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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - yard


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(антенный) рядantenna yard
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  1) двор 2) дворовый 3) надворье 4) склад 5) ярд scrap processing yard — скрепоразделочный двор - assembling yard - casting yard - classification yard - drying yard - engine yard - exercise yard - freight yard - hump yard - interchange yard - lime yard - marshalling yard - mold yard - ore stock yard - scrap yard - ship-assembly yard - ship-building yard - slag yard - yard locomotive - yard lumber - yard neck - yard tower ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1) склад 2) сортировочная станция 3) двор – storage yard YARD сущ. 1) ярд (мера длины) 2) судостроительная верфь 3) портовая мастерская 4) склад 5) скотный двор; загон (для скота) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. ярд to sell by the yard —- продавать на ярды (ткань и т. п.) 2. пядь fight for every yard —- отстаивать каждую пядь земли I can't see a yard in front of me —- разг. ни зги не видно 3. разг. большая длина или большое количество yards of facts and figures —- нескончаемый поток цифр и фактов a face a yard long —- ужасно длинное лицо by the yard —- в большом количестве; без конца и края to talk by the yard —- говорить без умолку statistics by the yard —- бесконечные ряды цифр 4. кубический ярд 5. мор. рей man the yards! —- по реям! (команда) 6. высокий (около 90 см) расширяющийся к верху сосуд (для пива или вина) 7. вместимость расширяющегося к верху сосуда (для пива или вина) около 1.5 л 8. ам. сл. сто долларов 9. ам. сл. редк. тысяча долларов Id: yard of pump water —- сл. тощий человек; кожа да кости Id: give smb. an inch and he will take a yard —- посл. дай ему палец, он всю руку потребует 10. двор 11. сад front yard —- палисадник 12. огород 13. скотный двор; загон yard manure —- с-х. стойловый навоз 14. склад; площадка (для открытого хранения или работ) 15. лесной склад, лесной двор; лесная биржа (также timber yard, lumber yard) yard lumber —- лес. биржевые пиломатериалы; воздушно-сухой пиломатериал yard drying —- лес. естественная сушка 16. мор. морской арсенал 17. мор. (судостроительная) верфь (также ship yard,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  sale noun распродажа домашнего имущества на дому YARD I noun  1) ярд (= 3 футам или 914,4 мм); by the yard - в ярдах; can you still buy cloth by the yard in Britain? - в Англии еще мерят ткани на ярды?  2) naut. рей II  1. noun  1) двор  2) лесной склад  3) railways парк; сортировочная станция  4) загон  5) (the Yard) = Scotland Yard  2. v. загонять (скотину на двор) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  двор полигон площадка верфь ж.-д.станционный парк ярд assembly yard bank yard brick yard builders' yard building yard casting yard compacted yard concrete curing yard erecting yard flat yard freight yard gravity yard hold yard hump yard lumber yard precasting yard receiving yard reinforcement bending yard retarder yard sorting yard storage yard ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) склад открытого хранения; площадка для хранения 2) ж.-д. станционный парк 3) мор. верфь 4) мор. рей 5) ярд (единица длины) - advance yard - bedding yard - boatbuilding yard - break-up yard - brick yard - building yard - casting yard - charge materials yard - cinder yard - classification yard - coach yard - coal-storage yard - cold storage yard - conditioning yard - container yard - curing yard - departure yard - doubling yard - dressing yard - erecting yard - flame-cutting yard - flat yard - freight yard - front yard - goods yard - gravity yard - hold yard - hump yard - ingot yard - inspecting yard - junk yard - ladle yard - lime yard - lumber yard - marshaling yard - mechanized marshaling yard - mill yard - mold yard - mold-coating yard - mold preparation yard - oil yard - ore stock yard - ore yard - outfitting yard - pa5senger yard - pig storage yard - pipe yard - rear yard - receiving yard - receiving-departure yard - repair yard - retarder classification yard - scarfing yard - scrap yard - separating yard - service yard - shipbuilding yard - shipping yard - shunting yard - slab yard - slab conditioning yard - slag yard - sorting yard - storage yard - stripper yard - tandem yard - timber yard - transformer yard - wood yard ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. n. 1 a unit of linear measure equal to 3 feet (0.9144 metre). 2 this length of material (a yard and a half of cloth). 3 a square or cubic yard esp. (in building) of sand etc. 4 a cylindrical spar tapering to each end slung across a mast for a sail to hang from. 5 (in pl.; foll. by of) colloq. a great length (yards of spare wallpaper). Phrases and idioms by the yard at great length. yard-arm the outer extremity of a ship's yard. yard of ale Brit. 1 a deep slender beer glass, about a yard long and holding two to three pints. 2 the contents of this. Etymology: OE gerd f. WG 2. n. & v. --n. 1 a piece of enclosed ground esp. attached to a building or used for a particular purpose. 2 US the garden of a house. --v.tr. put (cattle) into a stockyard. Phrases and idioms the Yard Brit. colloq. = SCOTLAND YARD. yard-man 1 a person working in a railway-yard or timber-yard. 2 US a gardener or a person who does various outdoor jobs. yard-master the manager of a railway-yard. Etymology: OE geard enclosure, region, f. Gmc: cf. GARDEN ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Old English geard enclosure, ~; akin to Old High German gart enclosure, Latin hortus garden  Date: before 12th century  1.  a. a small usually walled and often paved area open to the sky and adjacent to a building ; court  b. the grounds of a building or group of buildings  2. the grounds immediately surrounding a house that are usually covered with grass  3.  a. an enclosure for livestock (as poultry)  b.  (1) an area with its buildings and facilities set aside for a particular business or activity  (2) an assembly or storage area (as for dry-docked boats)  c. a system of tracks for storage and maintenance of cars and making up trains  4. a locality in a forest where deer herd in winter  II. adjective  Date: 15th century  1. of, relating to, or employed in the ~ surrounding a building ~ light  2. of, relating to, or employed in a railroad ~ a ~ engine  III. verb  Date: 1758  transitive verb  1. to drive into or confine in a restricted area ; herd, pen  2. to deliver to or store in a ~  intransitive verb to congregate in or as if in a ~  IV. noun  Etymology: Middle English ~e, from Old English gierd twig, measure, ~; akin to Old High German gart stick, Latin hasta spear  Date: before 12th century  1. any of various units of measure: as  a. a unit of length equal in the United States to 0.9144 meter — see weight table  b. a unit of volume equal to a cubic ~  2.  a. a great length or quantity remembered ~s of facts and figures  b. slang one hundred dollars  3. a long spar tapered toward the ends to support and spread the head of a square sail, lateen, or lugsail  4. a slender horn-shaped glass about three feet tall; also the amount it contains a ~ of ale ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (yards) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. A yard is a unit of length equal to thirty-six inches or approximately 91.4 centimetres. The incident took place about 500 yards from where he was standing... ...a long narrow strip of linen two or three yards long. ...a yard of silk. N-COUNT: num N, oft N of n 2. A yard is a flat area of concrete or stone that is next to a building and often has a wall around it. I saw him standing in the yard. = courtyard N-COUNT 3. You can refer to a large open area where a particular type of work is done as a yard. ...a railway yard. ...a ship repair yard. N-COUNT: usu supp N 4. A yard is a piece of land next to someone’s house, with grass and plants growing in it. (AM; in BRIT, use garden) He dug a hole in our yard on Edgerton Avenue to plant a maple tree when I was born. N-COUNT ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 »ENCLOSED AREA« an enclosed area next to a building or group of buildings, used for a special purpose, activity, or business  (a cattle yard | Their house is next to a builder's yard.) 2 »MEASURE« written abbreviation yd a unit for measuring length, equal to 3 feet or .9144 metres 3 »GARDEN« AmE the ground around a house, usually covered with grass; garden1 (1) BrE  (back yard | Their front yard was full of kids playing tag.)  (- see also backyard) 4 prison/school yard an area outside a prison or school where prisoners or students go to do activities outdoors 5 »BACK OF HOUSE« BrE an enclosed area without grass at the back of a small house 6 »SAILING« technical a long pole that supports a square sail  (- see also churchyard, farmyard, shipyard) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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