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Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь - cas


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Перевод с английского языка cas на русский

(Chemical Abstracts Service) Реферативная служба по химии
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См. в других словарях

  I сокр. от calibrated airspeed индикаторная воздушная скорость II сокр. от cast alloy steel 1) легированная сталь для литья 2) литьё из легированной стали III сокр. от channel address strobe строб адреса канала IV сокр. от channel associated signaling сигнализация по индивидуальному каналу V сокр. от collision avoidance system система предотвращения опасного сближения (судов) VI сокр. от column address strobe строб адреса столбца VII сокр. от Commission for Atmospheric Sciences Комиссия по атмосферным наукам, КАН CAS I сокр. от casing 1) оболочка; кожух 2) облицовка II сокр. от casualty авария; несчастный случай ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
   abbreviation certificate of advanced study ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  veterin. abbr. Companion Animal Society (New Zealand) transport. abbr. Commence Average Speed transport. abbr. Calibrated Airspeed mil. abbr. Contract Administration Services mil. abbr. Chinese Air To Surface mil. abbr. Clean Air System mil. abbr. Close Air Support mil. abbr. Crises Action System mil. abbr. Cadet Accountability System mil. abbr. Central Authentication Service mil. abbr. Conversion Armor System airport code Casablanca, Morocco ocean sc. abbr. Committee on Atmospheric Sciences ocean sc. abbr. Commission for Atmospheric Sciences chemis. abbr. Chemical Abstract Services chemis. abbr. Chemical Abstract Service chemis. abbr. Chemical Abstracts Service univ. abbr. Certificate Of Advanced Study univ. abbr. Course Applicability System univ. abbr. Centre For Applied Statistics univ. abbr. Campus Automation System univ. abbr. Curriculum Administration System univ. abbr. Centre Of African Studies mathem. abbr. Computer Algebra System electron. abbr. Column Address Strobe funny abbr. Computers Are Swine adult abbr. Confusion Anarchy Stupidity gen. comp. abbr. Computer Aided Selling gen. comp. abbr. Common Authorization System gen. comp. abbr. Computed Answer Substitution comp. assem. abbr. Column Access Select comp. assem. abbr. Column Address Select network. abbr. Controlled Access Signaling network. abbr. Channel Associated Signaling network. abbr. Conference Application Server sec. abbr. Conditional Access System sec. abbr. Cpe Alert Signal telec. abbr. Channel Associated Signalling telec. abbr. Carrier Activity Sensor telec. abbr. Ahannel Associated Signaling file ext. abbr. C + ASM language source (Turbo C) non-prof. org. abbr. Children's Aid Society non-prof. org. abbr. Crossroads Adoption Services educ. abbr. Certificate Of Advanced Studies sport abbr. Court Of Arbitration For Sports law abbr. Creativity Action And Service law abbr. Corporal Alternative Sentencing law abbr. Court Of Arbitration For Sport school abbr. College of Arts and Science gen. bus. abbr. Computer Aided Service...
English abbreviation dictionary


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