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Англо-русский словарь - bag


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Перевод с английского языка bag на русский

and baggage a) со всеми пожитками
 б) совершенно
 в) в общем, в совокупности
BAG of wind amer.; coll. болтун, пустозвон, хвастун [ср. windbag ]
 1. noun
 1) мешок; сумка; чемодан to empty the bag - опорожнить мешок, сумку; fig. рассказать, выложить все
 2) ягдташ; добыча (охотника) to make the bag - убить дичи больше, чем другие участники охоты
 3) баллон
 4) полость (в горной породе), карман
 5) pl. мешки (под глазами)
 6) вымя
 7) pl. множество, уйма
 8) pl.; coll. штаны (тж. pair of bags)
 9) дипломатическая почта in the bag - дело в шляпе; дело верное - set ones bag for - bag and baggage - bag of wind - late bag whole bag of tricks
 а) всяческие ухищрения;
 б) все без остатка in the bottom of the bag в качестве крайнего средства to give smb. the bag to hold покинуть кого-л. в беде; улизнуть от кого-л. to put smb. in a bag взять верх над кем-л., одолеть кого-л. - bear the bag - carry the bag - make a good bag of
 2. v.
 1) класть в мешок
 2) убить (столько-то дичи)
 3) сбить (самолет)
 4) собирать (коллекцию и т.п.)
 5) оттопыриваться; висеть мешком; надуваться (о парусах)
 6) coll.; oft. joc. присваивать, брать без спроса
 7) school; sl. заявлять права, кричать чур I bag!, bags I! - чур я! Syn: see capture II v. жать серпом
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См. в других словарях

  1. мешок; сума paper bag —- (бумажный) пакет; бумажный мешок saddle bag —- седельный вьюк, переметная сума 2. портфель; сумка; ранец gum bag —- спортивная сумка shopping bag —- хозяйственная сумка evening bag —- вечерняя (театральная) сумочка blue (green) bag —- ист. портфель адвоката 3. кошелек 4. чемодан Gladstone bag —- кожаный саквояж overnight bag —- небольшой чемодан (для однодневной поездки) 5. редк. рюкзак 6. дипломатическая почта (также diplomatic bag) 7. pl. мешки под глазами (также bags under one's eyes) 8. ягдташ 9. добыча охотника he got a very poor bag —- он почти ничего не настрелял 10. добыча, трофеи bag of POW's was 10000 —- было захвачено в плен 10000 солдат и офицеров противника 11. потери противника 12. мешок (мера объема) bag of cement —- мешок цемента (= 42.63 кг) 13. pl. разг. брюки, штаны (также pair of bags) 14. pl. богатство, златые горы; богачи, толстосумы; денежный мешок 15. pl. разг. множество, масса; груды bags of time to catch the train —- до поезда еще уйма времени 16. разг. увольнение to give smb. the bag —- выгнать кого-л. с работы, уволить кого-л. 17. сл. баба, бабенка, девка 18. разг. круг интересов; призвание; любимое занятие jazz isn't my bag —- джаз - это не для меня he is in the opera bag —- он любитель оперы 19. настроение the boss is in the mean bag today —- хозяин сегодня зол как...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  бакалавр сельскохозяйственных наук Сокращение от Bachelor of Agriculture. Ставится после фамилии. Тж. B. Ag. ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1) зоол. сумка, мешок; полость 2) вымя – bag of waters – culture bag – farding bag – honey bag – honeycomb bag – rennet bag – yolk bag ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) мешок; бумажный пакет 2) разг. увольнение 2. гл. 1) упаковывать в мешки/пакеты 2) разг. увольнять ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) пакет; мешок; сумка 2) упаковывать в мешки или пакеты 3) мягкий резервуар 4) горн. полость в породе 5) увольнять, освобождать от обязанностей to close a bag — заделывать мешок to sew a bag — зашивать мешок - balloon gas bag - breathing bag - canvas bag - changing bag - net shopping bag - parachute bag - tool bag - weld bag ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  мешок рукав (фильтра) bag of cement filter bag ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) пакет; мешок; сумка 2) упаковывать (расфасовывать) в пакеты или мешки 3) нефт. мягкий резервуар 4) бумажная оболочка (патрона взрывчатого вещества) 5) горн. полость в породе (заполненная водой или газом) 6) мор. ресивер (гибкого ограждения воздушной подушки) 7) швейн. мешковина (кармана) - air bag - automatic bag - baler bag - block bottom bag - breather bag - bubble bag - butt-ended bag - carrier bag - cash and carry bag - changing bag - combination bag - cooler sludge filter bag - cotton bag - counter bag - cross bottom bag - curing bag - decorating bag - desccant bag - dialysis bag - double turn-up bottom bag - duplex bag - dust bag - dust-collecting bag - filtering bag - filter bag - flat bag - grain bag - grocer's bag - gusseted bag - header bag - heat-sealing bag - heavy-duty bag - hem top bag - inflatable bag - lined bag - litter bag - mailing bag - mesh bag - mesh window bag - multiply bag - net bag - nongusseted bag - oil bag - open-mouth bag - padded bag - pasted bottom bag - peel-off sterilized bag - pinch bottom bag - piping bag - plain bag - printed bag - raw-top bag - reinforced-rubber air bag - satchel-bottom bag - self-opening bag - selvage top bag - separator bag - serrated-top bag - sewn bottom bag - shipping bag - sickness bag - single-ply bag - sling bag - standard tool bag - stepped-end bag - unlined bag - vacuum-cleaner bag - valve bag - woven polypropylene bag ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a receptacle of flexible material with an opening at the top. 2 a (usu. in pl.) a piece of luggage (put the bags in the boot). b a woman's handbag. 3 (in pl.; usu. foll. by of) colloq. a large amount; plenty (bags of time). 4 (in pl.) Brit. colloq. trousers. 5 sl. derog. a woman, esp. regarded as unattractive or unpleasant. 6 an animal's sac containing poison, honey, etc. 7 an amount of game shot by a sportsman. 8 (usu. in pl.) baggy folds of skin under the eyes. 9 sl. a person's particular interest or preoccupation, esp. in a distinctive style or category of music (his bag is Indian music). --v. (bagged, bagging) 1 tr. put in a bag. 2 tr. colloq. a secure; get hold of (bagged the best seat). b colloq. steal. c shoot (game). d (often in phr. bags I) Brit. colloq. claim on grounds of being the first to do so (bagged first go; bags I go first). 3 a intr. hang loosely; bulge; swell. b tr. cause to do this. 4 tr. Austral. sl. criticize, disparage. Phrases and idioms bag and baggage with all one's belongings. bag lady US a homeless woman who carries her possessions around in shopping bags. bag (or whole bag) of tricks colloq. everything; the whole lot. in the bag colloq. achieved; as good as secured. Derivatives bagful n. (pl. -fuls). Etymology: ME, perh. f. ON baggi ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~ge, from Old Norse ~gi  Date: 13th century  1. a usually flexible container that may be closed for holding, storing, or carrying something: as  a. purse; especially hand~  b. a ~ for game  c. suitcase  2. something resembling a ~: as  a.  (1) a pouched or pendulous bodily part or organ; especially udder  (2) a puffy or sagging protuberance of flabby skin ~s under the eyes  b. a puffed-out sag or bulge in cloth  c. a square white stuffed canvas ~ used to mark a base in baseball  3. the amount contained in a ~  4.  a. a quantity of game taken; also the maximum legal quantity of game  b. an assortment or collection especially of nonmaterial things a ~ of tricks  5. an unattractive woman  6. something one likes or does regularly or well; also one's characteristic way of doing things  II. verb  (~ged; ~ging)  Date: 15th century  intransitive verb  1. to swell out ; bulge  2. to hang loosely  transitive verb  1. to cause to swell  2. to put into a ~  3.  a. to take (animals) as game  b. to get possession of especially by strategy or stealth  c. capture, seize  d. to shoot down ; destroy  4. to achieve in or as if in competition ; win ~ a play-off berth  5. to give up, forgo, or abandon especially for something more desirable or attainable decided to ~ her job and move to the country — often used with it  Synonyms: see catch  • ~ger noun BAG  abbreviation bachelor of agriculture ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (bags) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A bag is a container made of thin paper or plastic, for example one that is used in shops to put things in that a customer has bought. N-COUNT • A bag of things is the amount of things contained in a bag. N-COUNT: usu N of n 2. A bag is a strong container with one or two handles, used to carry things in. She left the hotel carrying a shopping bag. N-COUNT • A bag of things is the amount of things contained in a bag. N-COUNT: usu N of n 3. A bag is the same as a handbag. N-COUNT 4. If you have bags under your eyes, you have folds of skin there, usually because you have not had enough sleep. N-PLURAL 5. If you say there is bags of something, you mean that there is a large amount of it. If you say that there are bags of things, you mean that there are a large number of them. (BRIT INFORMAL) ...a hotel with bags of character. = heaps of QUANT: QUANT of pl-n/n-uncount c darkgreen]emphasis 6. see also bum bag, carrier bag, mixed bag, shoulder-bag, sleeping bag, tea bag 7. If you say that something is in the bag, you mean that you are certain that you will get it or achieve it. (INFORMAL) ‘I’ll get the Republican nomination,’ he assured me. ‘It’s in the bag.’ PHRASE: usu v-link PHR 8. to let the cat out of the bag: see cat ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »CONTAINER« a) a container made of paper, cloth etc, which usually opens at the top  (a paper bag | a sports bag) b) a small bag used by a woman to carry her personal possessions; handbag  (Don't leave your bag in the office when you go for lunch.) c) a large bag used to carry your clothes etc when you are travelling  (Just throw your bags in the back of the car.) 2 »AMOUNT« the amount that a bag will hold + of  (two bags of rice per family per month) 3 »WOMAN« spoken an insulting word for an unpleasant or unattractive woman  (You silly old bag!) 4 »HUNTING« usually singular) the number of birds or animals that someone catches when they go hunting  (We had a good bag that day.) 5 »A LOT OF« bags of spoken especially BrE a lot of something; plenty  (She's got bags of money. | We're not late, we've got bags of time.) 6 pack your bags informal to leave a place where you have been living, usually after an argument  (We told her to pack her bags at once.) 7 »EYES« dark circles or loose skin around your eyes, usually because of old age or being tired 8 bag of bones informal a very thin person or animal 9 in the bag informal certain to be won or achieved  (We're sure to win, the match is in the bag.) 10 »TROUSERS« bags BrE old-fashioned loose-fitting trousers  (Oxford bags) 11 »INTERESTED« sb's bag informal something that someone is very interested in or very good at  (Sorry, computers aren't really my bag.) 12 bag and baggage with all your possessions  (They threw her out of the house bag and baggage.)  (- see also bags, sleeping bag, let the cat out of the bag cat (2), be left holding the bag hold1 (20), a mixed bag mixed (6)) ~2 v bagged, bagging 1 to put materials or objects into bags 2 informal to kill or catch animals or birds  (We bagged a rabbit.) 3 informal to manage to get something that a lot of people want  (Try to bag a couple of seats at the front.) 4 also bag out informal to hang loosely, like a bag bag sth up phr v to put small objects or loose substances into bags  (We bagged up the...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Bindweed Afflicted Gardener airport code Baguio, Philippines adult abbr. Big Arse Guns educ. abbr. Books Activities And Games sport abbr. Burgundy And Grey sport abbr. Below Average Golfer religion abbr. Bhagwaan, Allah, and God religion abbr. Baptism Assimilation Group gen. bus. abbr. Budget Applications And Goals ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., bagge, from O.N. baggi or a similar Scand. source. Meaning "person's area of interest or expertise" is 1964, from Black Eng. slang, from jazz sense of "category," probably via notion of putting something in a bag. Baggy "puffed out, hanging loosely" is 1834. The verb meaning "to kill game" is from 1814; colloquial extension to "catch, seize, steal" is first attested 1818. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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