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Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению - mate


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  сущ. 1) товарищ (по работе) 2) напарник 3) помощник капитана (торгового судна) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) самец; самка; партнёр по половому процессу 2) партнёр 3) спаривать(ся); скрещивать(ся) 4) парагвайский чай (Ilex paraguayensis) ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. товарищ (по работе); напарник; напарница 2. простореч. товарищ, приятель; кореш I say, mate! —- послушай, приятель (друг)! 3. самец или самка из (одной) пары (особ. у птиц) 4. супруг; супруга she has been a faithful mate to him —- она была ему верной подругой 5. мор. помощник капитана (на торговом судне) chief mate —- старший помощник капитана 6. мор. ам. старшина 7. мор. помощник cook's mate —- помощник кока gunner's mate —- ам. старшина-артиллерист surgeon's mate —- помощник корабельного врача; фельдшер 8. уст. ровня; пара 9. парная вещь I've lost the mate of this glove —- я потерял вторую перчатку 10. тех. парная деталь, сопряженная часть 11. (-mate) как компонент сложного слова со значением: сотоварищ schoolmate, classmate —- соученик roommate —- товарищ по комнате teammate —- товарищ по команде 12. сочетать браком 13. сочетаться браком 14. (особ. о птицах) спаривать they mateed a horse with a donkey —- они скрестили лошадь с ослом 15. спариваться birds mate in spring —- птицы спариваются весной 16. общаться 17. равнять, приравнивать 18. тех. соединять; сопрягать 19. тех. зацепляться (о зубчатых колесах) 20. сокр. от шах и мат fool's mate —- мат в начале игры smothered mate —- спертый мат 21. исп. мате, парагвайский чай 22. бот. мате (Ilex paraguayensis) 23. высушенные и истолченные...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  I chess  1. noun мат; - fools mate  2. v. сделать мат  3. interj. мат! II  1. noun  1) товарищ  2) супруг(а)  3) самец; самка  4) naut. напарник, помощник; the cooks mate - помощник кока - surgeons mate  5) naut. помощник капитана (в торговом флоте)  6) tech. сопряженная деталь  2. v.  1) сочетать(ся) браком  2) спаривать(ся) (о птицах)  3) сопоставлять, сравнивать  4) общаться (with)  5) tech. сопрягать  6) зацепляться (о зубчатых колесах) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) мате 2) матэ 3) парная деталь 4) сопрягать mate connector halves — стыковать разъем vertex-edge incidence mate — вершинно-реберное инцидентное паросочетание - captain's mate - first mate - mate parts - mate stages - orthogonal mate - second mate ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. n. & v. --n. 1 a friend or fellow worker. 2 colloq. a general form of address, esp. to another man. 3 a each of a pair, esp. of birds. b colloq. a partner in marriage. c (in comb.) a fellow member or joint occupant of (team-mate; room-mate). 4 Naut. an officer on a merchant ship subordinate to the master. 5 an assistant to a skilled worker (plumber's mate). --v. (often foll. by with) 1 a tr. bring (animals or birds) together for breeding. b intr. (of animals or birds) come together for breeding. 2 a tr. join (persons) in marriage. b intr. (of persons) be joined in marriage. 3 intr. Mech. fit well. Derivatives mateless adj. Etymology: ME f. MLG mate f. gemate messmate f. WG, rel. to MEAT 2. n. & v.tr. Chess = CHECKMATE. Phrases and idioms fool's mate a series of moves in which the first player is mated at the second player's second move. scholar's mate a series of moves in which the second player is mated at the first player's fourth move. Etymology: ME f. F mat(er): see CHECKMATE ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   or mate  noun  Etymology: French & American Spanish; French ~, from American Spanish mate ~, vessel for drinking it, from Quechua mati vessel  Date: 1758  1. a tealike beverage drunk especially in South America  2. a South American shrub or tree (Ilex paraguariensis) of the holly family whose leaves and shoots are used in making ~; also these leaves and shoots MATE  I. transitive verb  (~d; mating)  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~r, from mat, noun, check~, ulti~ly from Arabic mat (in shah mat)  Date: 14th century check~ 2  II. noun  Date: 14th century check~ 1  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, probably from Middle Low German mat; akin to Old English gemetta guest at one's table, mete food — more at meat  Date: 14th century  1.  a.  (1) associate, companion  (2) chiefly British an assistant to a more skilled worker ; helper  (3) chiefly British friend, buddy — often used as a familiar form of address  b. archaic match, peer  2. a deck officer on a merchant ship ranking below the captain  3. one of a pair: as  a. either member of a couple and especially a married couple  b. either member of a breeding pair of animals  c. either of two matched objects  IV. verb  (~d; mating)  Date: 1509  transitive verb  1. archaic equal, match  2. to join or fit together ; couple  3.  a. to join together as ~s  b. to provide a ~ for  intransitive verb  1. to become ~d gears that ~ well  2. copulate ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (mates, mating, mated) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. You can refer to someone’s friends as their mates, especially when you are talking about a man and his male friends. (BRIT INFORMAL) He’s off drinking with his mates... = pal N-COUNT: usu with poss 2. Some men use mate as a way of addressing other men when they are talking to them. (BRIT INFORMAL) Come on mate, things aren’t that bad. = pal N-VOC 3. Someone’s wife, husband, or sexual partner can be referred to as their mate. He has found his ideal mate. = partner N-COUNT: usu sing, oft poss N 4. An animal’s mate is its sexual partner. The males guard their mates zealously. N-COUNT: usu poss N 5. When animals mate, a male and a female have sex in order to produce young. This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen staying in the nest-box... They want the males to mate with wild females... It is easy to tell when a female is ready to mate. ...the mating season. V-RECIP: pl-n V, V with n, V (non-recip), V-ing 6. On a commercial ship, the mate or the first mate is the most important officer except for the captain. Officers of lower rank are also called mates. ...the mate of a fishing trawler. N-COUNT 7. In chess, mate is the same as checkmate. N-UNCOUNT 8. see also cellmate, classmate, flatmate, playmate, roommate, running mate, schoolmate, shipmate, soul mate ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 schoolmate/roommate/workmate etc someone you study with, live with etc  (My flatmate and I aren't getting on very well!)  (- see also running mate, soul mate) 2 »FRIEND« a) BrE informal a friend  (I'm going out with my mates tonight.) b) BrE and AustrE informal used by men as a friendly way to address a man  (What's the time, mate?) 3 »ANIMAL« the sexual partner of an animal 4 »HUSBAND/WIFE« especially AmE a word meaning your husband or wife, used especially in magazines  (Does your mate snore?) 5 »PAIR OF OBJECTS« especially AmE one of a pair of objects  (I can't find the mate to my glove.) 6 »SAILOR« a ship's officer who is one rank below the captain 7 »NAVY OFFICER« a US Navy petty officer 8 builder's mate/plumber's mate etc BrE someone who works with and helps a skilled worker; assistant 9 »GAME« checkmate in the game of chess ~2 v 1 I + with if animals mate, they have sex to produce babies 2 to put animals together so that they will have sex and produce babies 3 to achieve the checkmate of your opponent in chess ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Mature Age Transition Evaluation mil. abbr. Message Activate Tactics And Experience univ. abbr. Marine Advanced Technical Education softw. abbr. Mike Aronson's Text Editor softw. abbr. M Advanced Tool Environment softw. abbr. Mike Aronsons Text Editor gen. comp. abbr. Multilevel Annotation Tools Engineering educ. abbr. Mountain Alliance For Transfer Education educ. abbr. Multimedia Assisted Test Of English ...
English abbreviation dictionary
  - c.1350, from M.L.G. mate, gemate "one eating at the same table, messmate," from P.Gmc. *ga-maton "having food (*matiz) together (*ga-)." Used as a form of address by sailors, laborers, etc., since at least 1450. The verb in chess (M.E.) is short for checkmate (see matte). The verb in a sexual sense is from 1601. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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