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Англо-русский словарь - dark


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Перевод с английского языка dark на русский

 1. adj.
 1) темный it is getting dark - становится темно, темнеет dark closet/room phot. - темная комната
 2) смуглый; темноволосый - dark complexion
 3) необразованный, темный
 4) тайный, секретный; непонятный; неясный - keep dark to keep a thing dark держать что-л. в секрете
 5) дурной, нечистый (о поступке)
 6) мрачный, угрюмый; безнадежный, печальный dark humour - мрачный юмор to look on the dark side of things - быть пессимистом - the dark ages - the Dark and Bloody Ground - the Dark Continent Syn: see gloomy
 2. noun
 1) темнота, тьма - after dark - at dark - before dark
 2) невежество
 3) неведение to be in the dark - быть в неведении, не знать (about) to keep smb. in the dark - держать кого-л. в неведении; скрывать что-л. от кого-л.
 4) paint. тень; the lights and darks of a picture - свет и тени в картине in the dark of the moon -
 а) в новолуние;
 б) в кромешной тьме
DARK blue синий
DARK Blues команда Оксфорда
DARK complexion смуглый цвет лица
DARK horse
 а) темная лошадка (скаковая лошадь, о достоинствах которой мало известно; тж. перен. о человеке)
 б) amer.; polit. неожиданно выдвинутый, неизвестный ранее кандидат (на выборах)
DARK lantern noun потайной фонарь
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См. в других словарях

  1. темнота, тьма; ночь after dark —- после наступления темноты at dark —- в темноте; ночью before dark —- до наступления темноты day and dark —- день и ночь to sit in the dark —- сидеть в темноте to grope in the dark —- пробираться ощупью в потемках to be afraid of the dark —- бояться темноты 2. тень; темный цвет; темные пятна mild dark —- легкая тень the lights and darks of a picture —- игра света и тени в картине 3. тайна, секретность to plot in the dark —- тайно готовить заговор his plans were made in the dark —- его планы были разработаны втайне 4. неведение; невежество to be in the dark about smth. —- быть в состоянии неизвестности, быть в неведении относительно чего-л., не знать о чем-л. to keep smb. in the dark —- держать кого-л. в неведении, скрывать от кого-л. I was in the dark about his intentions —- я не был посвящен в его планы, я ничего не знал о его намерениях 5. темный; черный dark night —- темная ночь dark day —- хмурый день dark days —- зимние дни dark copse —- темная рощица dark corner —- темный угол; укромное местечко pitchy dark —- непроглядный; темно, хоть глаз выколи it is getting dark —- темнеет; вечереет, спускается ночь as dark as midnight —- тьма кромешная, ни зги не видно 6. темный (о цвете) dark dress —- темное платье dark blue —- темно-голубой 7. смуглый, темный she has dark hair —- у нее темные волосы 8....
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  adj. & n. --adj. 1 with little or no light. 2 of a deep or sombre colour. 3 (of a person) with deep brown or black hair, complexion, or skin. 4 gloomy, depressing, dismal (dark thoughts). 5 evil, sinister (dark deeds). 6 sullen, angry (a dark mood). 7 remote, secret, mysterious, little-known (the dark and distant past; keep it dark). 8 ignorant, unenlightened. --n. 1 absence of light. 2 nightfall (don't go out after dark). 3 a lack of knowledge. 4 a dark area or colour, esp. in painting (the skilled use of lights and darks). Phrases and idioms the Dark Ages (or Age) 1 the period of European history preceding the Middle Ages, esp. the 5th-10th c. 2 any period of supposed unenlightenment. the Dark Continent a name for Africa, esp. when little known to Europeans. dark glasses spectacles with dark-tinted lenses. dark horse a little-known person who is unexpectedly successful or prominent. dark star an invisible star known to exist from reception of physical data other than light. in the dark lacking information. Derivatives darkish adj. darkly adv. darkness n. darksome poet. adj. Etymology: OE deorc prob. f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English derk, from Old English deorc; akin to Old High German tarchannen to hide  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. devoid or partially devoid of light ; not receiving, reflecting, transmitting, or radiating light a ~ room  b. transmitting only a portion of light ~ glasses  2.  a. wholly or partially black ~ clothing  b. of a color of low or very low lightness  c. being less light in color than other substances of the same kind ~ rum  3.  a. arising from or showing evil traits or desires ; evil the ~ powers that lead to war  b. dismal, gloomy had a ~ view of the future  c. lacking knowledge or culture ; unenlightened a ~ period in history  d. relating to grim or depressing circumstances ~ humor  4.  a. not clear to the understanding  b. not known or explored because of remoteness the ~est reaches of the continent  5. not fair in complexion ; swarthy  6. secret kept his plans ~  7. possessing depth and richness a ~ voice  8. closed to the public the theater is ~ in the summer  Synonyms: see obscure  • ~ish adjective  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 13th century  1.  a. a place or time of little or no light ; night, nightfall after ~  b. absence of light ; ~ness afraid of the ~  2. a ~ or deep color  III. verb  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb obsolete to grow ~  transitive verb to make ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (darker, darkest) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. When it is dark, there is not enough light to see properly, for example because it is night. It was too dark inside to see much... People usually draw the curtains once it gets dark... She snapped off the light and made her way back through the dark kitchen. ? light ADJ • darkness The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness. N-UNCOUNT • darkly ...a darkly lit, seedy dance hall. ADV: ADV -ed 2. The dark is the lack of light in a place. I’ve always been afraid of the dark. = darkness ? light N-SING: the N 3. If you describe something as dark, you mean that it is black in colour, or a shade that is close to black. He wore a dark suit and carried a black attache case... ? light ADJ • darkly Joanne’s freckles stood out darkly against her pale skin... ADV: ADV after v, ADV adj/-ed 4. When you use dark to describe a colour, you are referring to a shade of that colour which is close to black, or seems to have some black in it. She was wearing a dark blue dress. ? light COMB in COLOUR 5. If someone has dark hair, eyes, or skin, they have brown or black hair, eyes, or skin. He had dark, curly hair... ADJ 6. If you describe a white person as dark, you mean that they have brown or black hair, and often a brownish skin. Carol is a tall, dark, Latin type of woman... ? fair ADJ 7. A dark period of time is unpleasant or frightening. This was the darkest period of the war. = black ADJ: usu ADJ n 8. A dark place or area is mysterious and not fully known about. ...the dark recesses of the mind. ADJ: ADJ n 9. Dark thoughts are sad, and show that you are expecting something unpleasant to happen. (LITERARY) Troy’s chatter kept me from thinking dark thoughts. = gloomy ADJ: usu ADJ n 10. Dark looks or remarks make you think that the person giving them wants to harm you or that something horrible is going to happen. (LITERARY) ...dark...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 »PLACE« a dark place is one where there is little or no light  (The church was dark and quiet. | I waited for them in a dark alley. | go dark (=become dark))  (Suddenly, the room went dark and somebody screamed.)  (- opposite light3 (3)) 2 »COLOUR« not light or pale in colour  (dark blue/green/pink etc)  (a dark blue dress)  (- opposite light3 (1)) 3 it gets dark when it gets dark in the evening the light disappears and night begins  (Come on, let's go in, it's getting dark.) 4 »HAIR/EYES« someone who is dark has hair and eyes that are black or brown  (a tall, dark man)  (- opposite fair1 (5)) 5 »THREATENING/MYSTERIOUS ETC« threatening, mysterious, or evil  (the dark forces of the night | There was a darker side to his character.) 6 »FEELINGS/THOUGHTS« dark thoughts are sad and show that you think something very bad may happen  (I sat there gloomily, thinking dark thoughts.) 7 keep sth dark informal to keep something secret  (You're getting married! You kept that dark!) 8 »UNHAPPY« TIME a dark time is unhappy or without hope  (in the dark days of the war | Even in the darkest moments, I still had you, my love.) 9 dark horse a) someone who people do not know much about who surprises everyone by winning a competition b) BrE someone who does not tell people much and who has surprising qualities or abilities  (She's a dark horse. I didn't know she'd written a novel.) 10 darkest Africa/South America etc old-fashioned the parts of Africa etc about which we know very little  (- see also pitch­black) ~2 n 1 the dark a situation in which there is no light  (Children are sometimes afraid of the dark. | in the dark)  (Be careful if you're walking home in the dark.) 2 after dark at night  (Some of my friends won't go out after dark.) 3 before dark before the time when it gets dark at night  (You can go out, but make sure you come home before dark.) 4 be in the dark informal to know nothing about something important because you have not been told about it  (Well, I'm afraid we're in the dark as much as you...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом


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