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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - working


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Перевод с английского языка working на русский

1. сущ. 1) работа, действие 2) эксплуатация 3) обработка 4) разработка • - Defense Trade Working Group - after working hours - commercial working - continuous shift working - during working hours - full shift working - line working - metal working - noncontinuos shift working - normal working hours - overtime working - shift working - working for hire - working of system - working to rule 2. прил. 1) работающий, действующий 2) эксплуатационный 3) рабочий - working calendar - working capacity - working capital - working class - working conditions - working costs - working day - working drawing - working efficiency - working hours - working load - working majority - working man - working order - working papers - working party - working place - working plant - working procedure - working proprietor - working standard - working stock - working study group - working team - working year Syn: circulating WORKING – working of patentactual working – commercial working – compulsory working of a patent – efficient working – formal working – insufficient working – nominal working of patent – open working WORKING 1. сущ. 1) общ. работа, действие, функционирование the working of the steam engine — действие парового двигателя the working of the political system — функционирование политической системы Syn: functioning operation 2) общ. эксплуатация, использование, потребление Syn: use 3) общ. обработка 4) а) общ., часто мн. разработка, добыча (в шахтах) б) общ., часто мн. земляные работы (при строительстве шахт, туннелей, разработке карьеров) Syn: work 2. прил. 1) общ. работающий, действующий, функционирующий; эффективный, полезный, практический working mechanism — действующий механизм in good working order — в хорошем (рабочем) состоянии working economy — работающая экономика, действующая экономика, эффективная экономика working knowledge — практические знания 2) а) общ. рабочий, работающий, занятый the working retired — работающие пенсионеры б) общ. рабочий, черновой, временный (необходимый для работы) working copy — рабочая копия working draft — черновой набросок, рабочий черновик working title — рабочее название в) общ. рабочий, исследовательский (занятый каким-либо вопросом) working paper — рабочий отчет, отчет об исследовании working group — рабочая группа г) общ. трудовой, рабочий (относящийся к труду или рабочим) See: working life working class 3) эк., учет оборотный (о капитале) See: "working capital, "working assets 4) общ. достаточный, необходимый See: working control 5) общ. эксплуатационный, рабочий, технический
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См. в других словарях

  1. работа, действие, функционирование the workings of the mind —- работа ума the workings of conscience —- голос совести 2. эксплуатация 3. обработка 4. часто pl. горн. выработки; разработка 5. ведение плавки 6. режим работы shift working —- многосменный режим работы 7. воен. результат операций 8. движение (воды) 9. брожение (пива и т. п.) 10. подергивание мускулов лица и т. п. 11. позволяющий осуществлять работу working langauges —- рабочие языки working knowledge of a foreign langauge —- практическое знание иностранного языка working visit —- рабочий визит 12. способствующий работе working draft —- рабочий проект working group —- рабочая группа (конференции и т. п.) 13. отведенный для работы working space —- производственное помещение 14. пригодный для работы working age —- трудоспособный возраст working season —- рабочий сезон 15. связанный с работой working career —- трудовая деятельность 16. работающий working bee —- рабочая пчела 17. спец. действующий; рабочий working collection —- действующий фонд (библиотеки) working load —- тех. рабочая нагрузка 18. эксплуатационный working costs (expenses) —- эксплуатационные расходы 19. бушующий (о море) 20. дергающийся (о щеке и т. п.) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) работа, действие; деятельность; практика  2) эксплуатация; разработка  3) обработка  4) pl.; mining выработки  2. adj.  1) работающий, рабочий; working woman - работница  2) отведенный для работы; working hours - рабочее время, рабочие часы  3) действующий, эксплуатационный; пригодный для работы; working efficiency - производительность труда - working conditions WORKING capital оборотный капитал WORKING class рабочий класс WORKING conditions  а) условия труда;  б) tech. эксплуатационный режим WORKING day = workday WORKING group noun рабочая группа (по подготовке документа и т.п.) WORKING paper рабочий доклад; WORKING partnership тесное сотрудничество, совместное действие WORKING party noun рабочая группа (по подготовке документа и т.п.) WORKING people трудящиеся; трудовой люд ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) натурный 2) оборотный 3) обрабатывание 4) обработка 5) работающий 6) рабочий 7) эксплуатационный 8) эксплуатация closed circuit working — работа по схеме постоянного тока front of working face — очистный фронт open working to daylight — выводить выработку на поверхность plastic metal working — обработка металлов давлением working by fits and starts — кампанейщина working hours of — время поиска неисправности working load gauge — рабочий динамометр working pressure gauge — рабочий манометр working tube complement — рабочий комплект ламп - asynchronous working - chart of working - cold working - drive working - exploratory working - floor of working - hot working - incline working - lateral working - leather working - neutral working - permanent working - polar working - scraper working - simplex working - sink working - wall of working - waterlog working - working accuracy - working algorithm - working approximation - working area - working assumption - working capacity - working capital - working characteristics - working conditions - working cycle - working definition - working efficiency - working face - working fluid - working formula - working frequency - working gauge - working hypothesis - working instrument - working level - working mean - working mechanism - working pit - working plan - working point - working probit - working roll - working rule - working standard - working storage - working stroke - working substance - working temperature - working tolerance - working trench ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  работа, функционирование – asynchronous working – automatic working – forked working – off-line working – on-line working ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  обработка; работа действующий, работающий (о механизме) working from the light working under loads working of quarries cold working hot working mechanical working underground workings ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  adj. & n. --adj. 1 engaged in work, esp. in manual or industrial labour. 2 functioning or able to function. --n. 1 the activity of work. 2 the act or manner of functioning of a thing. 3 a a mine or quarry. b the part of this in which work is being or has been done (a disused working). Phrases and idioms working capital the capital actually used in a business. working class the class of people who are employed for wages, esp. in manual or industrial work. working-class adj. of the working class. working day esp. Brit. 1 a workday. 2 the part of the day devoted to work. working drawing a drawing to scale, serving as a guide for construction or manufacture. working hours hours normally devoted to work. working hypothesis a hypothesis used as a basis for action. working knowledge knowledge adequate to work with. working lunch etc. a meal at which business is conducted. working order the condition in which a machine works (satisfactorily or as specified). working-out 1 the calculation of results. 2 the elaboration of details. working party a group of people appointed to study a particular problem or advise on some question. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Date: 14th century  1. the manner of functioning or operating ; operation — usually used in plural the inner ~s of the government  2. an excavation or group of excavations made in mining, quarrying, or tunneling — usually used in plural  II. adjective  Date: 1532  1. engaged in work especially for wages or a salary a ~ journalist a ~ mother  2. adequate to permit work to be done a ~ majority  3. assumed or adopted to permit or facilitate further work or activity a ~ draft  4. spent at work ~ life  5. being in use or operation a ~ farm ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (workings) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. Working people have jobs which they are paid to do. Like working women anywhere, Asian women are buying convenience foods. ADJ: ADJ n 2. Working people are ordinary people who do not have professional or very highly paid jobs. The needs and opinions of ordinary working people were ignored... = working class ADJ: ADJ n 3. A working day or week is the amount of time during a normal day or week which you spend doing your job. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use workday, work week) For doctors the working day often has no end... Automation would bring a shorter, more flexible working week. ADJ: ADJ n 4. A working day is a day on which people go to work. (mainly BRIT; in AM, usually use workday) The full effect will not be apparent until Tuesday, the first working day after the three day holiday weekend. ADJ: ADJ n 5. Your working life is the period of your life in which you have a job or are of a suitable age to have a job. He started his working life as a truck driver. ADJ: ADJ n 6. The working population of an area consists of all the people in that area who have a job or who are of a suitable age to have a job. Almost 13 per cent of the working population is already unemployed. ADJ: ADJ n 7. Working conditions or practices are ones which you have in your job. The strikers are demanding higher pay and better working conditions. ADJ: ADJ n 8. Working clothes are designed for doing work in, and are intended to be practical rather than attractive. ADJ: ADJ n 9. A working relationship is the relationship you have with someone when you work with them. The vice-president seems to have a good working relationship with the president. ADJ: ADJ n 10. A working farm or business exists to do normal work and make a profit, and not only for tourists or as someone’s hobby. ADJ: ADJ n 11. The working parts of a machine are the parts which move and operate the machine, in contrast to the outer...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj only before noun 1 »HAVING A JOB« a) having a job that you are paid for  (a working mother) b) having a job that requires physical rather than intellectual skill  (an ordinary working man) 2 »CLOTHES« working clothes are designed for people to work in rather than to look attractive 3 »CONDITIONS/PRACTICES« working conditions or practices are the ones you have in your job  (recent improvements in working conditions) 4 »HOURS« your working hours are the period of time during the day when you are doing your job 5 have a working knowledge of to have enough knowledge of a system, foreign language etc to be able to use it, although your knowledge is limited  (Gita has a working knowledge of Spanish and French.) 6 »RELATIONSHIP« a working relationship is the kind of relationship that two people have who work well together  (The working relationship between Hodges and Bradley began to deteriorate.) 7 »MODEL« a working model is one that has parts that move 8 »PARTS OF A MACHINE« the working parts of a machine are the parts that move and operate the machine 9 be in working order to be working properly and not broken  (be in good/perfect working order)  (The car was old, but the engine was still in good working order.) 10 »THEORY/DEFINITION« a working theory or definition is not complete in every detail, but is good enough for you to use as a basis for studying something or doing a job 11 working breakfast/lunch/dinner a breakfast, lunch etc which is also a business meeting ~2 n 1 also workings the way something such as a system, piece of equipment, or organization works + of  (the inside workings of the Reagan presidency | I shall never understand the workings of his mind.) 2 C usually plural a mine or part of a mine where soil has been dug out in order to remove metals or stone  (the workings of a long-disused quarry) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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