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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - inconsistent


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См. в других словарях

  1. несовместимый; не соответствующий, противоречащий чему-либо his actions are inconsistent with his statements —- у него слова расходятся с делами, его слова не соответствуют его делам proposal inconsistent with the purpose of... —- предложение, не отвечающее цели... 2. непоследовательный, противоречивый to be inconsistent in one's replies —- быть непоследовательным в ответах 3. неустойчивый, изменчивый inconsistent views —- изменчивые взгляды inconsistent feelings —- непостоянный чувства ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  adj.  1) несовместимый, несообразный (with)  2) непоследовательный, противоречивый  3) = inconstant ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) несовместимый 2) несовместный 3) несоответствующий 4) несостоятельный 5) неустойчивый 6) противоречивый 7) сбивчивый deductively inconsistent set — дедуктивно несовместное дедуктивно противоречивое множество externally inconsistent system — внешне противоречивая система formally inconsistent theory — формально противоречивая теория inconsistent matrices matrix — несовместимые матрицы irreduciblly inconsistent system — неприводимо несовместная система properly inconsistent set — собственно противоречивое множество sematically inconsistent theory — семантически противоречивая теория tautologically inconsistent set — тавтологически противоречивое множество - inconsistent class - inconsistent constraints - inconsistent equations - inconsistent estimator - inconsistent formula - inconsistent inequalitys - inconsistent information - inconsistent rule - inconsistent set - inconsistent state - inconsistent statements - inconsistent statistic - inconsistent substitution - inconsistent system - inconsistent theory - irreducible inconsistent - logically inconsistent - properly inconsistent - semantically inconsistent - tautologically inconsistent ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  adj. 1 acting at variance with one's own principles or former conduct. 2 (often foll. by with) not in keeping; discordant, incompatible. 3 (of a single thing) incompatible or discordant; having self-contradictory parts. Derivatives inconsistency n. (pl. -ies). inconsistently adv. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   adjective  Date: 1620 lacking consistency: as  a. not compatible with another fact or claim ~ statements  b. containing incompatible elements an ~ argument  c. incoherent or illogical in thought or actions ; changeable  d. not satisfiable by the same set of values for the unknowns ~ equations ~ inequalities  • ~ly adverb ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  1. If you describe someone as inconsistent, you are criticizing them for not behaving in the same way every time a similar situation occurs. You are inconsistent and unpredictable. ? consistent ADJ c darkgreen]disapproval 2. Someone or something that is inconsistent does not stay the same, being sometimes good and sometimes bad. We had a terrific start to the season, but recently we’ve been inconsistent... ? consistent ADJ 3. If two statements are inconsistent, one cannot possibly be true if the other is true. The evidence given in court was inconsistent with what he had previously told them. ? consistent ADJ: oft ADJ with n 4. If something is inconsistent with a set of ideas or values, it does not fit in well with them or match them. This legislation is inconsistent with what they call Free Trade... ? consistent ADJ: v-link ADJ with n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ adj 1 ideas or statements that are inconsistent cannot be accepted or believed together because they each state the facts differently  (The accounts of the witnesses are inconsistent.)  (What the Government says now is inconsistent with its election promises.) 2 be inconsistent with behaviour that is inconsistent with a particular set of principles or standards is not right according to those principles etc  (conduct inconsistent with what is expected of a congressman) 3 inconsistent behaviour, work etc changes too often from good to bad or from situation to situation  (The team's performance has been highly inconsistent this season. | an inconsistent approach to discipline) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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