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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - stride


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Перевод с английского языка stride на русский

сущ. 1) большой шаг 2) успех - make great strides - make rapid strides
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  1. большой шаг to walk with long strides —- делать большие шаги to shorten the stride —- замедлить шаг 2. спорт. маховый шаг even stride —- равномерный шаг springing stride —- бросковый шаг 3. спорт. бег маховым шагом 4. расстояние между расставленными ногами 5. обыкн. pl. успехи; прогресс, продвижение to make great (rapid) strides —- делать большие успехи science has made great strides —- наука ушла далеко вперед 6. рост, развитие the world population is growing with great strides —- население мира быстро растет since his return his illness made rapid strides —- со времени его возвращения его болезнь стала быстро прогрессировать 7. pl. сл. брюки 8. страйд (джазовый стиль фортепианной игры; также stride piano) Id: to get into one's stride —- приниматься за дело Id: wait till he gets into his stride —- подожди, пока он не возьмется за дело; посмотришь, что будет, когда он возьмется за дело Id: to take smth. in one's stride —- перешагнуть одним махом, перемахнуть; спорт. легко взять препятствие; преодолевать трудности без всяких усилий; считать что-л. естественным, легко переносить что-л., относиться спокойно к чему-л. Id: to take a town in stride —- воен. с ходу захватить город Id: the horse took the hurdle in its stride —- лошадь легко взяла барьер Id: he took the new assignment in his stride —- он легко справился с новым заданием Id: she took the news in...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) большой шаг  2) расстояние между расставленными ногами  3) pl. успехи; to make great strides - делать большие успехи; great strides in education - большие успехи в области образования to get into ones stride - приниматься за дело to take smth. in ones stride -  а) преодолевать что-л. без усилий;  б) считать что-л. естественным, легко переносить что-л.; относиться спокойно к чему-л.  2. v.  1) шагать (большими шагами)  2) перешагнуть (тж. stride across, stride over)  3) сидеть верхом Syn: see walk ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past strode; past part. stridden) 1 intr. & tr. walk with long firm steps. 2 tr. cross with one step. 3 tr. bestride; straddle. --n. 1 a a single long step. b the length of this. 2 a person's gait as determined by the length of stride. 3 (usu. in pl.) progress (has made great strides). 4 a settled rate of progress (get into one's stride; be thrown out of one's stride). 5 (in pl.) sl. trousers. 6 the distance between the feet parted either laterally or as in walking. Phrases and idioms take in one's stride 1 clear (an obstacle) without changing one's gait to jump. 2 manage without difficulty. Derivatives strider n. Etymology: OE stridan ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (strode; stridden; striding)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English stridan; akin to Middle Low German ~n to straddle, Old High German stritan to quarrel  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1. to stand a~  2. to move with or as if with long steps strode across the room  3. to take a very long step  transitive verb  1. be~, straddle  2. to step over  3. to move over or along with or as if with long measured steps striding the boardwalk  • ~r noun  II. noun  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a cycle of locomotor movements (as of a horse) completed when the feet regain the initial relative positions; also the distance traversed in a ~  b. the most effective natural pace ; maximum competence or capability — often used in the phrase hit one's ~  2. a long step  3. an act of striding  4. a stage of progress ; advance made great ~s toward their goal  5. a manner of striding  6. ~ piano ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (strides, striding, strode) 1. If you stride somewhere, you walk there with quick, long steps. They were joined by a newcomer who came striding across a field... He turned abruptly and strode off down the corridor. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 2. A stride is a long step which you take when you are walking or running. With every stride, runners hit the ground with up to five times their body-weight... He walked with long strides. N-COUNT 3. Someone’s stride is their way of walking with long steps. He lengthened his stride to keep up with her. N-SING: usu poss N 4. If you make strides in something that you are doing, you make rapid progress in it. The country has made enormous strides politically but not economically. N-COUNT: usu pl, usu adj N 5. If you get into your stride or hit your stride, you start to do something easily and confidently, after being slow and uncertain. The campaign is just getting into its stride... PHRASE: V inflects 6. In British English, if you take a problem or difficulty in your stride, you deal with it calmly and easily. The American expression is take something in stride. Beth was struck by how Naomi took the mistake in her stride. PHRASE: V inflects ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense strode, past participle stridden to walk quickly with long steps + across/into/down  (Clarice jumped off the porch and strode across the lawn.) ~2 n 1 walking a long step  (Paco reached the door in only three strides.) 2 pattern of steps the pattern of your steps or the way you walk or run; gait  (the runner's long, loping stride) 3 improvement an improvement in a situation or in the development of something  (make great/big/giant strides)  (We've made great strides in medical technology this century.) 4 get into your stride BrE hit your stride AmE to become comfortable with a job so you can do it continuously and well  (Once I get into my stride I can finish the essay in a few hours.) 5 take sth in your stride to not allow something to annoy, embarrass, or upset you in any way  (Eva took all the setbacks in her stride.) 6 put sb off their stride to make someone stop giving all their attention to what they are doing  (Knowing that Bob was watching the game really put me off my stride.) 7 (match sb) stride for stride to manage to be just as fast, strong, skilled etc as someone else even if they keep making it harder for you 8 without breaking stride especially AmE without allowing something to interrupt or annoy you  (Zeke dealt with the reporters' questions without breaking stride.) 9 strides AustrE informal trousers ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. stridan "to straddle," from P.Gmc. *stridanan, from base *strid- "to strive, make a strong effort." Cognate words in most Gmc. languages mean "to fight, struggle;" the notion behind the Eng. usage might be the effort involved in making long strides, striving forward. To take in stride, etc., i.e. "without change of gait" is originally from the hunting-field. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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