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Англо-русский словарь - display


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Перевод с английского языка display на русский

 1. noun
 1) показ, выставка; there was a great display of goods - было выставлено много товаров
 2) проявление (смелости и т.п.)
 3) выставление напоказ; хвастовство to make great display of generosity - хвастаться своей щедростью
 4) typ. выделение особым шрифтом
 2. v.
 1) выставлять, показывать; демонстрировать to display the colours - украсить флагами
 2) проявлять, обнаруживать
 3) хвастаться
 4) typ. выделять особым шрифтом Syn: see show
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См. в других словарях

  1. показ, демонстрация military display, display of troops —- военный парад fashion display —- демонстрация мод simultaneous display —- шахм. сеанс одновременной игры display note —- надпись на выставочном стенде display stand —- тех. демонстрационный (ремонтный) стенд display window —- витрина 2. выставка display of pictures —- выставка картин 3. экспонат in the local musuem many rooms were devoted to display s about the war —- в местном музее многие залы были отведены под военные экспонаты 4. проявление, демонстрация display of loyalty —- демонстрация лояльности to give a display of courage —- проявить мужество to give a display of stupidity —- показать (обнаружить) свою глупость 5. выставление напоказ; хвастовство to make a display of wit —- щеголять своим остроумием to make a display of generosity —- кичиться своей щедростью he is fond of display —- он любит порисоваться 6. полигр. выделение особым шрифтом 7. воспроизводящее устройство (магнитофона и т. п.) 8. спец. дисплей (устройство для визуального отображения информации); экран дисплея; монитор black-and-white display —- дисплей с черно-белым изображением computer display —- дисплей ЭВМ display capacity —- емкость дисплея display field —- поле экрана дисплея; окно 9. индикация, отображение (информации) 10. показывать, демонстрировать to display the national flag —- вывесить...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) проявление (напр. признака) 2) демонстрация, демонстрационное поведение; демонстрационная поза 3) демонстрационная окраска 4) орнит. ток(ование) 5) физиол. развёртка – bared-teeth display – broadside display – courtship display – distraction display – epideictic display – eyelid display – genital display – inguinal display – intimidation display – lateral display – sexual display – side display – social display – threat display ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) показ; демонстрация; выставка; показывать; выставлять 2) устройство отображения, дисплей; индикатор; отображение, вывод (данных); отображать, выводить (данные напр. на экран) 3) выделение (особым шрифтом) – to display one's know-how – cathode-ray tube display – computer display – hand-lettered display – light-emitting diode display – liquid-crystal display – visual display DISPLAY I сущ. 1) общ. показ, демонстрация fashion display - демонстрация (показ) мод See: 2) марк. презентация, показ; выставка, выкладка, экспозиция (рекламных материалов и товаров в магазине) See: shelf display product display shop display merchandising 3) общ. проявление, демонстрация; выставление на показ display of loyalty - демонстрация лояльности, display of power - демонстрация силы, display of love - проявление любви 4) торг. = merchandise display See: aisle display end-aisle display assortment display in-store display closed display open display bulk display case display ceiling display 5) а) комп. дисплей (устройство для визуального отображения информации), экран, монитор; индикатор black-and-white display - черно-белый (монохромный) дисплей, computer display - монитор (дисплей) компьютера б) комп. индикация, отображение, вывод (данных) visual display of data - визуальное отображение информации 6) СМИ, полигр. выделение особым шрифтом II гл. 1) общ. выставлять, показывать, демонстрировать See: to...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) воспроизведение; показ, демонстрация; проявление 2) дисплей; экран дисплея 3) изображение 4) индикация; показания 5) обнаруживать; показывать; проявлять - LED display - generalized display - information display - seven-segment display - vacuum florescent display ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) видеотерминал, дисплей, монитор 2) табло, индикатор 3) отображение – active display – all-digital display – alphanumeric display – alphaphotographic display – amber display – call display – cathode-ray tube display – color display – control console display – dial display – digital display – direct display – direct-driven display – double-color display – dynamic display – electrochromic display – electroluminescent display – faceplate display – fault display – field-effect display – flat-panel display – four line display – full-page display – gas-display display – graphical display – half-page display – high-resolution display – illuminated display – in-line display – intelligent display – liquid-crystal display – monochrome display – multicolor display – multilingual display – numeric display – on-screen display – pager display – panel display – panoramic display – passive display – plasma display – projection display – raster display – remote display – scroll display – sector display – segment display – single display – storage display – telephone display – text display – two-line display ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 expose to view; exhibit; show. 2 show ostentatiously. 3 allow to appear; reveal; betray (displayed his ignorance). --n. 1 the act or an instance of displaying. 2 an exhibition or show. 3 ostentation; flashiness. 4 the distinct behaviour of some birds and fish, esp. used to attract a mate. 5 a the presentation of signals or data on a visual display unit etc. b the information so presented. 6 Printing the arrangement and choice of type in order to attract attention. Derivatives displayer n. Etymology: ME f. OF despleier f. L displicare (as DIS-, plicare fold): cf. DEPLOY ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French desplaier, desploier, literally, to unfold — more at deploy  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to put or spread before the view ~ the flag  b. to make evident ~ed great skill  c. to exhibit ostentatiously liked to ~ his erudition  2. obsolete descry  intransitive verb  1. obsolete show off  2. to make a breeding ~ penguins ~ed and copulated  Synonyms: see show  • ~able adjective  II. noun  Usage: often attributive  Date: 1665  1.  a.  (1) a setting or presentation of something in open view a fireworks ~  (2) a clear sign or evidence ; exhibition a ~ of courage  b. ostentatious show  c. type, composition, or printing designed to catch the eye  d. an eye-catching arrangement by which something is exhibited a ~ of artifacts — often used with on her early paintings are currently on ~  e. an electronic device (as a cathode-ray tube) that presents information in visual form; also the visual information  2. a pattern of behavior exhibited especially by male birds in the breeding season ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (displays, displaying, displayed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you display something that you want people to see, you put it in a particular place, so that people can see it easily. Among the protesters and war veterans proudly displaying their medals was Aubrey Rose... = exhibit VERB: V n • Display is also a noun. Most of the other artists whose work is on display were his pupils or colleagues. N-UNCOUNT: oft on N 2. If you display something, you show it to people. She displayed her wound to the twelve gentlemen of the jury... The chart can then display the links connecting these groups. = show VERB: V n to n, V n 3. If you display a characteristic, quality, or emotion, you behave in a way which shows that you have it. He has displayed remarkable courage in his efforts to reform the party. = show VERB: V n • Display is also a noun. Normally, such an outward display of affection is reserved for his mother. = show N-VAR: oft N of n 4. When a computer displays information, it shows it on a screen. They started out by looking at the computer screens which display the images... VERB: V n 5. A display is an arrangement of things that have been put in a particular place, so that people can see them easily. ...a display of your work... N-COUNT: oft N of n 6. A display is a public performance or other event which is intended to entertain people. ...gymnastic displays. N-COUNT: with supp 7. The display on a computer screen is the information that is shown there. The screen itself can also be referred to as the display. A hard copy of the screen display can also be obtained from a printer. N-COUNT: usu sing see also liquid crystal display ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ATTRACTIVE ARRANGEMENT« an attractive arrangement of objects for people to look at or buy + of  (a display of African tribal masks) 2 »PERFORMANCE« a public performance of something that is intended to entertain people  (a fireworks display) + of  (a display of juggling) 3 be on display something that is on display is in a public place where people can look at it  (put sth on display)  (Mapplethorpe's photographs were first put on display in New York.) 4 display of affection/temper/loyalty etc an occasion when someone clearly shows a particular feeling, attitude, or quality 5 »EQUIPMENT« a piece of equipment that can show changing information, for example the screen of a computer ~2 v 1 to show goods for sale in a shop, or paintings, historical objects etc in a public place  (shop windows displaying the latest fashions) 2 to clearly show a feeling, attitude, or quality by what you do or say  (All the musicians displayed considerable skill.) 3 if a computer or notice displays information, it shows information in a way that can be clearly seen  (Local train and bus times are displayed on the noticeboard.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. despleier "unfold, spread out," from L. displicare "to scatter," from dis- "un-, apart" + plicare "to fold." Properly of sails or flags (and unconnected to play), meaning of "reveal, exhibit" is c.1380. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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