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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - weigh


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  1. взвешивать 2. взвешиваться (также to weigh oneself) 3. весить it weighs five tons —- это весит пять тонн how much do you weigh? —- какой у вас вес? 4. (часто with, against) иметь вес, значение; влиять his word weighs heavily with me —- я придаю большое значение его мнению it weighs heavily against him —- это отнюдь не говорит в его пользу 5. (также weigh up) тщательно рассматривать, взвешивать, оценивать to weigh one's words —- взвешивать свои слова to weigh the consequences —- взвесить последствия to weigh a proposal —- дать оценку предложению 6. (также weigh up) составлять мнение (о ком-л.) 7. сравнивать; соизмерять to weigh an argument with (against) another —- сопоставить одно соображение с другим 8. редк. поднимать со дна моря (судно, орудие; также weigh up) to weigh ship —- поднимать затонувшее судно 9. мор. сниматься с якоря; поднимать (якорь) 10. (upon, down) довлеть, тяготеть, угнетать the matter weighed upon his conscience —- это дело лежало бременем на его совести these troubles weigh upon (on) his mind —- он был подавлен этими неприятностями 11. отягощать, пригибать, оттягивать the fruit weighed the branches down —- ветви гнулись под тяжестью плодов ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) взвешивать(ся)  2) взвешивать, обдумывать, оценивать; to weigh the advantages and disadvantages - взвесить все за и против; to weigh ones words - взвешивать свои слова, тщательно подбирать слова  3) сравнивать (with, against)  4) весить; how much do you weigh? - сколько вы весите?  5) иметь вес, значение, влиять - weigh down - weigh in - weigh on - weigh out - weigh up - weigh upon - weigh with Syn: see study WEIGH anchor сниматься с якоря; fig. возобновлять прерванную работу WEIGH down  а) отягощать; перевешивать;  б) угнетать, тяготить WEIGH on тяготить WEIGH out  а) отвешивать, развешивать;  б) sport взвешиваться после соревнования (о спортсмене) WEIGH up  а) уравновешивать;  б) взвесить и решить WEIGH upon = weigh on WEIGH with иметь значение; влиять на (решение и т.п.) WEIGH in  а) sport взвешиваться до соревнования (о спортсмене);  б) to weigh in with выдвинуть (убедительные доводы, факты и т.п.); to weigh in with an argument привести решающий довод ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1) взвешивание взвешивать 2) весить 3) поднимать якорь; сниматься с якоря ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1. v. 1 tr. find the weight of. 2 tr. balance in the hands to guess or as if to guess the weight of. 3 tr. (often foll. by out) a take a definite weight of; take a specified weight from a larger quantity. b distribute in exact amounts by weight. 4 tr. a estimate the relative value, importance, or desirability of; consider with a view to choice, rejection, or preference (weighed the consequences; weighed the merits of the candidates). b (foll. by with, against) compare (one consideration with another). 5 tr. be equal to (a specified weight) (weighs three kilos; weighs very little). 6 intr. a have (esp. a specified) importance; exert an influence. b (foll. by with) be regarded as important by (the point that weighs with me). 7 intr. (often foll. by on) be heavy or burdensome (to); be depressing (to). Phrases and idioms weigh anchor see ANCHOR. weigh down 1 bring or keep down by exerting weight. 2 be oppressive or burdensome to (weighed down with worries). weigh in (of a boxer before a contest, or a jockey after a race) be weighed. weigh-in n. the weighing of a boxer before a fight. weighing-machine a machine for weighing persons or large weights. weigh into colloq. attack (physically or verbally). weigh in with colloq. advance (an argument etc.) assertively or boldly. weigh out (of a jockey) be weighed before a race. weigh up colloq. form an estimate of; consider carefully. weigh one's words carefully choose the way one expresses something. Derivatives weighable adj. weigher n. Etymology: OE wegan f. Gmc, rel. to WAY 2. n. Phrases and idioms under weigh disp. = under way. Etymology: 18th c.: from an erron. assoc. with weigh anchor ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English weyen, from Old English wegan to move, carry, ~ — more at way  Date: before 12th century  transitive verb  1. to ascertain the heaviness of by or as if by a balance  2.  a. out~  b. counterbalance  c. to make heavy ; ~t — often used with down  3. to consider carefully especially by balancing opposing factors or aspects in order to reach a choice or conclusion ; evaluate ~ing her options  4. to heave up (an anchor) preparatory to sailing  5. to measure or apportion (a definite quantity) on or as if on a scales  intransitive verb  1.  a. to have a certain heaviness ; experience a specific force due to gravity  b. to register a ~t (as on a scales) — used with in or out; compare ~ in  2. to merit consideration as important ; count evidence will ~ heavily against him  3.  a. to press down with or as if with a heavy ~t  b. to have a saddening or disheartening effect guilt ~ed on my mind  4. to ~ anchor  Synonyms: see consider  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  II. noun  Etymology: alteration of way  Date: 1777 way — used in the phrase under ~ ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (weighs, weighing, weighed) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If someone or something weighs a particular amount, this amount is how heavy they are. It weighs nearly 27 kilos (about 65 pounds)... VERB: no cont, V amount 2. If you weigh something or someone, you measure how heavy they are. The scales can be used to weigh other items such as parcels. VERB: V n 3. If you weigh the facts about a situation, you consider them very carefully before you make a decision, especially by comparing the various facts involved. He is weighing the possibility of filing criminal charges against the doctor... She spoke very slowly, weighing what she would say. = consider VERB: V n, V wh • Weigh up means the same as weigh. (mainly BRIT) The company will be able to weigh up the environmental pros and cons of each site... You have to weigh up whether a human life is more important than an animal’s life. PHRASAL VERB: V P n (not pron), V P wh, also V n P ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  - O.E. wegan "find the weight of, have weight, lift, carry," from P.Gmc. *weganan, from PIE *wegh-. Related to way; the original sense was of motion, which led to that of lifting, then to that of "measure the weight of." The older sense of "lift, carry" survives in the nautical phrase weigh anchor. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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