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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - swell


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Перевод с английского языка swell на русский

гл. 1) надувать(ся), пухнуть, раздуваться 2) увеличивать(ся), разрастаться 3) набухать, разбухать
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  набухать; разбухать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. возвышение, выпуклость, возвышенность; холм(ик); пригорок swells and valleys —- холмы и долины 2. припухлость; вздутие 3. опухоль 4. (тк. в ед. ч.) зыбь, волнение 5. (тк. в ед. ч.) волна; вал 6. (тк. в ед. ч.) мор. накат ветровых волн no swell —- совершенно спокойное море 7. нарастание и ослабление (звука) 8. муз. знак < >, означающий нарастание и ослабление звука; крещендо - диминуэндо 9. разг. франт, щеголь; светский человек what a swell you are! —- ну и франт же ты! 10. разг. важная персона, шишка he is a swell in politics —- он важная персона (большой человек) в политике to come the heavy swell over smb. —- сл. напускать на себя важность; из кожи лезть, чтобы произвести впечатление (на кого-л.) 11. разг. мастер (в каком-л. деле); молодец to be a swell at smth. —- быть мастером в каком-л. деле he is a swell at cricket —- он мастерски играет в крикет 12. нарастание, увеличение a swell in population —- (бурный) рост населения 13. педаль органа 14. геол. включение пород 15. разбухание (древесины) 16. разг. щегольской; шикарный she had a swell wedding —- у нее была шикарная свадьба you look very swell —- вы выглядите шикарно (элегантно) 17. ам. отличный, превосходный a swell guy —- мировой парень a swell tennis player —- отличный теннисист we had a swell time —- мы здорово провели время 18....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  mob sl. шикарно одетые жулики; аферисты SWELL the chorus присоединить и свой голос, присоединиться к мнению большинства SWELL  1. noun  1) возвышение, выпуклость; the swell of the ground - пригорок, холм(ик)  2) нарастание, разбухание  3) припухлость, опухоль  4) волнение, зыбь  5) постепенное нарастание и ослабление звука  6) coll. щеголь; светский человек  7) coll. важная персона, шишка to come the heavy swell over smb. sl. - важничать перед кем-л.  2. adj.; coll.  1) щегольской; шикарный  2) amer. отличный, превосходный; some swell fellows - замечательные ребята; swell society - высшее общество  3. v.  1) надувать(ся); раздуваться (тж. swell out/up); This disease of childhood makes the cheeks swell out.  2) увеличивать(ся); разрастаться; набухать; опухать; the river is swollen - река вздулась  3) возвышаться, подниматься  4) быть переполненным чувствами; the heart swells - сердце переполнено; to swell with indignation - едва сдерживать негодование; to swell with pride - надуться от гордости  5) coll. важничать  6) нарастать (о звуке)  7) то усиливаться, то затухать (о звуке) Syn: bulge, dilate, distend, inflate Ant: decrease, deflate, depress, extract ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) вспухать 2) вспучить 3) набухать 4) напухать 5) разбухание 6) раздутие 7) раздутость 8) утолщение - boiler water swell ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) набухание; разбухание; вспучивание; вздутие набухать; разбухать; вспучиваться; вздуваться 2) утолщение (пласта, жилы) 3) распухать (о ядерном топливе) 4) пищ. бомбаж (консервных банок) 5) бомбажная консервная банка 6) зыбь; мёртвая зыбь - hard swell - housing swell - long-period swell - oil swell - soft swell - springer swell ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v., n., & adj. --v. (past part. swollen or swelled) 1 intr. & tr. grow or cause to grow bigger or louder or more intense; expand; increase in force or intensity. 2 intr. (often foll. by up) & tr. rise or raise up from the surrounding surface. 3 intr. (foll. by out) bulge. 4 intr. (of the heart as the seat of emotion) feel full of joy, pride, relief, etc. 5 intr. (foll. by with) be hardly able to restrain (pride etc.). --n. 1 an act or the state of swelling. 2 the heaving of the sea with waves that do not break, e.g. after a storm. 3 a a crescendo. b a mechanism in an organ etc. for obtaining a crescendo or diminuendo. 4 colloq. a person of distinction or of dashing or fashionable appearance. 5 a protuberant part. --adj. 1 esp. US colloq. fine, splendid, excellent. 2 colloq. smart, fashionable. Phrases and idioms swell-box Mus. a box in which organ-pipes are enclosed, with a shutter for controlling the sound-level. swelled (or swollen) head colloq. conceit. swell-organ Mus. a section of an organ with pipes in a swell-box. Derivatives swellish adj. Etymology: OE swellan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (~ed; ~ed or swollen; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English ~an; akin to Old High German ~an to ~  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to expand (as in size, volume, or numbers) gradually beyond a normal or original limit the population ~ed  b. to become distended or puffed up her ankle is badly swollen  c. to form a bulge or rounded elevation  2.  a. to become filled with pride and arrogance  b. to behave or speak in a pompous, blustering, or self-important manner  c. to play the ~  3. to become distended with emotion  transitive verb  1. to affect with a powerful or expansive emotion  2. to increase the size, number, or intensity of ~ the applicant pool  Synonyms: see expand  II. noun  Date: 1606  1. a long often massive and crestless wave or succession of waves often continuing beyond or after its cause (as a gale)  2.  a. the condition of being protuberant  b. a rounded elevation  3.  a. the act or process of ~ing  b.  (1) a gradual increase and decrease of the loudness of a musical sound; also a sign indicating a ~  (2) a device used in an organ for governing loudness  4.  a. archaic an impressive, pompous, or fashionable air or display  b. a person dressed in the height of fashion  c. a person of high social position or outstanding competence  III. adjective  Date: 1785  1.  a. stylish  b. socially prominent  2. excellent — used as a generalized term of enthusiasm ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (swells, swelling, swelled, swollen) Note: The forms 'swelled' and 'swollen' are both used as the past participle. 1. If the amount or size of something swells or if something swells it, it becomes larger than it was before. The human population swelled, at least temporarily, as migrants moved south... His bank balance has swelled by ?222,000 in the last three weeks... Offers from other countries should swell the force to 35,000. = increase VERB: V, V to/by n, V n to n 2. If something such as a part of your body swells, it becomes larger and rounder than normal. Do your ankles swell at night?... The limbs swell to an enormous size. VERB: V, V to n • Swell up means the same as swell. When you develop a throat infection or catch a cold the glands in the neck swell up. PHRASAL VERB: V P 3. If you swell with a feeling, you are suddenly full of that feeling. (LITERARY) She could see her two sons swell with pride. VERB: V with n 4. You can describe something as swell if you think it is really nice. (AM INFORMAL) I’ve had a swell time. ADJ 5. see also swelling, swollen, groundswell ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense swelledpast participle swollen 1 »PART OF YOUR BODY« also swell up to gradually increase in size  (Her ankle was already starting to swell.) 2 »PEOPLE« to gradually increase in amount or number  (We asked them to come to the meeting to swell the numbers. | the crowd swelled | swell the ranks of sth (=increase the number of people in a particular situation))  (School leavers are swelling the ranks of the unemployed.) 3 »SOUND« literary to become louder  (Music swelled around us.) 4 »SHAPE« also swell (sth) out to get or give something a full round shape  (The wind swelled the sails.) 5 swell with pride/anger etc to feel very proud, angry etc  (His heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter collect her prize.) 6 »SEA« to move suddenly and powerfully upwards  (- see also groundswell, swollen2) ~2 n 1 the way the sea moves up and down  (heavy swell (=very strong swell))  (We didn't go sailing that day, as there was a heavy swell.) 2 an increase in sound level, especially in music; crescendo (1) 3 the roundness and fullness of something  (the firm swell of her breasts) 4 old-fashioned a fashionable or important person ~3 adj AmE old-fashioned very good  (You look swell!) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - O.E. swellan "grow or make bigger" (past tense sweall, pp. swollen), from P.Gmc. *swelnanan, of unknown origin. The noun meaning "wealthy, elegant person" is first recorded 1786, the adj. meaning "fashionably dressed or equipped" is 1810, both from the notion of "puffed-up, pompous" behavior. The sense of "good, excellent" first occurs 1897. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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