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Англо-русский словарь - away


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Перевод с английского языка away на русский

match noun матч, игра на чужом поле
AWAY off amer. далеко
AWAY with him! вон его!
AWAY adv.
 1) обозначает отдаление от данного места далеко и т.п. away from home - вдали от дома he is away - его нет дома
 2) обозначает движение, удаление прочь to go away - уходить to run away - убегать to throw away - отбрасывать away with you! - убирайся!, прочь! away with it! - убери(те) это прочь!
 3) обозначает исчезновение, разрушение to boil away - выкипать to waste/pine away - чахнуть to make away with - уничтожать; убивать; устранять to pass away - прекратиться; умереть
 4) обозначает непрерывное действие he worked away - он продолжал работать
 5) обозначает передачу другому лицу to give away - подарить - away off - away back far and away -
 а) несравненно, намного, гораздо;
 б) несомненно out and away - несравненно, намного, гораздо right away - немедленно, тотчас
AWAY back amer. давно, тому назад; давным-давно
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См. в других словарях

  1. отсутствующий, в отсутствии to be away —- отсутствовать; уехать he is away —- он уехал из дому 2. отстоящий, удаленный, находящийся на расстоянии a small town ten miles away —- небольшой городок, находящийся на расстоянии десяти миль (в десяти милях) отсюда 3. спорт. проводимый не на своем поле (об игре) an away team —- команда гостей home and away games —- игры на своем и чужом поле 4. выражает отдаленность от какого-л. места: 5. далеко away from home —- вдали от дома far away —- далеко away off —- ам. далеко 6. выражает отдаленность во времени: 7. давно away back —- очень давно away back in the twenties —- давным-давно (еще) в 20-е годы 8. выражает уменьшение, исчезновение: to boil away —- выкипеть to pass away —- умереть to waste away, to pine away —- чахнуть to make away with smb., smth. —- долой кого-л., что-л. away with you —- прочь! away with this! —- уберите это! to make away with smth. —- разрушить что-л. he made away with himself —- он покончил жизнь самоубийством sounds were dying away —- звуки таяли 9. выражает передачу в пользование другому лицу to give away smth. to smb. —- дать (подарить) что-л. кому-л. to give away a secret —- выдать тайну 10. эмоц-усил. сразу же, незамедлительно say away! —- ну, выкладывай! right (straight) away —- немедленно Id: far (out) and away —- вне всякого сравнения, намного; бесспорно Id: he is the best shot out...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  фин. "в стороне", "в сторону", котировки из "вторых рук", "отличный от" (обозначение брокером (дилером) сделок или котировок, которые предложены другим брокером (дилером)) AWAY FROM THE MARKET 1) фин. отличная от рыночной* (предлагаемая цена покупки или продажи (ценной бумаги), заметно отличающаяся от текущей рыночной цены ценной бумаги (может быть ниже или выше рыночной цены)) See: below the market, above the market 2) бирж. "в стороне от рынка" (приказ биржевому брокеру, в котором обозначена цена предложения купить ниже или цена предложения продать выше текущей рыночной цены бумаги; отклонившиеся "в сторону от рынка" приказы биржевой брокер сохраняет и исполняет позднее, если на них нет пометки "исполнить или отменить") See: fill or kill, limit order AWAY FROM THE MARKET котировка, заметно отличающаяся от текущего уровня цен на рынке ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  adv., adj., & n. --adv. 1 to or at a distance from the place, person, or thing in question (go away; give away; look away; they are away; 5 miles away). 2 towards or into non-existence (sounds die away; explain it away; idled their time away). 3 constantly, persistently, continuously (work away; laugh away). 4 without delay (ask away). --adj. Sport played on an opponent's ground etc. (away match; away win). --n. Sport an away match or win. Phrases and idioms away with (as imper.) take away; let us be rid of. Etymology: OE onweg, aweg on one's way f. A(2) + WAY ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adverb  Date: before 12th century  1. on the way ; along get ~ early  2. from this or that place go ~  3.  a. in a secure place or manner locked ~  b. in another direction look ~  4. out of existence ; to an end echoes dying ~  5. from one's possession gave ~ a fortune  6. steadily onward ; uninterruptedly clocks ticking ~  7. by a long distance or interval ; far ~ back in 1910  II. adjective  Date: 14th century  1. absent from a place ; gone ~ for the weekend  2. distant in space or time a lake 10 miles ~ the season is two months ~  3. played on an opponent's grounds home and ~ games  4. baseball out two ~ in the ninth  • ~ness noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. Note: 'Away' is often used with verbs of movement, such as ‘go’ and ‘drive’, and also in phrasal verbs such as ‘do away with’ and ‘fade away’. 1. If someone or something moves or is moved away from a place, they move or are moved so that they are no longer there. If you are away from a place, you are not in the place where people expect you to be. An injured policeman was led away by colleagues... He walked away from his car... She drove away before either of them could speak again... Jason was away on a business trip... ADV: ADV after v, be ADV, oft ADV prep 2. If you look or turn away from something, you move your head so that you are no longer looking at it. She quickly looked away and stared down at her hands... As he stands up, he turns his face away from her so that she won’t see his tears. ADV: ADV after v, oft ADV prep 3. If you put or tidy something away, you put it where it should be. If you hide someone or something away, you put them in a place where nobody can see them or find them. I put my journal away and prepared for bed... All her letters were carefully filed away in folders... I have $100m hidden away where no one will ever find it. ADV: ADV after v 4. If something is away from a person or place, it is at a distance from that person or place. The two women were sitting as far away from each other as possible... ...country estate thirty miles away from town. PREP-PHRASE 5. You use away to talk about future events. For example, if an event is a week away, it will happen after a week. ...the Washington summit, now only just over two weeks away... ADV: be amount ADV 6. When a sports team plays away, it plays on its opponents’ ground. ...a sensational 4-3 victory for the team playing away. ADV: ADV after v • Away is also an adjective. Charlton are about to play an important away match. ADJ: ADJ n 7. You can use away to say that something slowly disappears, becomes...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adv 1 to or at a distance from someone or something  (Go away! | Dinah was crying as she drove slowly away.) + from  (The police tried to keep people away from the accident. | turn/look away (from sb/sth) (=turn so that you are not looking at someone or something)) 2 if someone is away from school, work or home they are not there + from  (You must bring a note from your parents if you've been away from school. | away with flu/measles/a cold etc (=not at school, work etc because you are ill)) 3 3 miles/5 kilometres etc away at a distance of 3 miles, 5 kilometres etc from someone or something  (Geneva is about 20 miles away.) 4 2 days/3 weeks etc away if an event is 2 days, 3 weeks etc away, it will happen after 2 days etc have passed  (Christmas is only a month away. | We live minutes away from the sea. (=it only takes minutes to get there)) 5 into a safe or enclosed place  (Put your money away, I'm paying.) 6 so as to be gone or used up  (The music died away. | The farm was swept away in the flood. | Ruben gave all his money away to charity. | Support for the Democrats has dropped away. | The young lovers danced the night away. (=danced all night) | Cut away all the dead wood.) 7 used to emphasize a continuous action  (Sue was singing away to herself in the bath. | They've been hammering away all day.) 8 if a team is playing away, it is playing a game at its opponent's sports field, stadium etc  (Liverpool are playing away at Everton on Saturday.) 9 away with sb/sth! literary used to tell someone to take someone or something away  (Away with the prisoner!) 10 be away ScotE to go or leave a place  (He's just away to the shops. | We're away tomorrow (=we're leaving tomorrow))  (- see also far and away far1 (10), right away right2 (2)) ~2 adj only before noun an away game or match is played at your opponent's field or sports hall  (- opposite home1 (13)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. aweg, earlier on weg "on from this (that) place." Colloquial use for "without delay" (fire away, also right away) is from earlier sense of "onward in time" (16c.). ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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