a. to play the role or character of  b. mimic; also to behave like ~ a Houdini and disappear  c. to perform in or serve as producer of ~ a play  11. to treat unfairly; especially cheat did him out of his inheritance  12. to treat or deal with in any way typically with the sense of preparation or with that of care or attention:  a.  (1) to put in order ; clean was ~ing the kitchen  (2) wash did the dishes after supper  b. to prepare for use or consumption; especially cook like my steak ~ne rare  c. set, arrange had her hair ~ne  d. to apply cosmetics to wanted to ~ her face before the party  e. decorate, furnish did the living room in Early American ~ over the kitchen  13. to be engaged in the study or practice of ~ science; especially to work at as a vocation what to ~ after college  14.  a. to pass over (as distance) ; traverse did 20 miles yesterday  b. to travel at a speed of ~ing 55 on the turnpike  15. tour ~ing 12 countries in 30 days  16.  a. to spend (time)...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  I. [c red]AUXILIARY VERB USES (does, doing, did, done) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Do' is used as an auxiliary with the simple present tense. 'Did' is used as an auxiliary with the simple past tense. In spoken English, negative forms of 'do' are often shortened, for example 'do not' is shortened to 'don’t' and 'did not' is shortened to 'didn’t'. 1. Do is used to form the negative of main verbs, by putting ‘not’ after ‘do’ and before the main verb in its infinitive form, that is the form without ‘to’. They don’t want to work... I did not know Jamie had a knife... It doesn’t matter if you win or lose. AUX: AUX neg inf, AUX neg inf, AUX neg inf 2. Do is used to form questions, by putting the subject after ‘do’ and before the main verb in its infinitive form, that is the form without ‘to’. Do you like music?... What did he say?... Where does she live? AUX: AUX n v, AUX n v, AUX n v 3. Do is used in question tags. You know about Andy, don’t you?... I’m sure they had some of the same questions last year didn’t they? AUX: cl AUX n, cl AUX n 4. You use do when you are confirming or contradicting a statement containing ‘do’, or giving a negative or positive answer to a question. ‘Did he think there was anything suspicious going on?’—‘Yes, he did.’... ‘Do you have a metal detector?’—‘No, I don’t.’... AUX: AUX, AUX 5. Do is used with a negative to tell someone not to behave in a certain way. Don’t be silly... Don’t touch that! AUX: only imper, AUX neg inf, AUX neg inf 6. Do is used to give emphasis to the main verb when there is no other auxiliary. Veronica, I do understand... You did have a tape recorder with you. AUX: AUX inf, AUX inf c darkgreen]emphasis 7. Do is used as a polite way of inviting or trying to persuade someone to do something. Do sit down... Do help yourself to another drink. AUX: only imper, AUX inf, AUX inf c darkgreen]politeness 8. Do can...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 auxiliary verb past tense did past participle done 3rd person singular present tense does strong 1 »IN QUESTIONS/NEGATIVES« a) used with another v to form questions or negatives  (Do you like bananas? | I don't feel like going out tonight. | Ian didn't answer. | Where do you live? | Doesn't Rosie look wonderful? | Don't just stand there - do something! | Why don't you come for the weekend? (=please come) | Don't let's invite her. (=let's not invite her)) b) especially spoken used to form question tags  (You know Tony, don't you? | She didn't pay cash, did she?) 2 »FOR EMPHASIS« used to give emphasis to the main v  (Do take care! | "Why didn't you tell me?" "I did tell you." | He owns, or did own, a yacht.) 3 »IN POLITE REQUESTS« used as a polite way of offering someone something  (Do have a cup of tea.) 4 »INSTEAD OF VERB« used to avoid repeating another v  (Omar speaks English better than he did. (=better than he used to speak it) | "You broke my pencil!" "No I didn't!" | "You left the door open." "So I did." (=you are right) | "Will Kay come?" "She may do." | "You ought to phone your mother." "I have done." | So he plays the piano, does he? | so do I)  (Emma loves chocolate, and so do I. | neither do I)  ("I don't want any more." "Neither do I.") 5 what is sb/sth doing? used to ask why someone or something is in a particular place, when you think they should not be there  (What's this cake doing on the floor? | What was that man doing in our garden anyway?) 6 »WITH ADVERB« used to reverse the order of the subject and the verb when an adv or adverbial phrase starts a sentence  (Not only did I see him, I spoke to him, too.) ~2 v 1 »ACTIVITY/JOB« to perform (2) and finish a particular activity or job  (Have you done your homework yet? | Jo does aerobics three times a week. | It's a pleasure doing business with you. | do the dishes/washing up/laundry etc)  (It's your turn to do the washing.)  (- see job, make1) 2 do your hair/teeth/nails to spend time making your hair look nice, brushing your teeth etc  (Jan...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Dissolved Oxygen physiol. abbr. Doctor of Osteopathy U.S. gov. abbr. District Office mil. abbr. Deep Operations mil. abbr. Director of Ops (USAF) mil. abbr. Delivery Order country abbr. Dominican Republic electron. abbr. Dynamic optimization gen. comp. abbr. Domain Object gen. comp. abbr. Digital Output gen. comp. abbr. Dynamic Object gen. comp. abbr. Data Operation network. abbr. Data Only NYSE symbols Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. NASDAQ abbr. Ditto ( Usually a Horizontal Ditto) ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - M.E. do, first person singular of O.E. don, from W.Gmc. *don, from PIE base *dhe-. Slang meaning "to do the sex act with or to" is from 1913. Second person does was a northern variant in O.E. that displaced doth, doeth 16c.-17c. The pt. did is O.E. dyde, the only remainder in Gmc. of the old linguistic pattern of forming a pt. by reduplication of the stem of the present tense. Far back in Gmc. the equivalent of did was used as a suffix to make the past tenses of other verbs, hence the English -ed suffix (O.E. -de). The pp. done grew out of O.E. pp. gedon, but the only vestige of the prefix is in ado. Slang done for "doomed" is from 1842. Doable has been around since 1449; do-gooder first recorded 1927. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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