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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - scout


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  см. scoot ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  скаут Член детской скаутской организации. См. Boy Scouts of America, Girl Scouts of the USA SCOUT "Скаут" Твердотопливная ракета-носитель. С 1960 по 1983 с мыса Канаверал Cape Canaveral, о. Уоллопса и Западного испытательного полигона Western Test Range произведено 105 запусков, из них около 90 успешных ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  1. воен. разведчик 2. воен. разведывательный самолет; поисковый корабль 3. воен. самолет поисково-спасательной службы 4. геол. разведчик geological scout —- геологоразведчик 5. бойскаут (особ. бойскаут средней дружины; 11-15 лет; также boy scout) cub scout —- "волчонок", "малыш" (бойскаут младшей дружины; 8-10 лет) venture scout —- бойскаут старшей дружины (16-20 лет) 6. ам. девочка-скаут (также girl scout) 7. разг. служитель (в Оксфордском университете) 8. ам. разг. парень, товарищ a good scout —- хороший (надежный) товарищ 9. разведка to go on the scout —- идти в разведку 10. поиски to be on the scout for smth. —- разыскивать что-л. 11. "разведчик талантов", сотрудник киностудии и т. п., подбирающий способных молодых исполнителей 12. уст. отряд разведчиков 13. уст. фискал 14. уст. шпион 15. разведывать, вести разведку, наблюдение to be out scouting —- разведывать 16. разыскивать to scout for talents —- разыскивать таланты, подыскивать талантливых людей to scout about (around) for food —- рыскать в поисках пищи 17. уст. шпионить 18. книж. отвергать с презрением (что-л.); пренебрегать (чем-л.) to scout a proposal —- с презрением отвергнуть какое-л. предложение to scout a new theory —- отклонить (не принять) новую теорию 19. уст. насмехаться, высмеивать ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  about/around/round рыскать в поисках (чего-л.) Scouting around all over the town, I at last found the boots that I was looking for. SCOUT I  1. noun  1) разведчик (тж. о самолете и корабле)  2) бойскаут  3) разведка; on the scout - в разведке  4) слуга (в Оксфордском университете)  5) amer.; coll. парень, малый  2. v.  1) вести разведку, разведывать; Scout out the land and see which is the best place for our battle lines.  2) разыскивать; Trust you to scout out the best restaurant in town. - scout about/around/round II v. отвергать (что-л.), пренебрегать (чем-л.) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  крейсер-разведчик ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a person, esp. a soldier, sent out to get information about the enemy's position, strength, etc. 2 the act of seeking (esp. military) information (on the scout). 3 = talent-scout. 4 (Scout) a member of the Scout Association, a boys' association intended to develop character esp. by open-air activities. 5 a college servant, esp. at Oxford University. 6 colloq. a person; a fellow. 7 a ship or aircraft designed for reconnoitring, esp. a small fast aircraft. --v. 1 intr. act as a scout. 2 intr. (foll. by about, around) make a search. 3 tr. (often foll. by out) colloq. explore to get information about (territory etc.). Phrases and idioms Queen's (or King's) Scout a Scout who has reached the highest standard of proficiency. Derivatives scouter n. scouting n. Etymology: ME f. OF escouter listen, earlier ascolter ult. f. L auscultare 2. v.tr. reject (an idea etc.) with scorn. Etymology: Scand.: cf. ON sk{uacute}ta, sk{uacute}ti taunt ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French escuter to listen, from Latin auscultare — more at auscultation  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to explore an area to obtain information (as about an enemy)  2.  a. to make a search  b. to work as a talent ~  transitive verb  1. to observe in order to obtain information or evaluate  2. to explore in order to obtain information  3. to find by making a search  II. noun  Date: 1534  1.  a. one sent to obtain information; especially a soldier, ship, or plane sent out in war to reconnoiter  b. watchman, lookout  c. talent ~  2.  a. the act of ~ing  b. a ~ing expedition ; reconnaissance  3. often capitalized a member of any of various ~ing movements: as  a. Boy Scout  b. Girl Scout  4. individual, person — used chiefly in the phrase good ~  III. verb  Etymology: probably of Scandinavian origin; akin to Old Norse skuti taunt; akin to Old English sceotan to shoot — more at shoot  Date: 1605  transitive verb  1. mock  2. to reject scornfully ~ed his explanation as a shabby falsehood — Mark Twain  intransitive verb scoff ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (scouts, scouting, scouted) 1. A scout is someone who is sent to an area of countryside to find out the position of an enemy army. They sent two men out in front as scouts. N-COUNT 2. If you scout somewhere for something, you go through that area searching for it. I wouldn’t have time to scout the area for junk... A team of four was sent to scout for a nuclear test site... I have people scouting the hills already. = search VERB: V n for n, V for n, V n SCOUT (Scouts) 1. The Scouts is an organization for children and young people which teaches them to be practical, sensible, and helpful. N-PROPER-COLL: the N 2. A Scout is a member of the Scouts. ...a party of seven Scouts and three leaders on a camping trip. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 a) the scouts an organization for young boys that teaches them practical skills b) also boy scout a boy who is a member of this organization 2 AmE also girl scout a girl who is a member of an organization for girls that teaches them practical skills; guide BrE 3 a soldier, plane etc that is sent to search the area in front of an army, get information about the enemy  (He sent three scouts ahead to take a look at the bridge.) 4 someone whose job is to look for good sports players, musicians etc in order to employ them  (He was spotted by a scout at the age of 13.)  (- see also talent scout) 5 a scout round/around BrE informal a quick search of an area  (I'll have a scout round to see if I can find it.) ~2 v 1 also scout round/around to look for something in a particular area + for  (I want you all to scout round for any wood you can find.) 2 also scout out to examine a place or area in order to get information about it, especially in a military situation  (A group was sent off to scout out the area ahead.) 3 AmE to find out about the abilities of sports players, musicians etc ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. Suspense Control, Oversight, Utilization, and Tracking system gen. comp. abbr. Suspense Control, Oversight, Utilization, and Tracking system gen. bus. abbr. Stock Control Order Unit Tracing ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  See: GOOD EGG or GOOD SCOUT. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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