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Англо-русский словарь - cone


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Перевод с английского языка cone на русский

 1. noun
 1) конус - cone of paper - icecream cone - cone of rays
 2) bot. шишка
 2. v.
 1) придавать форму конуса
 2) usu. pass. to be coned - быть обнаруженным вражескими прожекторами (о самолете) - cone off
CONE of rays phys. пучок лучей
CONE off помечать (часть дороги) конусами для предотвращения аварии Part of the main road was coned off after the accident.
CONE of paper фунтик, бумажный кулек
Рейтинг статьи:

См. в других словарях

  1. мат. конус cone of rays —- физ. пучок лучей 2. раструб, сопло 3. тех. конус, фрикцион 4. шишка (хвойных деревьев) 5. что-л. имеющее форму конуса cone speaker —- рад. диффузорный громкоговоритель 6. пик, конус (вулкана) 7. конусообразный вафельный фунтик, стаканчик (для мороженого) 8. метеор. сигнал. предупреждающий о плохой погоде 9. анат. колбочка (сетчатки глаза) 10. дор. дорожный конус (для разметки дороги, трассы) 11. придавать конусообразную форму 12. обыкн. pass обнаруживать прожекторами (самолет) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) конус 2) колбочка (сетчатки глаза) 3) бугорок (зуба) 4) бот. шишка; колосок 5) колпачковидная раковина (у брюхоногого моллюска) – cone of kidney – cone of origin – acrosomal cone – apical cone – crystalline cone – ectoplacental cone – entrance cone – genital cone – growth cone – ocular cone – pulmonary cone – sense cone – vegetative cone ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) конус; коническая поверхность 2) купол 3) радио диффузор 4) воронка; сопло 5) холм конической формы 6) геол. конус выноса 7) метал. конусная головка разматывателя (рулонов) 8) сварка ядро пламени 9) конусообразный, конический, конусный 10) придавать форму конуса angular opening of cone — матем. угол раствора конуса cone over polyhedron — матем. конус над полиэдром frustum of a cone — усечённый конус tangent cone of quadratic surface — матем. конус касательных к поверхности второго порядка tangent cone of sphere — матем. конус касательных к сфере - Mach cone - ablation cone - absolute cone - affine cone - asymptotic cone - atomizing cone - attainable cone - auxiliary cone - barrier cone - blunted cone - bodily cone - brake cone - centering cone - characteristic cone - circular cone - closed cone - compass-card jewel cone - cone of a complex - cone of attainable directions - cone of curvature - cone of divergence - cone of feasible directions - cone of hyperboloid - cone of interior directions - cone of mapping - cone of morphisms - cone of normals - cone of positivity - cone of potentials - cone of rays - cone of revolution - cone of silence - cone of tangents - confidence cone - conjugate cone - convex cone - debris cone - degenerate cone - director cone - division-closed cone - double cone - double-napped cone - dual cone - elliptic cone - exhaust cone - finite cone - flame cone - floating cone - gear cone - generating cone - half-angle cone - hyperbolic cone - hyperspherical cone - imaginary cone - infinite cone - initial cone - inscribed cone - inverse cone - isotropic cone - lattice cone - light cone - limit cone - line cone - local cone - locally compact cone - mapping cone - metric cone -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  конус – acceptance cone – antenna blind cone – focusing cone ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  конус воронка cone of depression alluvial cone anchor cone anchor female cone anchor male cone flow cone Mecasol cone North Dakota cone prepakt cone simple cone slump cone ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) конус; коническая поверхность конусообразный, конический 2) диффузор 3) воронка 4) коническое сопло 5) конусная бобина 6) конусная дробилка 7) метал. конусная головка (разматывателя рулонов) 8) купол (доменной печи) 9) входная зона волоки 10) конус (баллона ЭЛТ) 11) внутреннее кольцо (подшипника качения) 12) конический фрикцион 13) ступенчатый шкив 14) луковица (стекломассы при вытягивании стекловолокна) - cone of curvature - cone of friction - cone of gears - cone of protection - cone of revolution - cone of silence - cone of static friction - acceptance cone - addendum cone - atomizer cone - belt cone - brake cone - buffing cone - chance cone - charging cone - cheese cone - circular cone - clutch cone - commutator cone - crushing cone - curvilinear cone - cutter cone - dedendum cone - delivery cone - desliming cone - dewatering cone - diamond cone - director cone - divergent cone - drawing cone - drone cone - equilateral cone - face cone - female cone - filter cone - floating cone - fracture cone - friction cone - fuselage nose cone - fusible cone - gas cone - generating cone - grinding cone - injector cone - loudspeaker cone - light cone - male cone - mixing cone - nose cone - oblique cone - Orton cone - pearling cone - pineapple cone - pitch cone - polishing cone - pyrometric cone - receiving cone - right cone - rolling cone - root cone - Seger cone - self-cleaning cones - separating cone - settling cone - sink-float cone - slave cone - spherical cone - split cones - spray cone - stepped drawing cone - straight cone - tangent cone - thickening cone - truncated cone - valve cone - vortex cone - water cone - whitening cone - wind cone - winder cone ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a solid figure with a circular (or other curved) plane base, tapering to a point. 2 a thing of a similar shape, solid or hollow, e.g. as used to mark off areas of roads. 3 the dry fruit of a conifer. 4 an ice-cream cornet. 5 any of the minute cone-shaped structures in the retina. 6 a conical mountain esp. of volcanic origin. 7 (in full cone-shell) any marine gastropod mollusc of the family Conidae. 8 Pottery a ceramic pyramid, melting at a known temperature, used to indicate the temperature of a kiln. --v.tr. 1 shape like a cone. 2 (foll. by off) Brit. mark off (a road etc.) with cones. Etymology: F c{ocirc}ne f. L conus f. Gk konos ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle French or Latin; Middle French, from Latin conus, from Greek konos  Date: 1545  1.  a. a solid generated by rotating a right triangle about one of its legs — called also right circular ~  b. a solid bounded by a circular or other closed plane base and the surface formed by line segments joining every point of the boundary of the base to a common vertex — see volume table  c. a surface traced by a moving straight line passing through a fixed vertex  2.  a. a mass of ovule-bearing or pollen-bearing scales or bracts in most conifers or in cycads that are arranged usually on a somewhat elongated axis  b. any of several flower or fruit clusters suggesting a ~  3. something that resembles a ~ in shape: as  a. any of the conical photosensitive receptor cells of the vertebrate retina that function in color vision — compare rod 3  b. any of a family (Conidae) of tropical marine gastropod mollusks that inject their prey with a potent toxin  c. the apex of a volcano  d. a crisp usually ~-shaped wafer for holding ice cream  II. transitive verb  (~d; coning)  Date: 1845  1. to make ~-shaped  2. to bevel like the slanting surface of a ~ ~ a tire ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (cones) 1. A cone is a shape with a circular base and smooth curved sides ending in a point at the top. N-COUNT 2. A cone is the fruit of a tree such as a pine or fir. ...a bowl of fir cones. N-COUNT 3. A cone is a thin, cone-shaped biscuit that is used for holding ice cream. You can also refer to an ice cream that you eat in this way as a cone. She stopped by the ice-cream shop and had a chocolate cone. N-COUNT 4. see also pine cone, traffic cone ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a solid or hollow shape with a round base, sloping sides, and a point at the top, or something with this shape 2 an object shaped like a large cone that is put on a road to prevent cars from going somewhere or to warn drivers about something 3 the fruit of a pine1 (1) or fir1 (1) tree  (- see also conifer) 4 a piece of thin, cooked cake, shaped like a cone, that you put ice cream (2) in; cornet (2) BrE ~2 v cone sth off phr v to close a road or part of a road by putting a row of cones across it or along it ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  NASDAQ abbr. Carrier 1 International st. exc. abbr. Computer Organizations Of New England ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - 1562, from L. conus "a wedge, peak, cone," from Gk. konos "cone, spinning top, pine cone," from PIE base *ko(n)- "to sharpen." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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