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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - stream


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сущ. поток - dominant stream - on stream
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  течение; поток; течь – blood stream – determination stream – transpiration stream ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. речка; ручей, ручеек 2. воен. водная преграда stream crossing —- переправа; преодоление водных преград 3. река 4. воды (реки) 5. поток, струя a stream of tears —- поток слез wine flowed in streams —- вино лилось рекой a stream of cold air —- струя холодного воздуха a stream of light —- поток света; луч света 6. вереница, поток a stream of people —- поток (вереница) людей in one continuous stream —- непрекращающимся потоком 7. течение (реки и т. п.) up (the) stream —- вверх по течению to go with the stream —- плыть по течению to go against the stream —- плыть против течения 8. течение, направление the stream of events —- течение событий in the main stream of French tradition —- в соответствии с основным направлением французской традиции 9. школ. поток; классы, подобранные по способностям, склонностям учащихся и т. п. remedial stream —- поток (классы) для отстающих Id: little streams make great rivers —- посл. большое складывается из малого 10. течь, вытекать (струей, потоком), литься, струиться to stream with tears —- обливаться слезами her eyes were streaming with tears —- она обливалась слезами tears streamed down her face —- слезы ручьями текли по ее щекам he was streaming with sweat —- пот с него катился градом 11. лить, источать her eyes streamed tears —- слезы текли у нее из глаз in the basement walls stream with water —- в подвале со стен капает вода 12....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) поток, река, ручей; струя; a stream of blood (lava) - поток крови (лавы); the stream of time - течение времени; in a stream - потоком; in streams - ручьями  2) поток, вереница; a stream of cars - поток машин  3) направление, течение  4) school класс, сформированный с учетом способностей учащихся (в англ. школах) to go with (against) the stream - плыть по течению (против течения) Syn: brook, rill, river  2. v.  1) течь, вытекать, литься, струиться; light streamed through the window - свет струился в окно; people streamed out of the building - публика толпой повалила из здания  2) лить, источать; his eyes streamed tears - слезы текли по его щекам; wounds streaming blood - кровоточащие раны  3) развевать(ся)  4) проноситься Syn: see flow ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) вытекать 2) непрерывный 3) обтекать 4) поток 5) ручей 6) струйка 7) струйный 8) струя 9) течение 10) течь against stream — против течения breakup of mud stream — дробление потока main major stream — основной поток nitride in stream of ammonia — азотировать в потоке аммиака put reactor on stream — включать реактор в процесс reverse ventilation stream — опрокидывать вентиляционную струя stream flows downwards — поток нисходит stream flows upwards — поток восходит stream of random events — поток случайных событий take reactor off stream — выводить реактор из процесса - exit stream - input stream - limiting stream - minor stream - nonordinary stream - nonsimple stream - nonstationary stream - original stream - output stream - perennial stream - random stream - regular stream - renewal stream - single stream - sonic stream - stream clarification - stream current - stream degassing - stream feeder - stream forming - stream function - stream is incident - stream of crossings - stream short-circuits - stream tin - subsonic stream - supersonic stream - thinning stream - transformed stream - up the stream - ventilation stream - with stream ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  поток (данных) – binary stream – bit stream – cathode stream – data stream – digital-data stream – instruction stream – key stream – packetized elementary stream – program stream – source stream – time-multiplexed stream – transport stream ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  река, водоток поток; течение; струя air stream beheaded stream convective stream debris stream ebb stream effluent stream flashy stream fluid stream influent stream jet stream laminary stream nonsteady stream nonuniform stream receiving stream regulated stream side stream tidal stream traffic stream tributary stream turbulent stream ungauged stream uniform stream unregulated stream well stream ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) поток; течение; струя протекать; течь; струиться 2) водоток; река 3) поток продукта или продукции 4) каскад, печатная продукция, уложенная ступенчато on stream — на ходу, в действии, в процессе работы; to put on stream — вводить в эксплуатацию (установку); to take off the stream — приостанавливать работу (установки); выключать из работы (установку) - stream of current - stream of lapped sheets - stream of supply - air stream - binary stream - bit stream - break stream - bubble stream - central gas stream - contracting stream - convective stream - converging streams - crossing streams - data stream - debris stream - disintegrating stream - diverging streams - effluent stream - electron stream - fluid stream - free stream - gas stream - general stream - ingoing stream - inlet stream - input stream - instruction stream - jet stream - jet exhaust stream - job stream - job input stream - job output stream - ladle-to-ladle stream - laminar stream - leader stream - main stream - mill stream - moving stream - oil stream - outlet stream - output stream - peripheral gas stream - product stream - proportioned streams - reduction stream - running stream - shingle stream - side stream - solid stream - stem stream - supply stream - tail-end flour stream - tidal stream - turbulent stream - uniform stream ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 a flowing body of water, esp. a small river. 2 a the flow of a fluid or of a mass of people (a stream of lava). b (in sing. or pl.) a large quantity of something that flows or moves along. 3 a current or direction in which things are moving or tending (against the stream). 4 Brit. a group of schoolchildren taught together as being of similar ability for a given age. --v. 1 intr. flow or move as a stream. 2 intr. run with liquid (my eyes were streaming). 3 intr. (of a banner or hair etc.) float or wave in the wind. 4 tr. emit a stream of (blood etc.). 5 tr. Brit. arrange (schoolchildren) in streams. Phrases and idioms go with the stream do as others do. on stream (of a factory etc.) in operation. stream-anchor an anchor intermediate in size between a bower and a kedge, esp. for use in warping. stream of consciousness 1 Psychol. a person's thoughts and conscious reactions to events perceived as a continuous flow. 2 a literary style depicting events in such a flow in the mind of a character. Derivatives streamless adj. streamlet n. Etymology: OE stream f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English streme, from Old English stream; akin to Old High German stroum ~, Greek rhein to flow  Date: before 12th century  1. a body of running water (as a river or brook) flowing on the earth; also any body of flowing fluid (as water or gas)  2.  a. a steady succession (as of words or events) kept up an endless ~ of chatter  b. a constantly renewed or steady supply a ~ of revenve  c. a continuous moving procession a ~ of traffic  3. an unbroken flow (as of gas or particles of matter)  4. a ray of light  5.  a. a prevailing attitude or group has always run against the ~ of current fashion  b. a dominant influence or line of development the influence of two ~s of inheritance: genetic and cultural — P. B. Baltes  6. British track 3c  II. verb  Date: 13th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to flow in or as if in a ~  b. to leave a bright trail a meteor ~ed through the sky  2.  a. to exude a bodily fluid profusely her eyes were ~ing  b. to become wet with a discharge of bodily fluid ~ing with perspiration  3. to trail out at full length her hair ~ing back as she ran  4. to pour in large numbers complaints came ~ing in  transitive verb  1. to emit freely or in a ~ his eyes ~ed tears  2. to display (as a flag) by waving ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (streams, streaming, streamed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. A stream is a small narrow river. There was a small stream at the end of the garden. ...a mountain stream. N-COUNT 2. A stream of smoke, air, or liquid is a narrow moving mass of it. He breathed out a stream of cigarette smoke... Add the oil in a slow, steady stream. N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n 3. A stream of vehicles or people is a long moving line of them. There was a stream of traffic behind him. N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n 4. A stream of things is a large number of them occurring one after another. We had a constant stream of visitors. N-COUNT: with supp, usu N of n 5. If a liquid streams somewhere, it flows or comes out in large amounts. Tears streamed down their faces... She came in, rain streaming from her clothes and hair. VERB: V prep/adv, V prep/adv 6. If your eyes are streaming, liquid is coming from them, for example because you have a cold. You can also say that your nose is streaming. Her eyes were streaming now from the wind... A cold usually starts with a streaming nose and dry throat. VERB: usu cont, V, V-ing 7. If people or vehicles stream somewhere, they move there quickly and in large numbers. Refugees have been streaming into Travnik for months... VERB: V prep/adv 8. When light streams into or out of a place, it shines strongly into or out of it. Sunlight was streaming into the courtyard. VERB: V prep/adv 9. If something such as a new factory or a new system comes on stream or is brought on stream, it begins to operate or becomes available. As new mines come on stream, Chile’s share of world copper output will increase sharply... PHRASE: usu V PHRASE 10. see also jet stream ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 »SMALL RIVER« a natural flow of water that moves across the land and is narrower than a river  (a mountain stream)  (- see also downstream, upstream) 2 »CONTINUOUS SERIES« a long and almost continuous series of events, people, objects, etc + of  (a stream of traffic | A steady stream of visitors came to the house. | a stream of abuse) 3 »AIR/WATER« a current of water or air, or the direction in which it is flowing  (A stream of cold air rushed through the open door.)  (- see also Gulf Stream, jet stream) 4 come on stream technical to start producing something such as oil, electricity, goods etc  (The new plant will come on stream at the end of the year.) 5 go/swim against the stream to do or think something differently from what people in general do or think 6 »SCHOOL« especially BrE a level of ability within a group of students of the same age; track AmE  (Caroline's in the top stream.)  (- see also bloodstream, stream of consciousness) ~2 v 1 pour I always + adv/prep, to flow quickly and in great amounts, or to make something flow in this way; pour + out/in/onto etc  (Water came streaming out of the burst pipe. | Tears streamed down her cheeks.) 2 flow to move in a continuous flow in the same direction + out/across/past etc  (The crowd streamed out of the football ground.) 3 move freely I always + adv/prep, usually in progressive) to move freely in a current of wind or water + in/out/behind etc  (Elise ran, her hair streaming out behind her.) 4 give out liquid to produce a continuous flow of liquid  (The onions made my eyes stream.) 5 school especially BrE to put school children in groups according to their ability; track2 (5) AmE 6 a streaming cold BrE a very bad cold, with liquid flowing from your nose ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. stream "a course of water," from P.Gmc. *straumaz, from PIE base *sreu- "flow." Streamline is 1898 as an adj. meaning "free from turbulence," 1913 as a verb meaning "give a streamline form to," and 1936 in the extended sense of "simplify and organize." Stream of consciousness first recorded 1931, originally in psychology. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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