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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - let-out


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См. в других словарях

  1. выпускать, освобождать to let out a prisoner —- освободить заключенного 2. разг. освобождать от ответственности или наказания 3. проговориться, проболтаться to let out a secret —- разболтать (выболтать) секрет 4. расширять, выпускать; делать просторнее (одежду) to let out the sleeves —- выпустить рукава 5. давать напрокат, внаем, в аренду to let out horses —- давать напрокат лошадей 6. давать волю, выход (чувствам) to let out one's feelings —- дать выход (своим) чувствам, отвести душу 7. пускать лошадь (во весь опор) 8. ам. разг. заканчиваться (о занятиях) the school lets out at 3 —- занятия кончаются в 3 (часа) 9. ам. разг. закрываться (вечером; о магазине и т. п.) 10. разг. (at) накидываться на кого-л. с кулаками или с руганью this mule has a habit of letting out at people —- этот мул имеет привычку лягаться ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  выпускать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
   intransitive verb  Date: 1888 to conclude a session or performance school ~ in June ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If something or someone lets water, air, or breath out, they allow it to flow out or escape. It lets sunlight in but doesn’t let heat out... Meer let out his breath in a long sigh. PHRASAL VERB: V n P, V P n (not pron) 2. If you let out a particular sound, you make that sound. (WRITTEN) When she saw him, she let out a cry of horror. = give out PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), also V n P 3. see also let 14 ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  {v.} 1a. To allow to go out or escape. * /The guard let the prisoners out of jail to work in the garden./ * /Mother won't let us out when it rains./ Compare: LET LOOSE. 1b. {informal} To make (a sound) come out of the mouth; utter. * /A bee stung Charles. He let out a yell and ran home./ * /Father told Betty to sit still and not let out a peep during church./ 2. To allow to be known; tell. * /I'll never tell you another secret if you let this one out./ Compare: LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG. 3. To make larger (as clothing) or looser; allow to slip out (as a rope). * /Mary's mother had to let out her dress because Mary is growing so tall./ * /Father hooked a big fish on his line. He had to let the line out so the fish wouldn't break it./ Compare: PIECE OUT. Contrast: TAKE IN. 4. {informal} To allow to move at higher speed. * /The rider let out his horse to try to beat the horse ahead of him./ 5. {informal} To free from blame, responsibility, or duty. - Often used with "of". * /Last time I let you out of it when you were late. I'll have to punish you this time./ * /Frank has shoveled the snow from the sidewalk. That lets me out./ Compare: LET GO, LET OFF. 6, {informal} To discharge from a job; fire. * /The shop closed down and all the men were let out./ 7. {informal} To dismiss or be dismissed. * /The coach let us out from practice at 3 o'clock./ * /I'll meet you after school lets out./ ...
Английский словарь американских идиом


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