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Англо-русский словарь - any


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Перевод с английского языка any на русский

 1. pron.; indef.
 1) какой-нибудь, сколько-нибудь (в вопр. предл.); никакой (в отриц. предл.) can you find any excuse? - можете ли вы найти какое-л. извинение, оправдание? have you any money? - есть ли у вас деньги? I did not find any mistakes - я не нашел никаких ошибок
 2) всякий, любой (в утверд. предл.) in any case - во всяком случае at any time - в любое время you can get it in any shop - это можно достать в любом магазине
 2. adv.
 1) нисколько; сколько-нибудь (при сравн. ст.) they are not any the worse for it - они нисколько от этого не пострадали
 2) вообще; вовсе; совсем it did not matter any - это не имело никакого значения
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См. в других словарях

  1. в вопросительных и условных предложениях какой-нибудь did you meet any difficulties? —- были ли у вас какие-нибудь трудности? do you know any actors personally? —- ты знаком с кем-нибудь из актеров? he knows English if any man does —- уж если кто и знает английский, так это он; он знает английский как никто другой 2. в вопросительных и условных предложениях сколько-нибудь, какое-либо количество have you any milk —- есть ли у вас молоко 3. в отрицательных предложениях никакой, ни один he cannot see any difference between these two statements —- он не видит никакой разницы между этими двумя высказываниями 4. в отрицательных предложениях нисколько he hasn't any money —- у него совсем нет денег 5. в утвердительных предложениях всякий, любой ask any person you meet —- спросите любого, кто вам встретится any plan would be better than no plan —- любой план был бы лучше, чем отсутствие плана any help will be valuable —- всякая помощь будет ценной in any case —- в любом случае 6. в утвердительных предложениях какой бы то ни было in his book we miss any attempt to explain —- в его книге мы не видим даже попытки дать объяснение 7. в вопросительных и условных предложениях сколько-нибудь; еще will you have any more tea? —- хотите еще чаю? is that any better? —- так лучше?, разве так не лучше? any longer —- больше (не) he...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj., pron., & adv. --adj. 1 (with interrog., neg., or conditional expressed or implied) a one, no matter which, of several (cannot find any answer). b some, no matter how much or many or of what sort (if any books arrive; have you any sugar?). 2 a minimal amount of (hardly any difference). 3 whichever is chosen (any fool knows that). 4 a an appreciable or significant (did not stay for any length of time). b a very large (has any amount of money). --pron. 1 any one (did not know any of them). 2 any number (are any of them yours?). 3 any amount (is there any left?). --adv. (usu. with neg. or interrog.) at all, in some degree (is that any good?; do not make it any larger; without being any the wiser). Phrases and idioms any more to any further extent (don't like you any more). any time colloq. at any time. any time (or day or minute etc.) now colloq. at any time in the near future. not having any colloq. unwilling to participate. Etymology: OE {aelig}nig f. Gmc (as ONE, -Y(1)) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ?nig; akin to Old High German einag ~, Old English an one — more at one  Date: before 12th century  1. one or some indiscriminately of whatever kind:  a. one or another taken at random ask ~ man you meet  b. every — used to indicate one selected without restriction ~ child would know that  2. one, some, or all indiscriminately of whatever quantity:  a. one or more — used to indicate an undetermined number or amount have you ~ money  b. all — used to indicate a maximum or whole needs ~ help he can get  c. a or some without reference to quantity or extent grateful for ~ favor at all  3.  a. unmeasured or unlimited in amount, number, or extent ~ quantity you desire  b. appreciably large or extended could not endure it ~ length of time  II. pronoun, singular or plural in construction  Date: before 12th century  1. ~ person or persons ; ~one  2.  a. ~ thing or things  b. ~ part, quantity, or number  III. adverb  Date: 14th century to ~ extent or degree ; at all was never ~ good no, it doesn't help me ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. You use any in statements with negative meaning to indicate that no thing or person of a particular type exists, is present, or is involved in a situation. I never make any big decisions... We are doing this all without any support from the hospital... Earlier reports were unable to confirm that there were any survivors... DET: DET pl-n/n-uncount • Any is also a quantifier. You don’t know any of my friends... QUANT: QUANT of def-n-uncount/def-pl-n • Any is also a pronoun. The children needed new school clothes and Kim couldn’t afford any. PRON: PRON after v 2. You use any in questions and conditional clauses to ask whether there is some of a particular thing or some of a particular group of people, or to suggest that there might be. Do you speak any foreign languages?... Have you got any cheese I can have with this bread? DET: DET pl-n/n-uncount • Any is also a quantifier. Have you ever used a homeopathic remedy for any of the following reasons? QUANT: QUANT of def-n-uncount/def-pl-n • Any is also a pronoun. The plants are inspected for insects and if I find any, they are squashed. PRON: PRON after v 3. You use any in positive statements when you are referring to someone or something of a particular kind that might exist, occur, or be involved in a situation, when their exact identity or nature is not important. Any actor will tell you that it is easier to perform than to be themselves... I’m prepared to take any advice... DET • Any is also a quantifier. It had been the biggest mistake any of them could remember. QUANT: QUANT of def-n-uncount/def-pl-n • Any is also a pronoun. Clean the mussels and discard any that do not close. PRON 4. You can also use any to emphasize a comparative adjective or adverb in a negative statement. I can’t see things getting any easier for graduates... ADV: ADV compar c darkgreen]emphasis 5. If you say that someone or something is...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 determiner, pronoun 1 used to refer to each one or all members of a group, saying it does not matter which  (Any child who attempts to escape is beaten. | You can obtain a valuation from any accredited insurance valuer. | Any plan chosen should take these factors into account. | before you sign any written agreement | These tiles are an ideal choice for any bathroom setting. | any of)  (before touching the computer or any of it's parts | Do any of you remember? | any other)  (Are there any other comments?) 2 used especially in questions or as part of a negative statement to mean some or even the smallest amount  (Few of the students had any knowledge of classical music. | I didn't pay any attention to what he said. | She promised not to take any chances. | He had no friends and didn't deserve any. | I haven't any idea (=I do not know at all) | any of)  (I don't understand what any of this stuff means. | any use)  (I tried, but it wasn't any use. (=it was not successful) | if any)  (I don't suppose there will be more than a dozen left, if any. (=it is likely that there will be none left at all) | in any way)  (He was not in any way upset by his wife's decision. | If I can help you in any way, let me know.) 3 as much as possible; all  (They're going to need any help they can get) 4 in any case/at any rate a) no matter what may happen; at least  (There was nothing else to be done. At any rate, I had learnt something.) b) besides; also  (In any case, he was a rude old man.) 5 just any used to refer to something that is ordinary and not special  (You can't wear just any old clothes to that sort of place, you have to dress up.) 6 any old how in any way  (Just pack them in any old how.) ~2 adv 1 used especially in negative statements to mean in the least; at all  (It can't make it any worse, can it? | I'm not any better than you. | I can't walk any further. | The boy could not stand it any longer.) 2 AmE spoken used to mean `at all' at the end of a sentence  (We tried talking to him but that didn't help any.)  (- compare...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. жnig "any, anyone," lit. "one-y," from P.Gmc. *ainagas. Combinations anyone, anything date back to O.E.; anywhere is M.E.; anybody 1490; anyway 1570 (but anyways, with adverbial genitive, is from 1560); anyhow 1740. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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