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Англо-русский словарь - aid


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Agency for International Development noun агенство международного развития
 1. noun
 1) помощь, поддержка
 2) помощник
 3) pl. hist. сборы, налоги
 4) pl.; mil. вспомогательные войска
 5) pl. вспомогательные средства; пособия - training aids - audio-visual aids - aids and appliances Syn: see help
 2. v. помогать; способствовать
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См. в других словарях

  1. помощь; содействие; поддержка mutual aid —- взаимопомощь without aid —- без посторонней помощи aid post —- воен. медицинский пункт to call in smb.'s aid —- обратиться к кому-л за помощью to go to smb.'s aid —- прийти к кому-л на помощь 2. ам. = aide 3. спец. протез, аппарат (выполняющий функцию какого-л. органа) hearing aid —- слуховой аппарат 4. вспомогательные средства, пособия training aids —- учебные пособия aids and appliances —- приспособления, материальные средства 5. воен. профес. вспомогательные войска 6. юр. содействие aid and comfort —- помощь и поддержка 7. ист. дань вассала своему феодалу 8. ист. денежная субсидия королю 9. ист. заем в казначействе 10. ист. сборы, налоги, пошлины (во Франции) Id: what's this in aid of? —- для чего это нужно?; к чему все это? Id: what's all this holloing in aid of? —- чего ты орешь? 11. помогать, оказывать помощь, поддержку to aid smb. to do smth. —- помогать кому-л сделать что-л 12. содействовать прогрессу, способствовать развитию; облегчать; ускорять to aid understanding —- облегчать взаимопонимание to aid recovery —- способствовать выздоровлению ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. см. Arbitron Information on Demand 2. см. Agency for International Development ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. сущ. 1) помощь; содействие, поддержка 2) помощник 3) пособие • - aid mission - aid program - aid to families of dependent children - aid with strings - aids to trade - briefing aids - categorical aid - development aid - disaster aid - disinterested aid - economic aid - education aid - federal aid - food aid - grant aid - in-kind aid - medical aid - mutual aid - overseas aid - pecuniary aid - pecuniary aid - render aid - safety aids - teaching aid 2. гл. помогать, оказывать помощь, поддержку aid and abet — пособничать и подстрекать AID 1) содействие; содействовать 2) pl средства (технические, программные и др.) – diagnostic aids – reference aids ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) помощь, поддержкаоказывать помощь или поддержку to give first aid — оказывать первую помощь - first aid 2) аппарат, устройство - behind-the-ear hearing aid - eye-glass hearing aid - hearing aid 3) вспомогательное средство, пособие ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  (вспомогательное) средство – altitude chamber communication aids – common radio communication aid – deaf aid – decompression chamber communication aids – hard diving device communication aids – hearing aid – monitoring aid – radio-fixing aid – rescue bell aids – reserve radio communication aids – servicing radio communication aid – visual aid – work chamber aids ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  помощь; помощник; мн.ч.вспомогательные средства, пособия aids to approach aerodrome approach aids coagulant aid construction aids erection aid fabrication aids filter aid first aid ground aids landing aids mechanical aids parking aids visual aids visual aids to approach visual ground aids ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) вспомогательное вещество; добавка 2) вспомогательное средство aids to approach — средства обеспечения захода на посадку; aids to navigation — навигационные средства - approach aids - coding aids - computer aids - computer design aids - computing aids - deaf aid - debugging aids - diagnostic aids - docking aids - electronic teaching aids - en-route navigation aids - ether starting aid - filter aid - focusing aid - ground aids - hearing aid - homing aids - identification aids - inert filter aid - mechanical aid - modeling aids - navigation aids - navigational aid - out-of-position aid - processing aid - programming aids - radio aids - radio-navigation aids - recovery aids - short-range aids - sintering aid - starting aid - taxiing guidance aids - terminal navigation aids - testing aids - track-defining aids - visual aids AID I сокр. от automatic information distribution автоматическое распределение информации II сокр. от automatic internal diagnosis автоматическое обнаружение неисправностей III сокр. от avalanche-injection diode лавинно-инжекционный диод ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  comb. form denoting an organization or event that raises money for charity (school aid). Etymology: 20th c.: orig. in Band Aid, rock musicians campaigning for famine relief AID abbr. artificial insemination by donor. AID n. & v. --n. 1 help. 2 financial or material help, esp. given by one country to another. 3 a material source of help (teaching aid). 4 a person or thing that helps. 5 hist. a grant of subsidy or tax to a king. --v.tr. 1 (often foll. by to + infin.) help. 2 promote or encourage (sleep will aid recovery). Phrases and idioms in aid of in support of. what's this (or all this) in aid of? colloq. what is the purpose of this? Etymology: ME f. OF a{iuml}de, a{iuml}dier, ult. f. L adjuvare (as AD-, juvare jut- help) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  (aids, aiding, aided) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Aid is money, equipment, or services that are provided for people, countries, or organizations who need them but cannot provide them for themselves. ...regular flights carrying humanitarian aid to Cambodia... They have already pledged billions of dollars in aid. ...food aid convoys. N-UNCOUNT: oft supp N, N to n 2. To aid a country, organization, or person means to provide them with money, equipment, or services that they need. ...US efforts to aid Kurdish refugees. VERB: V n • -aided ...grant-aided factories. ...state-aided schools. COMB in ADJ 3. To aid someone means to help or assist them. (WRITTEN) ...a software system to aid managers in advanced decision-making... The hunt for her killer will continue, with police aided by the army and air force. = help, assist VERB: V n, V-ed, also V n to-inf • Aid is also a noun. He was forced to turn for aid to his former enemy. = assistance N-UNCOUNT 4. If you perform a task with the aid of something, you need or use that thing to perform that task. He succeeded with the aid of a completely new method he discovered... = help N-UNCOUNT: usu with/without the N of n 5. An aid is an object, device, or technique that makes something easier to do. The book is an invaluable aid to teachers of literature... N-COUNT: oft N to n 6. If something aids a process, it makes it easier or more likely to happen. The export sector will aid the economic recovery... Calcium may aid in the prevention of colon cancer. VERB: V n, V in n/-ing 7. see also Band-Aid, first aid, hearing aid, legal aid 8. An activity or event in aid of a particular cause or charity is intended to raise money for that cause or charity. (mainly BRIT) ...a charity performance in aid of Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital. PHRASE: PHR n 9. If you come or go to someone’s aid, you try to help them when they are in danger or difficulty. PHRASE: V...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 S2 W2 n 1 help, such as money or food, given by an organization to a country or to people who are in a difficult situation  (Aid is not getting through to the refugees.) in ~ of (=in order to help)  (We're collecting money in aid of cancer research.) legal ~ (=free legal services) 2 help or advice given to someone who needs it come/go to sb's ~ (=help someone)  (I didn't speak any French, but a nice man came to my aid and told me where to go.) 3 something such as a machine or tool that helps someone do something  (A video is a useful aid in the classroom.) with the ~ of  (He was able to prove the existence of the supergun with the aid of a photograph.) 4 what's this in ~ of? BrE spoken used to ask what something is used for or why someone is doing something  (What's this meeting tomorrow in aid of, then?) 5 an American spelling of aide  (- see also first aid) ~2 v formal 1 to help someone or something by making their situation or what they are doing easier  (an index to aid the reader) ~ sb in/with sth  (The local community aided us in our investigation. help1 (USAGE)) 2 ~ and abet law to help someone do something illegal ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Amputee Identity Disorder physiol. abbr. Acute infectious disease physiol. abbr. Artificial Insemination By Donor U.S. gov. abbr. Agency for International Development mil. abbr. Autodin Interface Device mil. abbr. ASARS Interface Device physics abbr. Also Includes Drugs ocean sc. abbr. Agency for International Development funny abbr. American Idol Divas softw. abbr. Autonet Information Director gen. comp. abbr. Automated Intelligence Discovery int. bus. abbr. Agency for International Development ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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