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Англо-русский словарь - block


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printing noun ксилография
 а) набрасывать вчерне
 б) ретушировать Block out the bottom of this picture when it is printed, the balance of the page will be better.
 в) закрывать The clouds have blocked out the sun.
BLOCK vote noun представительное голосование
 а) закрывать что-л., препятствуя прохождению The pipe is blocked up again and theres water all over the floor. Youd better block up that hole in the wall; its letting the cold in.
 б) закреплять что-л. с помощью блоков You will have to block up the wheel of the car to change the tyre.
BLOCK the access закрыть доступ
BLOCK system = blocking
 1. noun
 1) чурбан, колода
 2) глыба (камня); блок (для стройки)
 3) квартал (города); жилищный массив
 4) группа, масса однородных предметов - block of shares - in block
 5) плаха the block - казнь на плахе
 6) деревянная печатная форма
 7) болван, форма (для шляп)
 8) блокнот
 9) кубик (концентрата)
 10) pl. кубики; строитель (игрушка)
 11) шашка (подрывная, дымовая)
 12) преграда; затор (движения)
 13) railways блокировка; блокпост
 14) tech. блок, шкив
 15) mining целик
 16) med. блокада
 17) attr. block grant - единовременная субсидия
 2. v.
 1) преграждать; задерживать; блокировать (обыкн. block up) - block the access - block off
 2) препятствовать, создавать препятствия to block progress - стоять на пути прогресса to block in - препятствовать The traffic was so thick that a whole row of cars got blocked in.
 3) parl. задерживать (прохождение законопроекта)
 4) набрасывать вчерне
 5) fin. блокировать, задерживать, замораживать
 6) засорять(ся) - block in - block out - block up Syn: see stop
BLOCK booking noun amer. принудительный ассортимент кинофильмов, навязываемый кинотеатрам кинопромышленниками
 а) набрасывать вчерне Mr Brown has blocked in the plans for the house but has given no details.
 б) задерживать; блокировать Now that the well has run dry, we must block it in with bricks.
BLOCK letter noun прописная печатная буква
BLOCK of shares fin. пакет акций
BLOCK off закрывать что-л., препятствуя прохождению The gas pipe has been blocked off to prevent escapes. The police blocked off the street where the gunman was hiding.
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См. в других словарях

  1. чурбан; колода starting blocks —- спорт. стартовые колодки 2. (каменная) глыба 3. ист. плаха the block —- казнь на плахе to be sent to the block —- быть приговоренным к смерти 4. жилищный массив 5. преим. ам. квартал walk three blocks —- пройдите три квартала he lives two blocks from us —- он живет в двух кварталах от нас to do the blocks —- австрал. прогуливаться 6. (городская) площадь 7. многоквартирный дом 8. преграда; затор (движения и т. п.) there was a block in the pipe and the water could not flow away —- труба засорилась, и вода не сходила 9. дорожная пробка, дорожный затор 10. обструкция (в парламенте) 11. спорт. перехват (инициативы) natural block —- заслон (волейбол) 12. строительный блок 13. ам. большой полый кирпич 14. кубик, игрушечный кирпичик 15. кубик (концентрата) 16. что-л имеющее форму кирпича, кубика и т. п. a block of soap —- кусок мыла a block of cigarettes —- блок сигарет 17. полигр. деревянная печатная форма 18. полигр. клише, штамп 19. болван(ка), форма для шляпы 20. разг. болван, тупица, "бревно" 21. сл. башка 22. группа однородных предметов a block of seats in a theatre —- несколько рядов в театре (между проходами) in (the) block —- целиком, чохом 23. блок, объединение 24. блокнот 25. тех. блок, шкив 26. тех. сухарь, колодка 27. тех. блок цилиндров 28. воен. шашка...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) блок 2) блокада 3) блок (определённая повторяющаяся группа в опыте) 4) блокировать; тормозить; препятствовать – anodal block – antegrade block – arborization block – atrioventricular block – bundle-branch block – heart block – intermittent block – intra-atrial block – intraventricular block – maturation block – nerve block – neuromuscular block – partial block – randomized block – sinoauricular block – total block ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  сущ. 1) а) общ. колода, чурбан between the beetle and the block — между молотом и наковальней б) общ., ист. плаха 2) а) общ. блок, глыба solid blocks of ice — целые ледяные глыбы б) общ. строительный блок в) общ. кубик, игрушечный кирпичик г) общ. (что-л. имеющее форму кирпича, кубика и т. п.) block of ice cream — брикет мороженого 3) а) общ. жилищный массив; квартал б) общ., преим. брит. многоквартирный дом 4) а) общ. группа однородных предметов (рассматриваемых как единое целое) block of seats in the lower house of congress — группа мест в нижней палате конгресса б) фин. пакет (совокупность ценных бумаг, находящихся на руках у данного лица, либо совокупность ценных бумаг, с которыми совершается данная сделка купли-продажи, обмена и т. п.) block of shares of stock — пакет акций See: minority interest, controlling interest, block trade в) СМИ блок (временной отрезок из нескольких последовательных часов в ежедневном расписании радио- или телекомпании) г) комп. блок (группа чисел, букв или слов, перемещаемая в пределах компьютерной системы как отдельная единица) д) общ., преим. брит. блокнот 5) общ., амер. подставка на аукционе to go to the block — продаваться на аукционе 6) полигр. печатная форма; клише; штамп 7) общ. преграда; барьер; затор, пробка...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) блок блочный across blocks — между блоками to place rope in block — закладывать трос в блок to skim into blocks — отливать в блоки - combination block 2) блочный агрегат, сборка; узел; модуль - UHF block - adobe block - angle block - antenna snatch block - anvil block - beam block - bilge block - block and tackle - brake block - building block - cargo-hoist block - chain block - chain-hoist block - coiling block - connection block - crown block - cutter block - cylinder block - cylindrical block - differential block - distributing block - dummy block - energetic block - engine block - finishing block - fixed block - fixing block - focusing block - friction block - functional block - furnace block - fuse block - gage block - gap block - gauge block - hauling block - head block - heel block - horn block - intermediate block - jack block - lever latch block - line-process block - linked blocks - load block - long-tackle block - moderator block - mosaic block - multiple block - nozzle block - ore block - peat plant block - peat soil block - pulley block - pulley block - randomized block - record block - reel block - running block - safety block - sanding block - scraper block - shielding block - single-sheaved block - slag-concrete block - slide block - slip-cast block - slipper block - snatch block - spacer block - swivel block - take-up block - tap-hole block - tension block - terminal block - threading block - traveling block - triangulation block - trunnion block - twin pulley block - wood block 3) заготовка; болванка - bloom block 4) матем. блок матрицы - balanced block - balanced incomplete block - complete block - completely randomized block - corrected block - critical block - crude block - diagonal block - diatomaceous block - incomplete block - linked block - minimal block - principal block - prismatic block - randomized block - sample block - simplex block 5) блок, группа блокировать...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) блок, узел 2) вчт. блок данных 3) матрица значений 4) (контактная) колодка 5) блокировка – chroma simulcast block – coil block – crossing block – data control block – editing block – error block – fuse block – information block – information broadcast block – input block – interface block – laser head block – line-control block – luminance block – memory block – message-reference block – news block – output block – pilot block – primary block – processing block – program block – relay block – short block – slipper block – standby block – super block – telephone interface block – tele block – terminal block – thermal block – time block – variable-length block – video-data block ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  камень, блок (бетонный, керамический) отрезок бревна или бруса, колода распорка или подкос между балками глыба (скальной породы) блок, блочная обойма (полиспаста) квартал (города) многоквартирный дом преграда; засор; затор засорять, закупоривать block of buildings block of flats A block anchor block anchoring block angle block apex block arch block architrave block asphalt block autoclaved aerated concrete block backhaul cable guide block backhaul line guide block backing block baffle block balance block base block bearing block bed block bedroom block bond-beam block bottom block brake block breeze block building block bullnose block burnt clay masonry block camber block cavity block ceiling block cellular block chain block chimney block cinder block clay block clinker block closer block colored concrete paving blocks concrete block concrete filler block concrete paving block corner block cover block crown block cushion block cutter block cyclopean block cylinder block decorative block differential pulley block diffusion block distance block dormitory block dosseret block double-sheave pulley block end block energy dispersion block face block faced block facing block fall block fiddle block filler block fire block fixing block floating block flue block foam-filled block foot block foundation block gin block glass block glue block gypsum block heel block hewn masonry wall block high-rise block hoisting block hollow block hook block impost block inertia block interlocking concrete blocks invert block key block keyed hollow clay block LECA block lifting block lightweight concrete block lower load block masonry block modular masonry block multistory block nailing block offset block one-hand block parquet block partition block paving block plinth block point blocks precast concrete block pulley block running block rusticated stone block...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) преграда; затор перекрывать; заклинивать(ся) 2) засорять(ся); забивать(ся); закупоривать(ся) 3) блок; узел; модуль 4) горн. блок; выемочный участок 5) горн. глыба 6) блок (сдаваемый в аренду для нефтяной разработки участок земли или морского дна) 7) лесн. чурбан, колода; болванка; брусок 8) лесн. короткий толстый сортимент; кряж 9) чушка, заготовка, литой сляб 10) сил. брус 11) волочильный стан барабанного типа; волочильный барабан 12) метал. барабан (моталки) 13) кессон головки (мартеновской печи) 14) строительный блок 15) квартал 16) многоквартирный дом 17) вставка (резца) 18) машиностр. подставка; подпорка; опора; колодка 19) блок; шкив; ролик 20) машиностр. кадр (управляющей программы) 21) слипаться, склеиваться (о свежеокрашенных поверхностях, плёнках) 22) возд. упорная колодка (под колесо) устанавливать упорные колодки (под колесо) 23) пакет (напр. символов) 24) электрон., связь группа (напр. каналов); узел 25) запирающий сигнал запирать 26) блокировка блокировать 27) вчт. группа, блок (напр. данных или ячеек памяти) объединять в блоки; составлять блоки 28) ж.-д. блок-участок; блок-пост; блокировка 29) полигр. печатная форма высокой печати 30) клише; подставка для...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n., v., & adj. --n. 1 a solid hewn or unhewn piece of hard material, esp. of rock, stone, or wood (block of ice). 2 a flat-topped block used as a base for chopping, beheading, standing something on, hammering on, or for mounting a horse from. 3 a a large building, esp. when subdivided (block of flats). b a compact mass of buildings bounded by (usu. four) streets. 4 an obstruction; anything preventing progress or normal working (a block in the pipe). 5 a chock for stopping the motion of a wheel etc. 6 a pulley or system of pulleys mounted in a case. 7 (in pl.) any of a set of solid cubes etc., used as a child's toy. 8 Printing a piece of wood or metal engraved for printing on paper or fabric. 9 a head-shaped mould used for shaping hats or wigs. 10 sl. the head (knock his block off). 11 US a the area between streets in a town or suburb. b the length of such an area, esp. as a measure of distance (lives three blocks away). 12 a stolid, unimaginative, or hard-hearted person. 13 a large quantity or allocation of things treated as a unit, esp. shares, seats in a theatre, etc. 14 a set of sheets of paper used for writing, or esp. drawing, glued along one edge. 15 Cricket a spot on which a batsman blocks the ball before the wicket, and rests the bat before playing. 16 Athletics = starting-block. 17 Amer. Football a blocking action. 18 Austral. a a tract of land offered to an individual settler by a government. b a large area of land. --v.tr. 1 a (often foll. by up) obstruct (a passage etc.) (the road was blocked; you are blocking my view). b put obstacles in the way of (progress etc.). 2 restrict the use or conversion of (currency or any other asset). 3 use a block for making (a hat, wig, etc.). 4 emboss or impress a design on (a book cover). 5 Cricket stop (a ball) with a bat defensively. 6 Amer. Football intercept (an opponent) with one's body. --attrib.adj. treating (many similar things) as one unit (block booking). Phrases and idioms block and tackle a system of pulleys and ropes, esp. for lifting. block capitals (or letters) letters...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English blok, from Middle French & Middle Dutch; Middle French bloc, from Middle Dutch blok; akin to Old High German bloh ~  Date: 14th century  1. a compact usually solid piece of substantial material especially when worked or altered to serve a particular purpose: as  a. the piece of wood on which the neck of a person condemned to be beheaded is laid for execution  b. a mold or form on which articles are shaped or displayed  c. a hollow rectangular building unit usually of artificial material  d. a lightweight usually cubical and solid wooden or plastic building toy that is usually provided in sets  e. the casting that contains the cylinders of an internal combustion engine  f. starting ~  2.  a. obstacle  b. an obstruction of an opponent's play in sports; especially a halting or impeding of the progress or movement of an opponent in football by use of the body  c.  (1) interruption of normal physiological function (as of a tissue or organ); especially heart ~  (2) local anesthesia (as by injection) produced by interruption of the flow of impulses along a nerve  d. interruption or cessation especially of train of thought by competing thoughts or psychological suppression — compare writer's ~  3. slang head 1 threatened to knock his ~ off  4. a wooden or metal case enclosing one or more pulleys and having a hook, eye, or strap by which it may be attached  5. a piece of material (as wood or linoleum) having on its surface a hand-cut design from which impressions are to be printed  6.  a.  (1) a usually rectangular space (as in a city) enclosed by streets and occupied by or intended for buildings  (2) the distance along one of the sides of such a ~  b.  (1) a large building divided into separate functional units  (2) a line of row houses  (3) a distinctive part of a building or integrated group of buildings  7. a platform from which property is sold at auction  8.  a. a quantity, number, or section of things dealt with as a...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (blocks, blocking, blocked) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A block of flats or offices is a large building containing them. ...blocks of council flats. ...a white-painted apartment block. N-COUNT: usu with supp, oft N of n 2. A block in a town is an area of land with streets on all its sides. She walked four blocks down High Street... He walked around the block three times. N-COUNT 3. A block of a substance is a large rectangular piece of it. ...a block of ice. N-COUNT: usu N of n 4. To block a road, channel, or pipe means to put an object across it or in it so that nothing can pass through it or along it. Some students today blocked a highway that cuts through the center of the city... He can clear blocked drains. VERB: V n, V-ed 5. If something blocks your view, it prevents you from seeing something because it is between you and that thing. ...a row of spruce trees that blocked his view of the long north slope of the mountain. = obstruct VERB: V n 6. If you block someone’s way, you prevent them from going somewhere or entering a place by standing in front of them. I started to move round him, but he blocked my way... VERB: V n 7. If you block something that is being arranged, you prevent it from being done. For years the country has tried to block imports of various cheap foreign products... VERB: V n 8. A block of something such as tickets or shares is a large quantity of them, especially when they are all sold at the same time and are in a particular sequence or order. Those booking a block of seats get them at reduced rates. N-COUNT: usu N of n 9. If you have a mental block or a block, you are temporarily unable to do something that you can normally do which involves using, thinking about, or remembering something. N-COUNT: usu supp N 10. see also breeze-block, building block, roadblock, starting block, stumbling block, tower block 11. a chip off the old block: see chip ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »SOLID MASS« a solid mass of hard material such as wood or stone with straight sides + of  (a block of ice) 2 »STREET/STREETS« a) AmE the distance along a city street from where one street crosses it to the next  (It's three blocks to the store from here. | She lives down the block.) b) the four city streets that form a square around an area of buildings  (Let's walk around the block before we go in.) 3 »LARGE BUILDING« a large building divided into separate parts  (a block of flats | a tower block | office blocks) 4 »QUANTITY OF THINGS« a quantity of things considered as a single unit + of  (a block of shares in a business | Highlight this block of text.) 5 block booking/voting an arrangement that is made for a whole group, to buy something or to vote together. 6 »UNABLE TO THINK« usually singular) the temporary loss of your normal ability to think, learn, write etc  (mental/writer's block)  (She has a mental block about speaking French.) 7 »STOPPING MOVEMENT« usually singular) something in a pipe, road etc that stops things moving through or along it 8 the block a solid block of wood on which someone's head was cut off as a punishment, in former times  (He was prepared to go to the block for his beliefs.) 9 lay/put your head on the block to risk destroying other people's opinion of you by doing or saying something 10 »SPORT« a movement in sport that stops an opponent going forward 11 »INFORMATION« a physical unit of stored information on a magnetic tape or disk 12 »PRINTING« a piece of wood or metal with words or line drawings cut into it, for printing 13 »LAND« AustrE, NZE a large piece of land  (a ten acre block near the city)  (- see also block capitals, building block, be a chip off the old block chip1 (6), I'll knock your block off. knock1 (4), stumbling block stumble (4)) ~2 v 1 also block up to prevent anything moving through a narrow space by placing something across it or in it  (Your truck is blocking the road. | My nose is blocked up with this cold.) 2 to stop something happening,...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - "solid piece," 13c., from O.Fr. bloc "log, block," via M.Du. or O.H.G. from PIE *bhlugo-, from *bhel "a thick plank, beam." The meaning in city block is 1796. Extended sense of "obstruction" is first recorded 1649. The verb "to obstruct" is from 1570. Blockhead (1549) was originally a head-shaped oaken block used by hatmakers. Blockade first used 1680. Blockhouse is c.1500, of unknown origin. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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