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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - buzz


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фонaudio buzz – intercarrier buzz
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  жужжание; жужжать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. жужжание; глухой гул, гудение (толпы) 2. суета; общее движение 3. молва, неясные слухи, сплетни 4. разг. телефон; телефонный звонок I'll give you a buzz —- я тебе позвоню (звякну) 5. ам. циркулярная пила 6. звук вибрации голосовых связок 7. уст. прихоть, причуда 8. жужжать her brain was buzzing —- в голове у нее шумело 9. гудеть (о толпе и т. п.); издавать глухой гул 10. сновать; быстро и шумно двигаться (также buzz along, buzz about) students were buzzing out of the building —- студенты шумной толпой (гурьбой) выходили из здания 11. разг. швырять, бросать to buzz a stone —- швырнуть (запустить) камень 12. ав. жарг. пролетать на бреющем полете 13. воен. жарг. атаковать с воздуха 14. разг. распространять молву, сплетни 15. разг. звонить по телефону to buzz off —- дать отбой, повесить телефонную трубку to buzz up smb. —- позвонить кому-л. по телефону 16. разг. вызывать звонком (секретаря и т. п.) 17. редк. виться, порхать (также buzz about, buzz over) 18. уст. бормотать, ворчать 19. петь с закрытым ртом 20. допивать (вино) to buzz a bottle —- осушить бутылку 21. бот. шип, колючка 22. приманка, насадка (для рыбной ловли) ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I  1. noun  1) жужжание; гул (голосов)  2) слухи, молва  3) coll. телефонный звонок Ill give you a buzz tomorrow - я звякну тебе завтра  4) amer. круглая пила  2. v.  1) жужжать, гудеть  2) лететь на бреющем полете (о самолете)  3) бросать, швырять  4) распространять слухи  5) носиться (о слухах)  6) coll. звонить по телефону - buzz about - buzz off II v. осушать, выпивать (бутылку, стакан) до последней капли BUZZ about виться, увиваться BUZZ off уходить, удаляться; улизнуть Buzz off, you children, I dont want you in my garden. ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) жужжание, гудение, зуммирование 2) "подмешивание" вибрации (для уменьшения трения покоя сердечника сервопривода) ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. & v. --n. 1 the hum of a bee etc. 2 the sound of a buzzer. 3 a a confused low sound as of people talking; a murmur. b a stir; hurried activity (a buzz of excitement). c colloq. a rumour. 4 sl. a telephone call. 5 sl. a thrill; a euphoric sensation. --v. 1 intr. make a humming sound. 2 a tr. & intr. signal or signal to with a buzzer. b tr. telephone. 3 intr. a (often foll. by about) move or hover busily. b (of a place) have an air of excitement or purposeful activity. 4 tr. colloq. throw hard. 5 tr. Aeron. colloq. fly fast and very close to (another aircraft). Phrases and idioms buzz off sl. go or hurry away. buzz-saw US a circular saw. buzz-word sl. 1 a fashionable piece of esp. technical or computer jargon. 2 a catchword; a slogan. Etymology: imit. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English bussen, of imitative origin  Date: 14th century  intransitive verb  1. to make a low continuous humming sound like that of a bee  2.  a. murmur, whisper  b. to be filled with a confused murmur the room ~ed with excitement  3. to make a signal with a ~er  4. to go quickly ; hurry ~ed around town in a sports car; also scram — usually used with off  5. to feel high especially from a drug  transitive verb  1. to utter covertly by or as if by whispering  2. to cause to ~  3. to fly fast and close to planes ~ the crowd  4. to summon or signal with a ~er; also to let in through an electronically controlled entrance — used with in or through ~ed him in  5. dialect England to drink to the last drop get some more port whilst I ~ this bottle — W. M. Thackeray  II. noun  Date: circa 1600  1. a persistent vibratory sound  2.  a. a confused murmur  b. rumor, gossip  c. a flurry of activity  d. fad, craze  e. speculative or excited talk or attention relating especially to a new or forthcoming product or event one of the few new shows that's getting good ~ — TV Guide; also an instance of such talk or attention their first CD created a huge ~  3. a signal conveyed by ~er; specifically a telephone call  4. high 4 ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (buzzes, buzzing, buzzed) 1. If something buzzes or buzzes somewhere, it makes a long continuous sound, like the noise a bee makes when it is flying. The intercom buzzed and he pressed down the appropriate switch... Attack helicopters buzzed across the city. VERB: V, V prep/adv • Buzz is also a noun. ...the irritating buzz of an insect. N-COUNT; SOUND • buzzing He switched off the transformer and the buzzing stopped. N-UNCOUNT 2. If people are buzzing around, they are moving around quickly and busily. (WRITTEN) A few tourists were buzzing about... = race VERB: V adv/prep 3. If questions or ideas are buzzing around your head, or if your head is buzzing with questions or ideas, you are thinking about a lot of things, often in a confused way. Many more questions were buzzing around in my head... Top style consultants will leave you buzzing with new ideas. VERB: V around in n, V with n, also V 4. If a place is buzzing with activity or conversation, there is a lot of activity or conversation there, especially because something important or exciting is about to happen. The rehearsal studio is buzzing with lunchtime activity... ...Hong Kong’s buzzing, pulsating atmosphere. VERB: usu cont, V with n, V-ing, also V, V prep 5. You can use buzz to refer to a long continuous sound, usually caused by lots of people talking at once. A buzz of excitement filled the courtroom as the defendant was led in. ...the excited buzz of conversation. N-SING: usu N of n 6. If something gives you a buzz, it makes you feel very happy or excited for a short time. (INFORMAL) Performing still gives him a buzz... He got a buzz from creating confrontations. N-SING 7. You can use buzz to refer to a word, idea, or activity which has recently become extremely popular. ...the latest buzz phrase in garden design circles... Sex education in schools was the buzz topic. ADJ: ADJ n 8. If an aircraft buzzes a place, it flies low over it, usually in a threatening way. American fighter planes...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v 1 »MAKE A SOUND« to make a continuous sound, like the sound of a bee  (The machine made a loud buzzing noise.) 2 »MOVE AROUND« a) to move around in the air making a continuous sound like a bee  (buzz around/round/about)  (A fly buzzed round the room.) b) to move quickly and busily around a place  (buzz around/round/about)  (I spent the day buzzing around town in Dad's car.) 3 »EXCITEMENT« if a group of people or a place is buzzing, people are making a lot of noise because they are excited  (Lineker had the crowd buzzing with excitement.) 4 sb's head/mind is buzzing (with sth) if your head or mind is buzzing with thoughts, ideas etc, your cannot stop thinking about them 5 »EARS« if your ears or head are buzzing you can hear a continuous low unpleasant sound 6 »CALL« I + for to call someone by pressing a buzzer  (I'll just buzz my secretary and ask for the file.) 7 »AIRCRAFT« informal to fly an aircraft low and fast over buildings, people etc buzz off ~  phrasal verb spoken 1 buzz off! used to tell someone impolitely to go away 2 to go away  (I've finished everything, so I'll buzz off now.) ~2 n 1 a continuous noise like the sound of a bee 2 the sound of people talking a lot in an excited way + of  (a buzz of anticipation) 3 informal a strong feeling of excitement, pleasure, or success  (give sb a buzz)  (You know Steve, driving fast gives him a real buzz.) 4 give sb a buzz informal to telephone someone 5 the buzz informal unofficial news or information that is spread by people telling each other  (The buzz is that Jack is leaving.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  See: GIVE A RING also GIVE A BUZZ. ...
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 1495, echoic of bees and other insects. Meaning "a busy rumor" is attested from 1605. Aviation sense of "fly low and close" is 1941. Sense of "pleasant sense of intoxication" first recorded 1935. Buzzword first attested 1946. Buzz off (1914) originally meant "to ring off on the telephone." Buzzer "apparatus for making loud buzzing noises" is from 1870. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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