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сущ.; мн. ч. данные - available facts
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См. в других словарях

  of life noun; pl.  1) факты как они есть; правда жизни  2) euphem. сведения о половой жизни ...
Англо-русский словарь
  transport. abbr. Families Acting For Community Traffic Safety mil. abbr. Facilities Assets Catalog and Tracking System mil. abbr. First Achievement Cadet Training School ocean sc. abbr. Facility for the Analysis and Comparison of Tsunami Simulations ocean sc. abbr. Florida Atlantic Coast Transport Study univ. abbr. Families And Community Together For Students univ. abbr. Florida Academic Counseling And Tracking System univ. abbr. Fundamentals For Academic Career Technical Success food abbr. Food And Common Technical Solutions funny abbr. Fantasy Anime Comics Toys Space farm. abbr. Fast Agricultural Communications Terminal System softw. abbr. Free Automated Contest And Tournament Software network. abbr. Fipa Agent Communication Technologies And Services non-prof. org. abbr. Family Aids Center For Treatment Support educ. abbr. Food Anaphylactic Children Training Support educ. abbr. Fun Awareness Charity Teamwork And Stewardship law abbr. Fighting Against Corruption Towards Students gen. bus. abbr. Fully Automated Computer Trading System gen. bus. abbr. Financial Analysis And Critical Thinking Scenarios account. abbr. Fast Automatic Cash Transfer System ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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