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Перевод с английского языка dti на русский

эк., эк. тр., брит. сокр. от Department of Trade and Industry DTI сокр. от Department of Trade and Industry
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См. в других словарях

  abbr. (in the UK) Department of Trade and Industry. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  ~ n the DTI the abbreviation of the Department of Trade and Industry ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  railroad abbr. Grand Trunk Western Railroad Incorporated (formerly Detroit, Toledo, and Ironton Railroad Company) funny abbr. Department Of Timidity And Inaction funny abbr. Department Of Total Inertia gen. comp. abbr. Department of Trade and Industry (UK) network. abbr. Dsl Tracking Inquiry telec. abbr. Digital Trunk Interface media abbr. Department of Trade and Industry educ. abbr. Delayed Teacher Interaction gen. bus. abbr. Department of Trade and Industry gen. bus. abbr. Division Of Tasks And Input account. abbr. Debt To Income ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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