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Англо-русский словарь - beg


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Перевод с английского языка beg на русский

to do smth. взять на себя смелость, позволить себе что-л. сделать I beg to differ позволю себе не согласиться I beg to enclose при сем прилагаю we beg to inform you извещаем вас
BEG pardon просить извинения, прощения
BEG for the moon просить луну, просить невозможное
BEG v.
 1) просить, умолять (of/from - кого-л.; for - о чем-л.) I would be ashamed to beg from my neighbours. I beg of you, dont mention her name again. - beg leave - beg pardon
 2) нищенствовать; просить подаяния The old woman went from house to house, begging for bread.
 3) служить, стоять на задних лапах (о собаке)
 4) (в официальном обращении в письме) - beg to do smth. - beg off to beg the question - считать спорный вопрос решенным, не требующим доказательств - beg for the moon Syn: see plead
BEG leave просить разрешения
BEG for mercy просить пощады;
BEG off отпроситься to beg smb. off добиться чьего-л. прощения, смягчения наказания
BEGAD interj. coll. клянусь небом!
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См. в других словарях

  1. просить to beg permission (leave) (of smb.) —- просить разрешения (позволения) (у кого-л.) to beg a favour of (from) smb. —- просить кого-л. о любезности (об одолжении) I beg your pardon —- прошу извинить меня; простите, пожалуйста; простите, что вы сказали?, повторите, пожалуйста, я не 2. расслышал! 3. умолять, молить to beg for help —- просить (умолять) о помощи to beg for mercy —- молить о пощаде to beg for one's life —- молить (убийцу, судью) о пощаде 4. нищенствовать; просить подаяние to beg from door to door —- просить милдостыню, ходить с сумой to beg one's bread —- жить подаянием 5. служить, стоять на задних лапках (о собаке) 6. канц. взять на себя смелость (позволить себе) сделать что-л. I beg to report —- осмелюсь (имею честь) доложить I beg to differ —- позволю себе не согласиться I beg to say —- разрешите сказать; позволю себе выразить мнение we beg to inform you —- извещаем вас we beg to enclose —- при сем прилагается we beg to acknowledge the receipt... —- настоящим подтверждаем получение... Id: to beg the question —- голословно утверждать что-л.; приводить в качестве аргумента спорное положение Id: but that is begging the question! —- но это не доказательство! Id: to beg the question —- уклоняться от предмета спора (от сути дела) Id: to beg smb. for a fool —- уст. считать кого-л. дураком 7. уст. бек, бей ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v. (begged, begging) 1 a intr. (usu. foll. by for) ask for (esp. food, money, etc.) (begged for alms). b tr. ask for (food, money, etc.) as a gift. c intr. live by begging. 2 tr. & intr. (usu. foll. by for, or to + infin.) ask earnestly or humbly (begged for forgiveness; begged to be allowed out; please, I beg of you; beg your indulgence for a time). 3 tr. ask formally for (beg leave). 4 intr. (of a dog etc.) sit up with the front paws raised expectantly. 5 tr. take or ask leave (to do something) (I beg to differ; beg to enclose). Phrases and idioms beg one's bread live by begging. begging bowl 1 a bowl etc. held out for food or alms. 2 an earnest appeal for help. beg off 1 decline to take part in or attend. 2 get (a person) excused a penalty etc. beg pardon see PARDON. beg the question 1 assume the truth of an argument or proposition to be proved, without arguing it. 2 disp. pose the question. 3 colloq. evade a difficulty. go begging (or a-begging) (of a chance or a thing) not be taken; be unwanted. Etymology: ME prob. f. OE bedecian f. Gmc: rel. to BID ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ged; ~ging)  Etymology: Middle English ~gen  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to ask for as a charity  2.  a. to ask earnestly for ; entreat  b. to require as necessary or appropriate  3. evade, sidestep ~ged the real problems  intransitive verb  1. to ask for alms  2. to ask earnestly ~ged for mercy Synonyms:  ~, entreat, beseech, implore, supplicate, adjure, importune mean to ask urgently. ~ suggests earnestness or insistence especially in asking for a favor children ~ging to stay up late. entreat implies an effort to persuade or to overcome resistance entreated him to change his mind. beseech implies great eagerness or anxiety I beseech you to have mercy. implore adds to beseech a suggestion of greater urgency or anguished appeal implored her not to leave him. supplicate suggests a posture of humility with bowed heads they supplicated their Lord. adjure implies advising as well as pleading and suggests the invoking of something sacred in God's name I adjure you to cease. importune suggests an annoying persistence in trying to break down resistance to a request importuning viewers for contributions.  II. abbreviation ~in; ~inning ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (begs, begging, begged) 1. If you beg someone to do something, you ask them very anxiously or eagerly to do it. I begged him to come back to England with me... I begged to be allowed to leave... We are not going to beg for help any more... They dropped to their knees and begged forgiveness. VERB: V n to-inf, V to-inf-passive, V for n, V n, also V n with quote 2. If someone who is poor is begging, they are asking people to give them food or money. I was surrounded by people begging for food... There are thousands like him in Los Angeles, begging on the streets and sleeping rough... She was living alone, begging food from neighbors. VERB: oft cont, V for n, V, V n 3. You say ‘I beg to differ’ when you are politely emphasizing that you disagree with someone. PHRASE: V inflects c darkgreen]politeness 4. If you say that something is going begging, you mean that it is available but no one is using it or accepting it. There is other housing going begging in town. PHRASE: V inflects 5. If you say that something begs a particular question, you mean that it makes people want to ask that question; some people consider that this use is incorrect. Hopewell’s success begs the question: why aren’t more companies doing the same? PHRASE: V and N inflect 6. If you say that something begs a particular question, you mean that it assumes that the question has already been answered and so does not deal with it. (WRITTEN) The research begs a number of questions. PHRASE: V and N inflect 7. I beg your pardon: see pardon ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 I beg your pardon spoken a) used to say sorry when you have made a mistake, or said something wrong or embarrassing  (Oh, I beg your pardon. I thought you meant next Tuesday.) b) used to show that you strongly disagree with something that someone has said, or think it is unacceptable  ("Chicago's an awful place." "I beg your pardon, that's where I'm from!") c) used to ask someone to repeat what they have just said  ("The meeting's on Wednesday." "I beg your pardon." "I said the meeting's on Wednesday.") 2 »ASK« to ask for something in an anxious or urgent way, because you want it very much  (She begged and pleaded with them until they finally gave in. | beg (sb) to do sth)  (The children begged to come with us. | I begged Helen to stay but she wouldn't listen. | beg (sb) for sth)  (I'm begging you for help, Greg. | beg forgiveness/a favour/mercy etc)  (Can I beg a favour? | beg leave to do sth formal (=ask permission to do something)) 3 »MONEY/FOOD« to ask people to give you food, money etc because you are very poor  (a begging letter | beg from sb)  (a ragged child begging from passing shoppers | beg (for) sth)  (They were reduced to begging food in the streets. | beg sth off sb spoken)  (Can I beg a cigarette off you?) 4 I beg to differ spoken formal to say firmly that you do not agree with something that has been said  (I must beg to differ on this point.) 5 beg the question to discuss something in a way that makes it seem that a fact is definitely true when in fact it may not be  (This planning proposal begs the question whether we need more sports facilities at all.) 6 be going begging spoken if something is going begging, it is available for anyone who wants it  (There's a bottle of wine going begging if anyone's interested.) 7 »DOG« if a dog begs, it sits up with its front legs off the ground beg off ~ phr v to say that you cannot do something that you had agreed to do  (I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to beg off from the game tonight.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  mil. abbr. Budget Estimate Guidance airport code Belgrade, Yugoslavia firm name abbr. Building Engineering Group chat abbr. Big Evil Grin ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: BEGGING. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - perhaps from O.E. bedecian "to beg," from P.Gmc. *beth-; or possibly from Anglo-Fr. The O.E. word for "beggar" was wжdla. As a courteous mode of asking (beg pardon, etc.), first attested 1600. To beg the question translates L. petitio principii, and means "to assume something that hasn't been proven as a basis of one's argument," thus "asking" one's opponent to give something unearned, though more of the nature of taking it for granted without warrant. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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