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Англо-русский Русско-английский словарь по машиностроению - freeze


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Перевод с английского языка freeze на русский

1) закрепление; фиксация; закреплять; фиксировать 2) архивировать, помещать в архив
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См. в других словарях

  1. сущ. замораживание - wage freeze 2. гл. 1) морозить 2) замораживать (заработную плату) 3) блокировать - freeze wages ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. замораживание 2. холод, мороз 3. замораживание, удержание на одном уровне temporary freeze of prices —- временное замораживание цен Id: to put the freeze on smb. —- недоброжелательно или свысока отнестись к кому-л 4. замерзать, превращаться в лед; покрываться льдом the pond has frozen over —- пруд замерз the lake has frozen hard —- озеро сковано льдом the water-pipe froze —- водопроводная труба замерзла 5. замораживать; сковывать (морозом) to freeze meat to preserve it —- замораживать мясо, чтобы оно не испортилось the intense cold froze the water-pipes —- от сильного мороза водопроводные трубы замерзли the road is frozen hard —- дорогу сковало морозом 6. сковывать fear froze every heart —- страх сковал все сердца 7. морозить; побить морозом the cold froze the orange trees —- морозом побило апельсиновые деревья 8. морозить (о погоде) it's freezing hard —- сильно морозит it's freezing slightly —- слегка подмораживает 9. примерзать; смерзаться the bird's feathers froze together —- перья у птицы смерзлись his hands froze to the oars —- его руки примерзли к веслам 10. мерзнуть, застывать I am freezing —- я замерзаю 11. стынуть, застывать it made my blood freeze —- у меня кровь застыла в жилах his face froze with terror —- его лицо застыло от ужаса 12. застывать; твердеть, затвердевать the alloy freezes quickly —- сплав быстро затвердевает 13....
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.; past froze; past part. frozen  1) замерзать, покрываться льдом (часто freeze over); мерзнуть  2) замораживать  3) (в безл. оборотах) it freezes - морозит  4) застывать, затвердевать; fig. стынуть it made my blood freeze - у меня от этого кровь застыла в жилах  5) coll. замораживать (фонды и т.п.) to freeze wages (prices) - замораживать заработную плату (цены) to freeze credits - заморозить или заблокировать кредиты  6) запрещать использование, производство или продажу сырья или готовой продукции  7) amer. окончательно принять, стандартизировать (конструкцию, чертежи и т.п.) - freeze in - freeze off - freeze on - freeze out - freeze up FREEZE frame noun tv стоп-кадр FREEZE in вмерзать to be frozen in быть затертым льдами; вмерзнуть FREEZE off отказать(ся) The girls froze him off when he wanted to join the party. We froze off their offer of help. FREEZE on coll.  а) крепко ухватиться, вцепиться (to)  б) привязаться к кому-л. FREEZE out coll. отделаться (от соперника) Many big firms freeze out the competition by unfair means. Members who are no longer welcome can easily be frozen out. FREEZE up usu. pass.  а) застыть, закоченеть The windows are frozen up and I cant open them.  б) замкнуться, принять холодный, неприступный вид ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) вызябать 2) вызябнуть 3) вымораживать 4) выморозить 5) зазнобить 6) зазябнуть 7) замерзать 8) замерзнуть 9) замораживать 10) заморозить 11) захолодить 12) намораживать 13) наморозить 14) смерзать 15) смерзнуть - freeze box - freeze frame - freeze meat ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  замораживание; замерзание повышение несущей способности некоторых свай через некоторое время после окончания забивки to freeze over ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) заморозки замерзать; замораживать 2) замораживание; замерзание замораживать; замерзать 3) рбт "зафиксировать положение" (команда в языке программирования роботов) to freeze in — вмораживать; вмерзать; to freeze out — 1. вымораживать 2. отбрасывать (отсчёты); сокращать избыточность - auto freeze - field freeze - frame freeze - picture freeze - quad freeze - strobing freeze - year-round deep freeze ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  v. & n. --v. (past froze; past part. frozen) 1 tr. & intr. a turn or be turned into ice or another solid by cold. b (often foll. by over, up) make or become rigid or solid as a result of the cold. 2 intr. be or feel very cold. 3 tr. & intr. cover or become covered with ice. 4 intr. (foll. by to, together) adhere or be fastened by frost (the curtains froze to the window). 5 tr. preserve (food) by refrigeration below freezing-point. 6 tr. & intr. a make or become motionless or powerless through fear, surprise, etc. b react or cause to react with sudden aloofness or detachment. 7 tr. stiffen or harden, injure or kill, by chilling (frozen to death). 8 tr. make (credits, assets, etc.) temporarily or permanently unrealizable. 9 tr. fix or stabilize (prices, wages, etc.) at a certain level. 10 tr. arrest (an action) at a certain stage of development. 11 tr. arrest (a movement in a film) by repeating a frame or stopping the film at a frame. --n. 1 a state of frost; a period or the coming of frost or very cold weather. 2 the fixing or stabilization of prices, wages, etc. 3 a film-shot in which movement is arrested by the repetition of a frame. Phrases and idioms freeze-dry (-dries, -dried) freeze and dry by the sublimation of ice in a high vacuum. freeze-frame = sense 3 of n. freeze on to colloq. take or keep tight hold of. freeze out US colloq. exclude from business, society, etc. by competition or boycott etc. freeze up obstruct or be obstructed by the formation of ice. freeze-up n. a period or conditions of extreme cold. freezing-mixture salt and snow or some other mixture used to freeze liquids. freezing-point the temperature at which a liquid, esp. water, freezes. freezing works Austral. & NZ a place where animals are slaughtered and carcasses frozen for export. frozen mitt colloq. a cool reception. Derivatives freezable adj. frozenly adv. Etymology: OE freosan f. Gmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  (froze; frozen; freezing)  Etymology: Middle English fresen, from Old English freosan; akin to Old High German friosan to ~, Latin pruina hoarfrost, Old English frost frost  Date: before 12th century  intransitive verb  1.  a. to become congealed into ice by cold  b. to solidify as a result of abstraction of heat  c. to withstand freezing the bread ~s well  2. to become chilled with cold almost froze to death  3. to adhere solidly by or as if by freezing pressure caused the metals to ~  4. to become fixed or motionless; especially to become incapable of acting or speaking  5. to become clogged with ice the water pipes froze  transitive verb  1.  a. to harden into ice  b. to convert from a liquid to a solid by cold  2. to make extremely cold ; chill  3.  a. to act on usually destructively by frost  b. to anesthetize by cold  4. to cause to grip tightly or remain in immovable contact  5.  a. to cause to become fixed, immovable, unavailable, or unalterable ~ interest rates  b. to immobilize by governmental regulation the expenditure, withdrawal, or exchange of ~ foreign assets  c. to render motionless a fake froze the defender  6. to attempt to retain continuous possession of (a ball or puck) without an attempt to score usually in order to protect a small lead  • freezingly adverb  II. noun  Date: 15th century  1.  a. an act or instance of freezing  b. the state of being frozen  2. a state of weather marked by low temperature especially when below the freezing point  3. a halt in the production, testing, and deployment of military weapons a nuclear ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (freezes, freezing, froze, frozen) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If a liquid or a substance containing a liquid freezes, or if something freezes it, it becomes solid because of low temperatures. If the temperature drops below 0°C, water freezes... The ground froze solid. ...the discovery of how to freeze water at higher temperatures. ...frozen puddles. VERB: V, V adj, V n, V-ed, also V n adj 2. If you freeze something such as food, you preserve it by storing it at a temperature below freezing point. You can also talk about how well food freezes. You can freeze the soup at this stage... Most fresh herbs will freeze successfully. VERB: V n, V adv 3. When it freezes outside, the temperature falls below freezing point. What if it rained and then froze all through those months? VERB: it V • Freeze is also a noun. The trees were damaged by a freeze in December. N-COUNT 4. If you freeze, you feel extremely cold. The windows didn’t fit at the bottom so for a while we froze even in the middle of summer... VERB: V 5. If someone who is moving freezes, they suddenly stop and become completely still and quiet. (WRITTEN) She froze when the beam of the flashlight struck her. VERB: V 6. If the government or a company freeze things such as prices or wages, they state officially that they will not allow them to increase for a fixed period of time. (BUSINESS) They want the government to freeze prices... VERB: V n • Freeze is also a noun. A wage freeze was imposed on all staff earlier this month. N-COUNT: with supp 7. If a government freezes a plan or process, they state officially that they will not allow it to continue for a period of time. Britain has already frozen its aid programme... Diplomatic relations were frozen until August this year. VERB: V n, V n • Freeze is also a noun. ...a freeze in nuclear weapons programs. N-COUNT: with supp 8. If someone in authority freezes something such as a bank account, fund,...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 v past tense froze past participle frozen 1 »LIQUID« if a liquid freezes, or something freezes it, it becomes hard and solid because the temperature is very cold  (The water at the edge of the lake froze last night. | freeze sth)  (The cold weather can even freeze petrol in car engines.)  (- compare melt (1), thaw1 (1)) 2 »EARTH« if something such as earth that contains liquid freezes, or something freezes it, it becomes hard because of cold temperatures  (The ground was frozen under the thin snow.) 3 »MACHINE/ENGINE« also freeze up if a machine, engine, pipe etc freezes, or something freezes it, the liquid inside it becomes solid with cold, so that it does not work properly  (The water pipes have frozen up.) 4 »FOOD« to make food extremely cold so that you can preserve it for a long time, or to be able to be preserved in this way  (I'm going to freeze some of these beans. | Tomatoes don't freeze well.) 5 it's freezing spoken used to say that the temperature is extremely cold  (It's freezing in here - can't we shut a few windows?)  (- see cold1) 6 »FEEL COLD« spoken if someone freezes, they feel very cold  (You'll freeze if you don't put a coat on. | freeze to death spoken (=feel extremely cold))  (Come inside, you must be freezing to death.) 7 »WAGES/PRICES« if a government or company freezes wages, prices etc, they do not increase them, and keep them at a particular level  (Student grants were frozen at 1989 levels.) 8 »MONEY/PROPERTY« to legally prevent money in a bank from being spent, property from being sold etc  (The court froze their assets.) 9 »STOP MOVING« to stop moving suddenly and stay completely still and quiet  (I froze and listened; someone was in my apartment. | "Freeze! Drop your weapons!" shouted Officer Greer.) 10 freeze to death to become so cold that you die freeze sb out phr v to deliberately prevent someone from being involved in something, by making it difficult for them, being unkind to them etc  (You've got to stop freezing me out of the decision-making.) freeze over...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - O.E. freosan "turn to ice" (class II strong verb; past tense freas, pp. froren), from P.Gmc. *freusanan, from PIE base *preus-. Transitive sense first recorded 14c., figurative sense c.1400. Meaning "fix at a certain level, make non-transactable" is 1922. The M.E. pp. frore turns up occasionally in poetry. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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