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Англо-русский словарь - detail


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Перевод с английского языка detail на русский

drawing детальный чертеж
 1. noun
 1) подробность; деталь to go/enter into details - вдаваться в подробности in detail - обстоятельно; подробно
 2) pl. детали (здания или машины); части, элементы
 3) mil. наряд; команда
 4) attr. детальный, подробный - detail drawing
 2. v.
 1) подробно рассказывать, входить в подробности
 2) mil. выделять; наряжать, назначать в наряд; (тж. detail off) A small group of men were detailed off for burial duty. The officer detailed a small party off and put them to clearing the road. The soldiers were detailed off to dig ditches.
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См. в других словарях

  1. деталь, подробность in detail —- подробно, детально, обстоятельно in every detail, in the fullest detail —- во всех подробностях minor details —- мелкие (незначительные) детали war of detail —- воен. мелкие стычки to give all the details —- рассказать со всеми подробностями to go (to enter) into details —- вдаваться в подробности to go into the smallest details —- вдаваться в мельчайшие подробности to leave out detail —- опускать подробности to destroy in detail —- воен. уничтожать по частям without boring with the detail(s) —- не входя в подробности I cannot give you any details —- я не могу сообщить вам никаких подробностей; более точных сведений у меня нет let us have the exact details —- давайте уточним 2. мелкая подробность, частность full of uninteresting detail(s) —- перегруженный ненужными подробностями (частностями) care for detail —- забота о мелочах this is only (but) a detail, this is a mere detail —- это частность, это не имеет принципиального значения 3. деталь (здания или машины); часть, элемент detail of design —- фрагмент, деталь 4. детальный чертеж (также detail drawing) 5. воен. наряд; команда general detail —- общий наряд a special detail of private detectives —- специальная группа частных детективов 6. тлв. детальность, четкость 7. подробно рассказывать, входить или вдаваться в подробности; детализировать to detail all the...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  сущ. деталь; детальность - detail account - detail designing - detail planning - detail schedule - detail-oriented - detailedness of projects - detail of projects - explain in detail - in detail - industry detail - level of detail DETAIL 1. сущ. 1) общ. деталь, подробность; тонкость, частность to give all the details — рассказывать со всеми подробностями to cite bring up details — подробно излагать to go enter into details — вдаваться в подробности to leave out detail — опускать подробности in detail — детально, подробно, обстоятельно in every detail, in the fullest detail — во всех подробностях 2) общ. деталь, часть, элемент (здания, механизма и т. д.) There are no architectural details of interest. — Тут нет архитектурных деталей, представляющих интерес. 3) а) воен., упр. наряд; расчет; команда (группа солдат, полицейских и т. п., выполняющих определенное задание) An extra detail of police was made. — Был выделен дополнительный наряд полиции. б) воен., упр. наряд* (временное назначение работника/военнослужащего или группы работников/военнослужащих на выполнение определенного задания) The secretary was sent to another branch on a two-week detail. — Секретарь был отправлен в двухнедельный наряд в другое отделение. в) воен., упр. наряд, задание (особое задание, порученное группе солдат, работников и т. п.) The union is complaining that employees are being given details that were never mentioned...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) тлв. среднее геометрическое линейной плотности элементов разложения 2) среднее геометрическое линейной плотности записи 3) деталь (изображения) – fine details – horizontal detail – image detail – vertical detail ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  деталь узел чертежа деталировочный чертёж details of construction brick pattern details construction detail design detail joint details precast concrete connection details typical detail ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) деталь, элемент, часть (конструкции) 2) узел (на чертеже) 3) детальный (деталированный) чертёж 4) детализировать 5) текущий файл, файл оперативной информации to resolve fine details — различать (разрешать) мелкие детали - brightness detail - color detail - fine details - horizontal detail - image detail - lost detail - shadow details - strap detail - vertical detail ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a small or subordinate particular; an item. b such a particular, considered (ironically) to be unimportant (the truth of the statement is just a detail). 2 a small items or particulars (esp. in an artistic work) regarded collectively (has an eye for detail). b the treatment of them (the detail was insufficient and unconvincing). 3 (often in pl.) a number of particulars; an aggregate of small items (filled in the details on the form). 4 a a minor decoration on a building, in a picture, etc. b a small part of a picture etc. shown alone. 5 Mil. a the distribution of orders for the day. b a small detachment of soldiers etc. for special duty. --v.tr. 1 give particulars of (detailed the plans). 2 relate circumstantially (detailed the anecdote). 3 Mil. assign for special duty. 4 (as detailed adj.) a (of a picture, story, etc.) having many details. b itemized (a detailed list). Phrases and idioms go into detail give all the items or particulars. in detail item by item, minutely. Etymology: F d{eacute}tail, d{eacute}tailler (as DE-, tailler cut, formed as TAIL(2)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: French detail, from Old French ~ slice, piece, from ~lier to cut in pieces, from de- + taillier to cut — more at tailor  Date: 1603  1. extended treatment of or attention to particular items  2. a part of a whole: as  a. a small and subordinate part ; particular; also a reproduction of such a part of a work of art  b. a part considered or requiring to be considered separately from the whole  c. the small elements that collectively constitute a work of art  d. the small elements of a photographic image corresponding to those of the subject  3.  a. selection of a person or group for a particular task (as in military service)  b.  (1) the person or group selected  (2) the task to be performed  Synonyms: see item  II. verb  Date: 1650  transitive verb  1. to report minutely and distinctly ; specify ~ed their grievances  2. to assign to a particular task  3. to furnish with the smaller elements of design and finish trimmings that ~ slips and petticoats  intransitive verb to make ~ drawings  • ~er noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (details, detailing, detailed) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. The details of something are its individual features or elements. The details of the plan are still being worked out... I recall every detail of the party. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 2. Details about someone or something are facts or pieces of information about them. See the bottom of this page for details of how to apply for this exciting offer... N-PLURAL: oft N of n/wh, adj N 3. A detail is a minor point or aspect of something, as opposed to the central ones. Only minor details now remain to be settled. N-COUNT: oft adj N 4. You can refer to the small features of something which are often not noticed as detail. We like his attention to detail and his enthusiasm. N-UNCOUNT 5. A detail of a picture is a part of it that is printed separately and perhaps made bigger, so that smaller features can be clearly seen. N-COUNT 6. If you detail things, you list them or give information about them. The report detailed the human rights abuses committed during the war. VERB: V n 7. If someone does not go into details about a subject, or does not go into the detail, they mention it without explaining it fully or properly. He said he had been in various parts of Britain but did not go into details... PHRASE: V inflects 8. If you examine or discuss something in detail, you do it thoroughly and carefully. We examine the wording in detail before deciding on the final text. PHRASE ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a single feature, fact, or piece of information, or many small features considered together  (Todd had planned the journey down to the smallest detail. | We need to discuss a few details before you start. | attention to detail)  (Editing requires great attention to detail. | go into detail/details (=include a lot of details when describing or explaining something) | read/describe etc sth in detail (=pay attention to all the details))  (Study the contract in detail before signing. | have an eye for detail (=be skilled at noticing details)) 2 details all the additional information you need about something you already know a little about + of  (Send for details of the course.) full/further details  (For further details, contact the personnel department.) 3 technical a specific duty in the army, or the person or group who have that duty  (the security detail) ~2 v 1 to give all the facts or information about something  (The paper then goes on to detail a number of joint initiatives.) 2 detail sb to do sth to officially order someone, especially soldiers, to do a particular job  (Vance, you're detailed to the night watch.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1603, from Fr. dйtail, from O.Fr. detail "small piece or quantity," from detaillier "cut in pieces," from de- "entirely" + taillier "to cut in pieces." Modern sense is from Fr. en dйtail "piece by piece, item by item" (as opposed to en gros), a commercial term used where we would today use retail. Military sense is 1708, from notion of "distribution in detail of the daily orders first given in general," including assignment of specific duties. The verb is from 1637. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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