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Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению - throat


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  1) горло; гортань; глотка 2) зев (сростнолепестного цветка) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. горло, гортань, глотка; зев sore throat —- больное горло; ангина clergyman's (sore) throat —- хронический фарингит he has a sore throat, he has a cold in his throat —- у него болит горло a lump in one's throat —- комок в горле at the top of one's throat —- во все горло to clear one's throat —- откашливаться to have (to hold) smb. by the throat —- держать кого-л. за горло; держать кого-л. в своих руках to take (to seize, to grip, to pin) smb. by the throat —- схватить кого-л. за горло; душить to cut smb.'s throat —- перерезать кому-л. горло to stick in one's throat —- застрять в горле (о кости и т. п.) spare your throat —- пощади свое горло (свои легкие); не дери глотку 2. голос the sweet throat of a nightingale —- сладкий голос соловья 3. горлышко, шейка (сосуда); шейка (музыкального инструмента) the throat of a vase —- горлышко вазы 4. узкий проход; горловина the throat of a stream —- горловина потока the throat of a chimney —- печная труба; дымоход the throat of the mine was blocked by stones —- вход в шахту был завален камнями 5. спец. горловина; зев; короткая соединительная часть (в трубопроводе); расчетный размер (в свету) 6. колошник (домны); горловина (конвертора) 7. мор. пятка (гафеля) 8. геол. жерло вулкана Id: to cut one's own throat —- действовать себе во вред, губить себя; рубить сук, на котором сидишь Id: to cut one another's throat —- грызться, смертельно...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) горло, гортань, глотка; to clear ones throat - откашливаться; full to the throat - сыт по горло; to stick in ones throat - застрять в горле (о кости и т.п.) [см. тж. throat  1. ]  2) узкий проход, узкое отверстие; жерло вулкана  3) tech. горловина, зев, соединительная часть; расчетный размер (в свету)  4) metal. колошник (домны); горловина (конвертора)  5) naut. пятка (гафеля) to cut one anothers throats - смертельно враждовать; разорять друг друга конкуренцией to give smb. the lie in his throat - изобличить кого-л. в грубой лжи to jump down smb. s throat - перебивать кого-л., грубо возражать; затыкать глотку кому-л. to thrust/ram smth. down smb. s throat - силой навязать что-л. кому-л. to stick in ones throat -  а) застревать в горле (о словах);  б) претить; [см. тж. throat  1.  1) ]  2. v.  1) бормотать  2) напевать хриплым голосом ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) глоточный 2) горло 3) горловина 4) горловой 5) диффузор карбюратора 6) зев 7) светосечение - burner throat - horn throat - nozzle throat - sinker throat - throat of welder ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  – artificial throat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям
  отлив; капельник, слезник шейка; сужение в основании дымохода горловина толщина (сварного шва) check throat ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) узкий проход 2) сужение, суженная часть; горло; горловина; горлышко (сосуда) 3) перехват, короткая соединительная часть (в трубопроводе) 4) колошник (доменной печи) 5) пережим (свода печи) 6) толщина (сварного шва) 7) сварка полезный вылет 8) строит. выкружка 9) строит. слезник 10) проток (в ванной стекловаренной печи) 11) проходное сечение (клапана); критическое сечение (сопла) 12) вырезка; впадина (между зубьями пилы) - throat of transition - actual weld throat - air intake throat - anchor throat - apparent throat - burner throat - constricted throat of flume - coring bit throat - dropped throat - drop throat - effective weld throat - exit throat - feed throat - flange throat - furnace throat - hopper throat - horn throat - inlet throat - lifted throat - magazine throat - nozzle throat - roll throat - sinker throat - siphon spillway throat - Venturi throat - Venturi flowmeter throat ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  n. 1 a the windpipe or gullet. b the front part of the neck containing this. 2 literary a a voice, esp. of a songbird. b a thing compared to a throat, esp. a narrow passage, entrance, or exit. 3 Naut. the forward upper corner of a fore-and-aft sail. Phrases and idioms cut one's own throat bring about one's own downfall. ram (or thrust) down a person's throat force (a thing) on a person's attention. Derivatives -throated adj. (in comb.). Etymology: OE throte, throtu f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. noun  Etymology: Middle English throte, from Old English; akin to Old High German drozza ~  Date: before 12th century  1.  a.  (1) the part of the neck in front of the spinal column  (2) the passage through the neck to the stomach and lungs  b.  (1) voice  (2) the seat of the voice  2. something resembling the ~ especially in being an entrance, a passageway, a construction, or a narrowed part: as  a. the orifice of a tubular organ especially of a plant  b. the opening in the vamp of a shoe at the instep  c. the part of a tennis racket that connects the head with the shaft  3. the curved part of an anchor's arm where it joins the shank — see anchor illustration  II. transitive verb  Date: circa 1611  1. to utter in the ~ ; mutter  2. to sing or enunciate in a ~y voice ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (throats) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Your throat is the back of your mouth and the top part of the tubes that go down into your stomach and your lungs. She had a sore throat... As she stared at him she felt her throat go dry. N-COUNT: oft poss N 2. Your throat is the front part of your neck. His striped tie was loosened at his throat. N-COUNT: oft poss N 3. If you clear your throat, you cough once in order to make it easier to speak or to attract people’s attention. Cross cleared his throat and spoke in low, polite tones. PHRASE: V inflects 4. If you ram something down someone’s throat or force it down their throat, you keep mentioning a situation or idea in order to make them accept it or believe it. I’ve always been close to my dad but he’s never rammed his career down my throat... PHRASE: V inflects 5. If two people or groups are at each other’s throats, they are quarrelling or fighting violently with each other. The idea that Billy and I are at each other’s throats couldn’t be further from the truth. PHRASE: v-link PHR, PHR after v 6. If something sticks in your throat, you find it unacceptable. What sticks in my throat is that I wasn’t able to win the trophy... PHRASE: V inflects 7. a lump in your throat: see lump ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ n 1 the passage from the back of your mouth to the top of the tubes that go down to your lungs and stomach 2 the front of your neck  (She fingered the pearls at her throat.) 3 clear your throat to make a noise in your throat, especially before you speak, or in order to get someone's attention 4 force/ram sth down sb's throat informal to force someone to accept or listen to your ideas and opinions 5 be at each other's throats if two people are at each other's throats, they are fighting or arguing 6 cut your own throat to behave in a way that is certain to harm you, especially because you are proud or angry  (- see also bring a lump to sb's throat lump1 (4), have a frog in your throat frog (2), jump down sb's throat jump1 (9), stick in your throat stick1 (12)) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. юrote (implied in юrotbolla "the Adam's apple, larynx," lit. "throat boll"), related to юrutian "to swell," from P.Gmc. *thrut-. The notion is of "the swollen part." College slang for "competitive student" is 1970s, from cutthroat. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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