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Англо-русский словарь - command


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Перевод с английского языка command на русский

airplane самолет командования
COMMAND car штабной автомобиль
 а) командный пункт
 б) amer. штаб военного подразделения
 1. noun
 1) команда, приказ
 2) командование to be in command of a regiment - командовать полком - under command of - at command
 3) войска, находящиеся под чьим-л. командованием - Fighter Command
 4) военный округ (в Англии)
 5) господство, власть command of the air - господство в воздухе
 6) владение command of ones emotions - умение владеть собой he has good/complete/great command of the language - он свободно владеет языком
 7) topogr. превышение
 8) attr. командный; находящийся в распоряжении командования - command post - command car - command airplane Syn: direction, directive, injunction, instruction, order Ant: consent
 2. v.
 1) приказывать
 2) командовать, управлять
 3) господствовать to command the seas - господствовать на морях
 4) владеть; располагать, иметь в своем распоряжении to command a large vocabulary - иметь большой запас слов to command the services of smb. - пользоваться чьими-л. услугами - yours to command
 5) внушать (напр., уважение)
 6) стоить; приносить, давать this article commands a good price - за этот товар можно взять хорошую цену
 7) господствовать, возвышаться the window commanded a lovely view - из окна открывался прекрасный вид
 8) mil. держать под обстрелом
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См. в других словарях

  1. приказ, приказание, команда at amb.'s command —- по чьему-л приказу at the word of command —- по команде command by voice —- воен. команда голосом command of execution —- воен. исполнительная команда command to advance —- приказ наступать to give a command —- (от)дать приказ to revoke a command —- отставить приказание 2. распоряжение I am at your command —- я к вашим услугам; я в вашем распоряжении 3. воен. командование; управление command echelon —- группа штаба command post —- командный пункт chain of command —- служебные инстанции, субординация to suspend from command —- отстранить от командования to be in command of a regiment —- командовать полком under command —- под командой, под начальством 4. воен. часть; соединение 5. воен. военный округ 6. господство, власть command of the see —- господство на море command of emotions —- способность контролировать чувства he felt that he was really in command of the situation —- он чувствовал себя настоящим хозяином положения he has no command over himself —- он не владеет собой; ему недостает самообладания he has a good command of the English language —- он хорошо владеет английским языком 7. ком. заказ awaiting your futher commands —- в ожидании ваших дальнейших заказов 8. топ. превышение 9. спец. команда (сигнал для включения) command guidance —- командное наведение (ракеты) command missile —- ракета с...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  воен. командование Подразделение оперативной организации вооруженных сил США. В их числе - 3 специальных и 9 объединенных командований. Специальные - стратегическое авиационное, тактическое авиационное и специальное командование сухопутных войск на континентальной части США - подчинены непосредственно Комитету начальников штабов Joint Chiefs of Staff. Пять объединенных командований имеют зону оперативной ответственности за пределами США: в Западной Европе, зоне Атлантики, зоне Тихого океана, в Центральной и Южной Америке и Центральное командование CENTCOM (Ближний и Средний Восток, Северная и Восточная Африка). Кроме того имеются: Объединенное командование воздушно-космической обороны Северной Америки NORAD, Объединенное космическое командование и Объединенное командование специальных операций COMMAND "Комэнд" Товарный знак бальзама и лака для волос производства компании "Алберто-Калвер" Alberto-Culver Co. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. сущ. 1) а) упр. команда, приказ, приказание to give a command — отдать приказ at by smb.'s command — по чьему-л. приказу приказанию Syn: direction, directive, injunction, instruction, order б) комп. команда, директива Use the Save command to store the current document on disk. — Чтобы сохранить документ на диск, используете команду "сохранить". 2) общ. власть, господство; владение command of the air — воздушное господство command of the sea — господство на море He has complete command of his emotions. — Он полностью владеет собой. He has a good command of German. — Он хорошо говорит по-немецки. 3) упр., преимущ. воен. командование, управление at smb.'s command — в распоряжении кого-л. be in command of smth. — командовать чем-л. under command of — под чьим-л. начальством Your command is taken off. — Вы лишаетесь полномочий командующего. 4) а) воен. должность командующего (любого уровня) the commands he held under the Crown — воинские посты, которые он занимал в Британской империи б) воен. командование, управление; штаб (разного уровня: бригады, корпуса, полка и т. п.) command car — штабной автомобиль 5) а) воен. часть; соединение The colonel ordered the command to halt. — Полковник приказал полку остановиться. б) воен. военный округ 2. гл. 1) упр., преимущ. воен. приказывать, отдавать команду to command that work should cease — отдать команду о...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) команда; директива комановать 2) приказ приказывать in response to a command — по команде to issue a command — подавать команду - false command - interactive command - keyboard-entered command - nonstop command - one-man command - operate command - select command - starting command - telecontrol command ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) вчт. сигнал управления, команда 2) приказ – annual command – AT commands – channel command – illegal command – disconnection command – generic command – guidance command – poll command – quit command – radio command – search command – switching command – triggering command – tripping command ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  1) сигнал управления управлять 2) вчт. команда; оператор командного языка; директива; предписание - cancel command - channel command - configuration command - control command - debug command - display command - editing command - generic command - halt command - high-level command - illegal command - immediate command - improper command - interrogation command - low-speed command - macro command - maximum torque command - modeless command - monitor command - next state command - nucleus-resident command - numerically coded command - object command - operator command - position command - position reference command - profile command - relative command - search command - seek command - single-keystroke command - speed change command - system-level command - system command - tab command - test command - transient command - verbal command ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to + infin., or that + clause) give formal order or instructions to (commands us to obey; commands that it be done). 2 (also absol.) have authority or control over. 3 a (often refl.) restrain, master. b gain the use of; have at one's disposal or within reach (skill, resources, etc.) (commands an extensive knowledge of history; commands a salary of {pound}40,000). 4 deserve and get (sympathy, respect, etc.). 5 Mil. dominate (a strategic position) from a superior height; look down over. --n. 1 an authoritative order; an instruction. 2 mastery, control, possession (a good command of languages; has command of the resources). 3 the exercise or tenure of authority, esp. naval or military (has command of this ship). 4 Mil. a a body of troops etc. (Bomber Command). b a district under a commander (Western Command). 5 Computing a an instruction causing a computer to perform one of its basic functions. b a signal initiating such an operation. Phrases and idioms at command ready to be used at will. at (or by) a person's command in pursuance of a person's bidding. command module the control compartment in a spacecraft. Command Paper (in the UK) a paper laid before Parliament by command of the Crown. command performance (in the UK) a theatrical or film performance given by royal command. command post the headquarters of a military unit. in command of commanding; having under control. under command of commanded by. word of command 1 Mil. an order for a movement in a drill etc. 2 a prearranged spoken signal for the start of an operation. Etymology: ME f. AF comaunder, OF comander f. LL commandare COMMEND ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English comanden, from Anglo-French cumander, from Vulgar Latin *~are, alteration of Latin commendare to commit to one's charge — more at commend  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1. to direct authoritatively ; order  2. to exercise a dominating influence over ; have ~ of: as  a. to have at one's immediate disposal ~s many resources  b. to demand or receive as one's due ~s a high fee  c. to overlook or dominate from or as if from a strategic position a hill that ~s the city  d. to have military ~ of as senior officer ~ a regiment  3. obsolete to order or request to be given  intransitive verb  1. to have or exercise direct authority ; govern  2. to give orders  3. to be ~er  4. to dominate as if from an elevated place  • ~able adjective Synonyms:  ~, order, bid, enjoin, direct, instruct, charge mean to issue orders. ~ and order imply authority and usually some degree of formality and impersonality. ~ stresses official exercise of authority a general ~ing troops. order may suggest peremptory or arbitrary exercise ordered his employees about like slaves. bid suggests giving orders peremptorily (as to children or servants) she bade him be seated. enjoin implies giving an order or direction authoritatively and urgently and often with admonition or solicitude a sign enjoining patrons to be quiet. direct and instruct both connote expectation of obedience and usually concern specific points of procedure or method, instruct sometimes implying greater explicitness or formality directed her assistant to hold all calls the judge instructed the jury to ignore the remark. charge adds to enjoin an implication of imposing as a duty or responsibility charged by the President with a secret mission.  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. an order given  b. a signal that actuates a device (as a control mechanism in a spacecraft or one step in a computer); also the activation of a device by means of such a signal  2.  a. the ability to control ; mastery  b. the authority or...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (commands, commanding, commanded) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If someone in authority commands you to do something, they tell you that you must do it. (mainly WRITTEN) He commanded his troops to attack... ‘Get in your car and follow me,’ he commanded... He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land... ‘Don’t panic,’ I commanded myself. = instruct, order VERB: V n to-inf, V with quote, V that, V n with quote • Command is also a noun. The tanker failed to respond to a command to stop... ...the note of command in his voice. = instruction, order N-VAR 2. If you command something such as respect or obedience, you obtain it because you are popular, famous, or important. ...an excellent physician who commanded the respect of all his colleagues... VERB: no cont, V n 3. If an army or country commands a place, they have total control over it. Yemen commands the strait at the southern end of the Red Sea. = rule VERB: V n • Command is also a noun. ...the struggle for command of the air. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 4. An officer who commands part of an army, navy, or air force is responsible for controlling and organizing it. ...the French general who commands the UN troops in the region... He didn’t just command. He personally fought in several heavy battles. VERB: V n, V • Command is also a noun. In 1942 he took command of 108 Squadron. = charge N-UNCOUNT 5. In the armed forces, a command is a group of officers who are responsible for organizing and controlling part of an army, navy, or air force. He had authorisation from the military command to retaliate... N-COUNT-COLL: usu supp N 6. In computing, a command is an instruction that you give to a computer. N-COUNT 7. If someone has command of a situation, they have control of it because they have, or seem to have, power or authority. Mr Baker would take command of the campaign... In times of currency crisis interest rates can raised...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »ORDER« an order that should be obeyed  (Fire when I give the command.) 2 »CONTROL« the control of a group of people or a situation  (be in command)  (Judge Hathaway was in complete command of the courtroom. | have sth under your command)  (We suspect that Don Sacco has several gangs under his command. | take command (=begin controlling and making decisions))  (Janet took command of the situation and got everyone out of the building safely. | at sb's command (=available to be used by someone whenever they want))  (Each congressman has a large staff at his command. | have command)  (Flynn had command of a squadron on the Western Front.) 3 »MILITARY« C also + plural v BrE) a) a part of an army, navy etc that is controlled separately and has a particular job  (pilots of the Southern Air Command) b) a group of officers or officials who give orders  (Are you criticizing the High Command?) c) the group of soldiers that an officer is in control of 4 have (a) command of to have a good knowledge of something, especially a subject such as a language  (Jill has an impressive command of French.) 5 »COMPUTER« an instruction to a computer to do something 6 at your command if you have a particular skill at your command, you are able to use that skill well and easily  (a carpenter with years of experience at his command) 7 be in command of yourself/your faculties to be able to control your emotions and thoughts  (Kathleen walked in, tall, slim, confident and in total command of herself.) ~2 v 1 »ORDER« to tell someone officially to do something, especially if you are a military leader, a king etc  (command sb to do sth)  (Captain Picard commanded the crew to report to the main deck. | command that)  (The General commanded that the regiment attack at once.) 2 »LEAD THE MILITARY« to be responsible for giving orders to a group of people in the army, navy etc  (He commands the 4th Battalion of the Scots Guard.) 3 »DESERVE AND GET« to get something such as attention or respect because you are important or popular...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 13c., from O.Fr. comander "to order, enjoin," from V.L. *commandare, from L. commendare "to recommend" (see commend), alt. by influence of L. mandare "to commit, entrust" (see mandate). Replaced O.E. bebeodan. The noun is attested from 1552. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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