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Англо-русский словарь - develop


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Перевод с английского языка develop на русский

 1) развивать(ся) (from; into) This tall tree developed from a small seed. Who knows what results will develop from your first success? Jane is developing into a fine figure of a young woman.
 2) совершенствовать
 3) распространяться, развиваться (о болезни, эпидемии)
 4) разрабатывать to develop a mine - разрабатывать копь to develop the plot of a story - разрабатывать сюжет рассказа
 5) конструировать, разрабатывать
 6) излагать, раскрывать (аргументы, мотивы и т.п.)
 7) проявлять(ся) he has developed a tendency to brood - у него проявилась привычка размышлять; он стал часто задумываться
 8) выяснять(ся), обнаруживать(ся), становиться очевидным it developed that he had made a mistake - выяснилось, что он ошибся to develop the enemy - разведать противника
 9) phot. проявлять
 10) amer.; mil. развертывать(ся) to develop an attack - развертываться для наступления Syn: see mature
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См. в других словарях

  1. развивать, совершенствовать to develop one's business —- развить дело to develop a melody —- муз. развивать тему 2. развиваться, расти; расширяться (о деле, предприятии); превращаться his character is still developing —- его характер еще не сложился окончательно let things develop —- пусть все идет своим чередом 3. развиваться, проходить, протекать the fever develops normally —- лихорадка протекает (течет) нормально the situation developed rapidly —- события развивались стремительно 4. начинаться a developing snowstorm —- начинающийся буран 5. показывать, обнаруживать to develop a passion for art —- проникнуться страстной любовью к искусству he developed symptoms of fever —- у него обнаружились симптомы лихорадки he developed a strange habit —- у него появилась странная привычка at school he developed a great gift for mathematics —- в школе у него обнаружились недюжинные математические способности 6. проявляться, оказываться, обнаруживаться a new feature of the case developed today —- сегодня дело приняло другой оборот it develops that... —- оказывается, что... 7. излагать; раскрывать to develop an argument —- развивать аргумент to develop a case to an audience —- излагать дело слушателям 8. разрабатывать to develop mineral resourses —- разрабатывать полезные ископаемые it was at a time when atomic energy has not yet been developed —- это произошло в...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  развивать; разрабатывать; излагать; проявлять – right could be developed only after use – to develop the invention DEVELOP гл. 1) а) общ. развиваться; расти; расширяться; совершенствоваться This tall tree developed from a small seed. — Это высокое дерево выросло из маленького семени. Who knows what results will develop from your first success? — Кто знает, какие плоды принесет ваш первый успех? б) общ. развивать, совершенствовать to develop one's business memory, mind — развивать дело память, ум в) общ. излагать, раскрывать, строить, развивать (о речи, повествовании, понятии) to develop an argument an idea — развивать аргумент идею to develop a case one's plans to an audience — излагать дело свои планы слушателям г) общ. проявлять(ся), выяснять(ся), обнаруживать(ся), делаться очевидным A census of Kansas City's saloons develops the startling fact that there are about 1,000. — Перепись салунов в Канзас-Сити обнаруживает удивительный факт — их там около тысячи. 2) а) общ. разрабатывать, конструировать, создавать to develop a product — разрабатывать товар (создавать идею и образец нового товара) to develop new technology — разрабатывать новую технологию б) с.-х. выводить (новый сорт или породу) в) эк. застраивать*; обустраивать* (территорию) Dixon is developing a site in its downtown area. — "Диксон" застраивает площадку в центральной части...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) развивать(ся) 2) проявлять(ся) 3) матем. разлагать 4) разрабатывать 5) совершенствовать 6) выявлять 7) развёртывать to develop a design — разрабатывать проект to develop address — формировать адрес to develop a mine — обустраивать шахту to develop as series in x — разлагать в ряд по степеням x to develop a complex surface — развертывать сложную поверхность to develop film — проявлять плёнку to develop a torque — развивать момент to develop a virgin land — осваивать целину ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) совершенствовать; развивать 2) проектировать, разрабатывать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) разрабатывать; проектировать; создавать 2) развивать, совершенствовать; доводить; отлаживать 3) матем. выводить (формулу) 4) матем. разлагать (в ряд) 5) развёртывать (проекцию) 6) проявлять (плёнку); обрабатывать (фотоматериалы) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. (developed, developing) 1 tr. & intr. a make or become bigger or fuller or more elaborate or systematic (the new town developed rapidly). b bring or come to an active or visible state or to maturity (developed a plan of action). 2 tr. begin to exhibit or suffer from (developed a rattle). 3 tr. a construct new buildings on (land). b convert (land) to a new purpose so as to use its resources more fully. 4 tr. treat (photographic film etc.) to make the latent image visible. 5 tr. Mus. elaborate (a theme) by modification of the melody, harmony, rhythm, etc. 6 tr. Chess bring (a piece) into position for effective use. Phrases and idioms developing country a poor or primitive country that is developing better economic and social conditions. Derivatives developer n. Etymology: F d{eacute}velopper f. Rmc (as DIS-, orig. of second element unknown) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  Etymology: French developper, from Old French desveloper, desvoluper to unwrap, expose, from des- de- + envoloper to enclose — more at envelop  Date: 1750  transitive verb  1.  a. to set forth or make clear by degrees or in detail ; expound ~ a thesis  b. to make visible or manifest  c. to treat (as in dyeing) with an agent to cause the appearance of color  d. to subject (exposed photograph material) especially to chemicals in order to produce a visible image ~ film; also to make visible by such a method ~ pictures  e. to elaborate (a musical idea) by the working out of rhythmic and harmonic changes in the theme  2.  a. to work out the possibilities of ~ an idea  b. to create or produce especially by deliberate effort over time ~ new ways of doing business ~ software  3.  a. to make active or promote the growth of ~ed his muscles  b.  (1) to make available or usable ~ natural resources  (2) to make suitable for commercial or residential purposes ~ land  c. to move (as a chess piece) from the original position to one providing more opportunity for effective use  4.  a. to cause to unfold gradually ~ed his argument  b. to expand by a process of growth working to ~ the company further  c. to cause to grow and differentiate along lines natural to its kind rain and sun ~ the grain  d. to become infected or affected by ~ed pneumonia  5. to acquire gradually ~ an appreciation for ballet  intransitive verb  1.  a. to go through a process of natural growth, differentiation, or evolution by successive changes a blossom ~s from a bud  b. to acquire secondary sex characteristics  2. to become gradually manifest  3. to come into being gradually the situation ~ing in eastern Europe; also turn out 2a it ~ed that no one had paid the bill  • ~able adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (develops, developing, developed) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. When something develops, it grows or changes over a period of time and usually becomes more advanced, complete, or severe. It’s hard to say at this stage how the market will develop... These clashes could develop into open warfare... Society begins to have an impact on the developing child. VERB: V, V into n, V-ing • developed Their bodies were well-developed and super fit. ADJ 2. If a problem or difficulty develops, it begins to occur. A huge row has developed about the pollution emanating from a chemical plant. ...blood clots in his lungs, a problem which developed from a leg injury. = arise VERB: V, V from/out of n 3. If you say that a country develops, you mean that it changes from being a poor agricultural country to being a rich industrial country. All countries, it was predicted, would develop and develop fast. VERB: V see also developed, developing 4. If you develop a business or industry, or if it develops, it becomes bigger and more successful. (BUSINESS) She won a grant to develop her own business... Over the last few years tourism here has developed considerably. VERB: V n, V • developed Housing finance is less developed in continental Europe. ADJ 5. To develop land or property means to make it more profitable, by building houses or factories or by improving the existing buildings. Entrepreneurs developed fashionable restaurants and bars in the area. VERB: V n • developed Developed land was to grow from 5.3% to 6.9%. ADJ 6. If you develop a habit, reputation, or belief, you start to have it and it then becomes stronger or more noticeable. Mr Robinson has developed the reputation of a ruthless cost-cutter. = acquire VERB: V n 7. If you develop a skill, quality, or relationship, or if it develops, it becomes better or stronger. Now you have an opportunity to develop a greater understanding of each other... Their friendship developed...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 »GROW« to grow or gradually change into a larger, stronger, or more advanced state, or to make someone or something do this  (Children develop very rapidly.) + into  (James has developed into a charming young man.) + from  (In less than ten years it develops from a seed into a full- grown tree. | develop sth)  (exercises designed to develop your muscles) 2 »PLAN/PRODUCT« to make a new idea, plan, or product become successful over a period of time  (Scientists are developing new drugs to treat arthritis.) 3 »START TO HAVE« to gradually begin to have a quality, illness, problem etc  (Some alcoholics develop liver disease.) 4 »BECOME MORE ACTIVE« to become more active or more of a problem, and therefore become more noticeable  (Trouble is developing in the cities.) 5 »IDEA/ARGUMENT« to make an argument or idea clearer, by studying it more or by speaking or writing about it in more detail  (We will develop a few of these points in the seminar.) 6 »LAND« to use land for the things that people need, for example by taking minerals out of it or by building on it  (We're waiting to hear if permission to develop the land will be granted.) 7 »PHOTOGRAPHY« to make a photograph out of a photographic film, using chemicals ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASA abbr. Digital Earth Virtual Environment And Learning Outreach Project ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1656, from Fr. developper, replacing Eng. disvelop (1592, from M.Fr. desveloper), both from O.Fr. desveloper, from des- "undo" + veloper "wrap up," of uncertain origin, possibly Celt. or Gmc. The photographic sense is from 1845. Development first attested 1756; the real estate sense is 20c. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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