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Англо-русский словарь - alternative


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Перевод с английского языка alternative на русский

 1. noun альтернатива, выбор there is no other alternative but... - нет другого выбора, кроме...
 2. adj.
 1) взаимоисключающий, альтернативный these two plans are not necessarily alternative - эти два плана отнюдь не исключают друг друга
 2) переменно действующий, переменный
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См. в других словарях

  1. альтернатива; выбор из двух возможностей undesirable alternative —- нежелательная альтернатива to propose an alternative —- предлагать альтернативу to be confronted with an alternative —- стоять перед альтернативой her father gave her the alternative of staying in high school or going to work —- отец предложил ей выбрать одно из двух: продолжать учиться в школе или поступить на работу 2. одна из двух или нескольких возможностей; единственный выбор; одно из двух to have no alternative —- не иметь (другого) выбора my preference is for the last of these alternatives —- я предпочитаю последнюю из этих возможностей there is no other alternative but —- нет другого пути кроме there was no alternative but to agree with him —- ничего другого не оставалось, как согласиться с ним 3. дублет 4. альтернативный 5. второй (из двух возможных); другой we returned by the alternative road —- мы вернулись другой дорогой we have several alternative plans —- у нас есть несколько разных планов, у нас есть и другие планы 6. взаимоисключающий the two plans are not necessarily alternative —- эти два плана отнюдь не исключают друг друга 7. спец. знакопеременный 8. спец. переменно действующий 9. нетрадиционный alternative society —- "альтернативное общество" (в противоп. современному буржуазному; лозунг радикально настроенной молодежи) alternative culture —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1) вариант; альтернатива 2) выбор альтернативы 3) альтернативный; взаимоисключающий; второй (из двух возможных) ALTERNATIVE 1. сущ. 1) общ. вариант; альтернатива Students want business alternative to military service. — Студенты хотят иметь возможность заниматься бизнесом как альтернативу военной службе. We have no alternative. — У нас нет иного выхода. Syn: alternate 2) упр., т. игр альтернатива, альтернативная стратегия (возможный вариант решения задачи) Syn: alternative decision, alternative strategy 3) стат. альтернативная гипотеза 2. прил. 1) общ. альтернативный (один из нескольких возможных) We have several alternative plans. — У нас есть несколько альтернативных планов. See: alternative budget, alternative employment, alternative plan 2) общ. взаимоисключающий the two plans are not necessarily alternative — эти два плана отнюдь не исключают друг друга 3) общ. нетрадиционный, альтернативный (о поведении, культуре и т. п.) alternative lifestyle — нетрадиционный стиль жизни alternative energy sources such as solar, geothermal, wind, biomass, and hydro energy — альтернативные нетрадиционные источники энергии такие как солнечная, геотермальная энергия, энергия ветра, энергия биомассы и гидроэнергия ALTERNATIVE 1. сущ. альтернатива, выбор - alternative claim - alternative design - alternative hypothesis - alternative minimum tax - alternative payee - alternative relief -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вариант, альтернативаальтернативный - admissible alternative - both-sided alternative - composite alternative - continuous alternative - exclusive alternative - feasible alternative - generalized alternative - go-no go alternative - maximal alternative - maximizing alternative - minimum alternative - multidimensional alternative - n-fold alternative - one-sided alternative - optimum alternative - possible alternative - preferred alternative - realizable alternative - single-sided alternative - stochastic alternative - two-sided alternative - unrestricted alternative 2) взаимоисключающий 3) разновременный ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  вариант (напр. проекта), вариантное решение вариантный as an alternative ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 (of one or more things) available or usable instead of another (an alternative route). Usage Use with reference to more than two options (e.g. many alternative methods) is common, and acceptable. 2 (of two things) mutually exclusive. 3 of or relating to practices that offer a substitute for the conventional ones (alternative medicine; alternative theatre). --n. 1 any of two or more possibilities. 2 the freedom or opportunity to choose between two or more things (I had no alternative but to go). Phrases and idioms the alternative society a group of people dissociating themselves from conventional society and its values. Derivatives alternatively adv. Etymology: F alternatif -ive or med.L alternativus (as ALTERNATE) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  Date: 1540  1. alternate 1  2. offering or expressing a choice several ~ plans  3. different from the usual or conventional: as  a. existing or functioning outside the established cultural, social, or economic system an ~ newspaper ~ lifestyles  b. of, relating to, or being rock music that is regarded as an ~ to conventional rock and is typically influenced by punk rock, hard rock, hip-hop, or folk music  c. of or relating to ~ medicine ~ therapies  • ~ly adverb  • ~ness noun  II. noun  Date: 1624  1.  a. a proposition or situation offering a choice between two or more things only one of which may be chosen  b. an opportunity for deciding between two or more courses or propositions  2.  a. one of two or more things, courses, or propositions to be chosen  b. something which can be chosen instead the only ~ to intervention  3. ~ rock music  Synonyms: see choice ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (alternatives) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. Note: The form 'alternate' is sometimes used, especially in American English, instead of 'alternative' in meanings 3, 4, and 5. 1. If one thing is an alternative to another, the first can be found, used, or done instead of the second. New ways to treat arthritis may provide an alternative to painkillers. N-COUNT: oft N to n 2. An alternative plan or offer is different from the one that you already have, and can be done or used instead. There were alternative methods of travel available... = other, alternate ADJ: ADJ n 3. Alternative is used to describe something that is different from the usual things of its kind, or the usual ways of doing something, in modern Western society. For example, an alternative lifestyle does not follow conventional ways of living and working. ...unconventional parents who embraced the alternative lifestyle of the Sixties... ? conventional ADJ: ADJ n 4. Alternative medicine uses traditional ways of curing people, such as medicines made from plants, massage, and acupuncture. ...alternative health care. ADJ: ADJ n 5. Alternative energy uses natural sources of energy such as the sun, wind, or water for power and fuel, rather than oil, coal, or nuclear power. ADJ: ADJ n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 S2 W2 adj 1 only before noun an ~ idea, plan etc is one that can be used instead of another one  (There doesn't seem to be an alternative option.) 2 only before noun an ~ system or solution is considered less damaging or more effective than the old one  (alternative sources of energy)  (- see also ~ medicine) 3 not based on or believing in the established social or moral standards  (an alternative lifestyle | alternative theatre) - ~ly adv  (We could walk or alternatively we could go in Ted's car) ~2 S2 W3 n something that you can choose to do or use instead of something else  (Check out the alternatives before deciding whether to go to a nearby college.)  (a viable alternative to the present system of welfare benefits) have no ~ (=used to say that you feel you must do something)  (I had no alternative but to report him to the police.) there's no ~  (I'm sorry, there's no alternative but to sell the car.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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