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Англо-русский словарь - claw


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Перевод с английского языка claw на русский

back компенсировать дополнительными налогами суммы, израсходованные на увеличение государственных пособий The government claws back some of the money which it gives to arts organizations, in the form of tax.
CLAW hold of вцепиться (во что-л.)
CLAW off naut. лавировать от подветренного берега The boat clawed off slowly until it reached the wind, when the sails filled and the boat gathered speed.
 1. noun
 1) коготь
 2) лапа с когтями
 3) клешня
 4) pejor. рука, лапа
 5) tech. кулак, палец, выступ, зубец; лапа; клещи to put out a claw - показывать когти to draw in ones claws - присмиреть to cut/clip/pare smb. s claws - подрезать кому-л. крылышки; обезоружить кого-л.
 2. v.
 1) царапать, рвать когтями; когтить
 2) хватать - claw hold of
 3) naut. лавировать to claw off the land naut. - держаться дальше от берега - claw back - claw off claw me and Ill claw thee prov. - услуга за услугу
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См. в других словарях

  1. коготь 2. уст. лапа с когтями 3. клешня 4. груб. рука, лапа 5. груб. пальцы 6. ам. жарг. полицейский, полиция 7. тех. муфта 8. выступ 9. щека (тисков) 10. расщеп; раздвоенный конец 11. кин. грейфер 12. бот. базальная часть лепестка Id: in smb.'s claws —- в чьих-л. когтях Id: to clip smb.'s claws —- подрезать кому-л. коготки Id: to draw in one's claws —- присмиреть, умерить пыл Id: to put out a claw —- показывать когти Id: to get one's claws into smb. —- злобно наброситься на кого-л., вцепиться в кого-л Id: to put the claw on smb. —- ам. жарг. арестовать, задержать кого-л; попросить у кого-л. денег взаймы 13. царапать, скрести; рвать, терзать когтями 14. схватывать (когтями) to claw hold of smth. —- схватить что-л ногтями; вцепиться во что-л the climber clawed at the cliff surface —- альпинист цеплялся за поверхность скалы 15. жадно хватать (рукой); загребать (деньги) 16. рыть, рвать, тянуть когтями или пальцами to claw a hole in smb.'s shirt —- вырвать клок из чьей-л рубашки 17. чесаться, расчетывать (при зуде) 18. мор. лавировать Id: claw me and I will claw thee —- услуга за услугу; рука руку моет ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) коготь, коготок 2) бот. ноготок 3) лапа с когтями 4) клешня on the claw — живая (о птице) – nipping claw ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1) кулак, палец 2) выступ, зубец; лапа 3) клещи 4) бот. ноготок 5) захват захватывать - tiltable claw ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  лапа; раздвоенный конец губка (щека) тисков гвоздодёр; клещи; клешневой захват nail claw ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) зуб; заострённый выступ 2) захватное устройство клешневого типа; рбт тж. клешневой схват 3) клещи 4) гвоздодёр 5) кфт. грейфер(ный механизм) 6) коллектор доильного аппарата - cam-actuated claw - feeding claw - feed claw - nail claw - pilot claw - registering claw - registration claw - side claw - slip claw ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a a pointed horny nail on an animal's or bird's foot. b a foot armed with claws. 2 the pincers of a shellfish. 3 a device for grappling, holding, etc. --v. 1 tr. & intr. scratch, maul, or pull (a person or thing) with claws. 2 tr. & intr. Sc. scratch gently. 3 intr. Naut. beat to windward. Phrases and idioms claw back 1 regain laboriously or gradually. 2 recover (money paid out) from another source (e.g. taxation). claw-back n. 1 the act of clawing back. 2 money recovered in this way. claw-hammer a hammer with one side of the head forked for extracting nails. Derivatives clawed adj. (also in comb.). clawer n. clawless adj. Etymology: OE clawu, clawian ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English ~u hoof, ~; akin to Old Norse klo ~, and probably to Old English cliewen ball — more at clew  Date: before 12th century  1. a sharp usually slender and curved nail on the toe of an animal  2. any of various sharp curved processes especially at the end of a limb (as of an insect); also a limb ending in such a process  3. one of the pincerlike organs terminating some limbs of various arthropods (as a lobster or scorpion)  4. something that resembles a ~; specifically the forked end of a tool (as a hammer)  • ~ed adjective  • ~like adjective  II. verb  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb to rake, seize, dig, or progress with or as if with ~s  intransitive verb to scrape, scratch, dig, or pull with or as if with ~s ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (claws, clawing, clawed) 1. The claws of a bird or animal are the thin, hard, curved nails at the end of its feet. The cat tried to cling to the edge by its claws. N-COUNT: usu pl 2. The claws of a lobster, crab, or scorpion are the two pointed parts at the end of its legs which are used for holding things. N-COUNT: usu pl 3. If an animal claws at something, it scratches or damages it with its claws. The wolf clawed at the tree and howled the whole night. VERB: V at n 4. To claw at something mean to try very hard to get hold of it. His fingers clawed at Blake’s wrist... VERB: V at n 5. If you claw your way somewhere, you move there with great difficulty, trying desperately to find things to hold on to. Some did manage to claw their way up iron ladders to the safety of the upper deck. VERB: V way prep/adv ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a sharp curved nail on the toe of an animal or bird  (The cat dug his claws into my leg.) 2 get your claws into sb a) if a woman gets her claws into a man, she shows that she is determined to marry him b) to say unpleasant things about someone in order to upset them  (Wait till the papers get their claws into him.) 3 usually plural the part of the body of some insects and sea animals that is used for attacking and holding things 4 the curved end of a tool or machine used for pulling nails out of wood and lifting things  (a claw hammer) ~2 v 1 to tear or pull at something using claws + a  (The cat keeps clawing at the rug.) 2 to try very hard to get hold of something  (Mary clawed at her husband's sleeve, trying to stop him. | claw your way up/along/across etc (=move somewhere slowly by holding tightly onto things as you move)) claw sth back phr v 1 to get back something that you had lost, by working very hard  (Through aggressive advertising, the company managed to claw back its share of the market.) 2 BrE if a government claws back money that ordinary people have been allowed to keep or get, it gets it back by increasing taxes ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. clawu, from P.Gmc. *klawo, from PIE *g(e)l-eu- from base *gel- "to make round, clench." The verb is from O.E. clawian. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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