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Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь - transcribe


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  1. книж. переписывать to transcribe an ancient manuscript —- переписывать древний манускрипт 2. запечатлевать, воспроизводить his speech was transcribed in the newspapers word for word —- его речь была дословно воспроизведена в газетах 3. перефразировать; истолковывать; резюмировать his surmise was transcribed by others as a positive statement —- его догадка трансформировалась в сознание других людей в утверждение; то, что он высказал догадку, было воспринято (истолковано) другими как утверждение 4. записывать, фиксировать to transcribe what one sees —- точно фиксировать все, что видишь 5. редк. переводить 6. расшифровывать (стенографическую запись и т. п.) to transcribe Darwin's notebook —- расшифровать записные книжки Дарвина 7. транслитерировать, переписывать другим алфавитом to transcribe from the Glagolitic characters into the Cirillic —- переписывать глаголицу кириллицей 8. спец. перезаписывать, делать перезапись (с одного устройства на другое) 9. муз. аранжировать 10. рад. записывать на пленку (для передачи); передавать по радио грамзапись 11. биол. считывать генетический код ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) переписывать  2) расшифровывать стенографическую запись  2) записывать на пленку (для передачи); передавать по radio грамзапись  4) phon. транскрибировать  5) mus. аранжировать ...
Англо-русский словарь
  v.tr. 1 make a copy of, esp. in writing. 2 transliterate. 3 write out (shorthand, notes, etc.) in ordinary characters or continuous prose. 4 a record for subsequent reproduction. b broadcast in this form. 5 arrange (music) for a different instrument etc. Derivatives transcriber n. transcription n. transcriptional adj. transcriptive adj. Etymology: L transcribere transcript- (as TRANS-, scribere write) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   transitive verb  (~d; transcribing)  Etymology: Latin ~re, from trans- + scribere to write — more at scribe  Date: 1552  1.  a. to make a written copy of  b. to make a copy of (dictated or recorded matter) in longhand or on a machine (as a typewriter)  c. to paraphrase or summarize in writing  d. write down, record  2.  a. to represent (speech sounds) by means of phonetic symbols  b. translate 2a  c. to transfer (data) from one recording form to another  d. to record (as on magnetic tape) for later broadcast  3. to make a musical transcription of  4. to cause (as DNA) to undergo genetic transcription  • ~r noun ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (transcribes, transcribing, transcribed) 1. If you transcribe a speech or text, you write it out in a different form from the one in which it exists, for example by writing it out in full from notes or from a tape recording. She is transcribing, from his dictation, the diaries of Simon Forman... VERB: V n 2. If you transcribe a piece of music for an instrument which is not the one for which it was originally written, you rewrite it so that it can be played on that instrument. He gave up trying to write for the guitar and decided to transcribe the work for piano. VERB: V n for n, also V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v formal 1 to write an exact copy of something  (transcribing an ancient manuscript) 2 to write down something exactly as it was said  (A secretary transcribed the witnesses' statements.) 3 technical to represent speech sounds with special phonetic letters 4 + into) formal to change a piece of writing into the alphabet of another language 5 to arrange a piece of music for a different instrument or voice  (transcribe sth for sth)  (a piece transcribed for piano) 6 to copy recorded music, speech etc from one system to another, for example from tape1 (1) to CD ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - 1552, from L. transcribere "to copy, write again in another place, write over, transfer," from trans- "over" + scribere "write." To do it poorly is to transcribble (1750). Transcript "written copy" is attested from 1467. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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